# frozen_string_literal: true
module Theme
  module Messages
    MESSAGES = {
      theme: {
        help: <<~HELP,
          Suite of commands for developing Shopify themes. See {{command:%1$s theme <command> --help}} for usage of each command.
            Usage: {{command:%1$s theme [ %2$s ]}}

        init: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%s theme init}}: Clones a Git repository to use as a starting point for building a new theme.

              Usage: {{command:%s theme init [ NAME ]}}

                {{command:-u, --clone-url=URL}} The Git URL to clone from. Defaults to Shopify's example theme, Dawn: https://github.com/Shopify/dawn.git
          ask_name: "Theme name",
        publish: {
          confirmation: "This will change your live theme. Do you want to continue?",
          deploying: "Deploying theme",
          error: "Theme couldn't be deployed",
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%s theme publish}}: Set a remote theme as the live theme.
              Usage: {{command:%s theme publish [ THEME_ID ]}}

                {{command:-f, --force}}         Skip confirmation.

              Run without arguments to select theme from a list.
          done: "Your theme is now live at %s",
          not_found: "Theme #%s does not exist",
          select: "Select theme to push to",
          confirm: "Are you sure you want to make %s the new live theme on %s?",
        forms: {
          ask_password: "Password:",
          ask_store: "Store domain:",
          errors: "%s can't be blank",
        push: {
          remove_abort: "Theme files weren't deleted",
            "This will delete the local and remote copies of the theme files, which " \
            "can't be undone. Do you want to continue?",
          error: {
            push_error: "Theme files couldn't be pushed to Shopify",
            remove_error: "Theme files couldn't be removed from Shopify",
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%s theme push}}: Uploads your local theme files to the connected store, overwriting the remote version if specified.

              Usage: {{command:%s theme push [ ROOT ]}}

                {{command:-i, --themeid=THEMEID}} Theme ID. Must be an existing theme on your store.
                {{command:-d, --development}}     Push to your remote development theme, and create it if needed.
                {{command:-u, --unpublished}}     Create a new unpublished theme and push to it.
                {{command:-n, --nodelete}}        Runs the push command without deleting remote files from Shopify.
                {{command:-j, --json}}            Output JSON instead of a UI.
                {{command:-a, --allow-live}}      Allow push to a live theme.
                {{command:-p, --publish}}         Publish as the live theme after uploading.

              Run without options to select theme from a list.
          info: {
            pushing: "Pushing theme files to %s (#%s) on %s",
          push: "Pushing theme files to Shopify",
          select: "Select theme to push to",
          live: "Are you sure you want to push to your live theme?",
          theme_not_found: "Theme #%s doesn't exist",
          done: <<~DONE,
            {{green:Your theme was pushed successfully}}

              {{info:View your theme:}}

              {{info:Customize this theme in the Online Store Editor:}}
          name: "Theme name",
        serve: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            Uploads the current theme as a development theme to the connected store, then prints theme editor and preview URLs to your terminal. While running, changes will push to the store in real time.

            Usage: {{command:%s theme serve}}

              {{command:--port=PORT}} Local port to serve theme preview from
              {{command:--poll}}      Force polling to detect file changes
              {{command:--bind=HOST}} Set which network interface the web server listens on
          serve: "Viewing themeā€¦",
          open_fail: "Couldn't open the theme",
        check: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            Check your theme for errors, suggestions, and best practices.
            Usage: {{command:%s check}}
        delete: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%s theme delete}}: Delete remote themes from the connected store. This command can't be undone.

            Usage: {{command:%s theme delete [ THEME_ID [ ... ] ]}}

              {{command:-d, --development}}     Delete your development theme.
              {{command:-a, --show-all}}        Include others development themes in theme list.
              {{command:-f, --force}}           Skip confirmation.

            Run without options to select the theme to delete from a list.
          select: "Select theme to delete",
          done: "%s theme(s) deleted",
          not_found: "{{x}} Theme #%s does not exist",
          live: "{{x}} Theme #%s is your live theme. You can't delete it.",
          confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete %s on %s?",
        package: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%s theme package}}: Package your theme into a .zip file, ready to upload to the Online Store.

            Usage: {{command:%s theme package [ ROOT ]}}
          error: {
            prereq_command_required: "%1$s is required for packaging a theme. Please install %1$s "\
              "using the appropriate package manager for your system.",
            missing_config: "Provide a config/settings_schema.json to package your theme",
            missing_theme_name: "Provide a theme_info.theme_name configuration in config/settings_schema.json",
          done: "Theme packaged in %s",
        language_server: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%1$s theme language-server}}: Start a Language Server Protocol server.

            Usage: {{command:%1$s theme language-server}}
        pull: {
          help: <<~HELP,
            {{command:%s theme pull}}: Downloads your remote theme files locally.

            Usage: {{command:%s theme pull [ ROOT ]}}

              {{command:-i, --themeid=THEMEID}} The Theme ID. Must be an existing theme on your store.
              {{command:-n, --nodelete}}        Runs the pull command without deleting local files.

            Run without options to select theme from a list.
          select: "Select a theme to pull from",
          pulling: "Pulling theme files from %s (#%s) on %s",
          done: "Theme pulled successfully",
          not_found: "{{x}} Theme #%s doesn't exist",