
r509-ca-http is an HTTP server that runs a certificate authority, for signing SSL certificates. It supports issuance and revocation, and is intended to be part of a complete certificate authority for use in production environments.
You need r509 and sinatra. For development/tests you need rack-test and rspec.
GET /1/crl/:ca/get
Deprecated; will be removed in a future version. Use generate instead.
GET /1/crl/:ca/generate
Generate and get a new CRL for the given :ca
POST /1/certificate/issue
Issue a certificate.
Required POST parameters:
- ca
- profile
- validityPeriod (in days)
- csr (or spki)
- subject
The subject is provided like so:
Optional POST parameters:
- extensions[subjectAlternativeName]
- message_digest
SAN names are provided like so:
The issue method will return the PEM text of the issued certificate.
Please note that all fields subject/extension request fields encoded in a CSR are ignored in favor of the POST parameters.
POST /1/certificate/revoke
Revoke a certificate.
Required POST parameters:
- ca
- serial
Optional POST parameters:
- reason (must be an integer or nil. nil by default)
The revoke method returns the newly generated CRL, after revocation.
POST /1/certificate/unrevoke
Unrevoke a certificate. (IE, remove it from the CRL and return its OCSP status to valid.)
Required POST parameters:
- ca
- serial
The unrevoke method returns the newly generated CRL, after the certificate was removed from it.
Helper pages
These pages are present on the server, for you to work with the CA with a basic web interface. You should not expose these endpoints to anyone.
certificate_authorities (config.yaml)
You use the config.yaml
file to specify information about your certificate authority. You can operate multiple certificate authorities, each of which can have multiple profiles, with one instance of r509-ca-http.
Information about how to construct the YAML can be found at the official r509 documentation.
Middleware (config.ru)
Running r509-ca-http will let you issue and revoke certificates. But that's not everything you need to do, if you're going to run a CA. You're going to need information about validity, and you may want to save a record of issued certificates to the filesystem.
For that, we've created a few pieces of Rack middleware for your use.
After installing one or both of them, you'll have to edit your config.ru`` and/or
config.yaml``` files.
You can file bugs on GitHub or join the #r509 channel on irc.freenode.net to ask questions.
Rake tasks
There are a few things you can do with Rake.
rake spec
Run all the tests.
rake gem:build
Build a gem file.
rake gem:install
Install the gem you just built.
rake gem:uninstall
Uninstall r509-ca-http.
rake yard
Generate documentation.