source '' # Declare any dependencies that are still in development here instead of in # your gemspec. These might include edge Rails or gems from your path or # Git. Remember to move these dependencies to your gemspec before releasing # your gem to # Declare your gem's dependencies in importable_attachments.gemspec. # Bundler will treat runtime dependencies like base dependencies, and # development dependencies will be added by default to the :development group. gemspec gem 'rubygems-bundler' # jquery-rails is used by the dummy application gem 'jquery-rails' # needed by the models (to test against the dummy app) gem 'configuration' gem 'smarter_dates' gem 'rails-mark_requirements' gem 'rails-alpha_numeric_validator' gem 'ruby-filemagic' # needed by the controllers (to test against the dummy app) gem 'haml-rails' gem 'formtastic' group :development, :test do gem 'debugger' # needed by the models simply to run rspec gem 'valid_attribute' gem 'machinist' gem 'rspec-paper_trail' gem 'cucumber-rails', require: false gem 'capybara', '< 2.0.0' gem 'poltergeist', '< 1.1.0', require: 'capybara/poltergeist' end