# *ProductGroups* are used for creating and managing sets of products. # Product group can be either anonymous(adhoc) or named. # # Anonymous Product groups are created by combining product scopes generated from url # in 2 formats: # # /t/*taxons/s/name_of_scope/comma_separated_arguments/name_of_scope_that_doesn_take_any//order # */s/name_of_scope/comma_separated_arguments/name_of_scope_that_doesn_take_any//order # # Named product groups can be created from anonymous ones, lub from another named scope # (using ProductGroup.from_url method). # Named product groups have pernament urls, that don't change even after changes # to scopes are made, and come in two types. # # /t/*taxons/pg/named_product_group # */pg/named_product_group # # first one is used for combining named scope with taxons, named product group can # have #in_taxon or #taxons_name_eq scope defined, result should combine both # and return products that exist in both taxons. # # ProductGroup#dynamic_products returns chain of named scopes generated from order and # product scopes. So you can do counting, calculations etc, on resulted set of products, # without retriving all records. # # ProductGroup operates on named scopes defined for product in Scopes::Product, # or generated automatically by meta_search # class ProductGroup < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, :presence => true # TODO ensure that this field is defined as not_null validates_associated :product_scopes before_save :set_permalink after_save :update_memberships has_and_belongs_to_many :cached_products, :class_name => "Product" # name has_many :product_scopes accepts_nested_attributes_for :product_scopes # Testing utility: creates new *ProductGroup* from search permalink url. # Follows conventions for accessing PGs from URLs, as decoded in routes def self.from_url(url) pg = nil; case url when /\/t\/(.+?)\/s\/(.+)/ then taxons = $1; attrs = $2; when /\/t\/(.+?)\/pg\/(.+)/ then taxons = $1; pg_name = $2; when /(.*?)\/s\/(.+)/ then attrs = $2; when /(.*?)\/pg\/(.+)/ then pg_name = $2; else return(nil) end if pg_name && opg = ProductGroup.find_by_permalink(pg_name) pg = new.from_product_group(opg) elsif attrs attrs = url.split("/") pg = new.from_route(attrs) end taxon = taxons && taxons.split("/").last pg.add_scope("in_taxon", taxon) if taxon pg end def from_product_group(opg) self.product_scopes = opg.product_scopes.map{|ps| ps = ps.clone; ps.product_group_id = nil; ps.product_group = self; ps } self end def from_route(attrs) self.order_scope = attrs.pop if attrs.length % 2 == 1 attrs.each_slice(2) do |scope| next unless Product.respond_to?(scope.first) add_scope(scope.first, scope.last.split(",")) end self end def from_search(search_hash) search_hash.each_pair do |scope_name, scope_attribute| add_scope(scope_name, scope_attribute) end self end def add_scope(scope_name, arguments=[]) self.product_scopes << ProductScope.new({ :name => scope_name.to_s, :arguments => [*arguments] }) self end def apply_on(scopish, use_order = true) # There's bug in AR, it doesn't merge :order, instead it takes order # from first nested_scope so we have to apply ordering FIRST. # see #2253 on rails LH base_product_scope = scopish if use_order && !self.order_scope.blank? && Product.respond_to?(self.order_scope.intern) base_product_scope = base_product_scope.send(self.order_scope) end return self.product_scopes.reject {|s| s.is_ordering? }.inject(base_product_scope) do |result, scope| scope.apply_on(result) end end # returns chain of named scopes generated from order scope and product scopes. def dynamic_products(use_order = true) apply_on(Product.group_by_products_id, use_order) end # Does the final ordering if requested # TODO: move the order stuff out of the above - is superfluous now def products(use_order = true) cached_group = Product.in_cached_group(self) if cached_group.limit(1).blank? dynamic_products(use_order) elsif !use_order cached_group else product_scopes.select {|s| s.is_ordering? }.inject(cached_group) {|res,order| order.apply_on(res) } end end def include?(product) res = apply_on(Product.id_equals(product.id), false) res.count > 0 end def scopes_to_hash result = {} self.product_scopes.each do |scope| result[scope.name] = scope.arguments end result end # generates ProductGroup url def to_url if (new_record? || name.blank?) result = "" result+= self.product_scopes.map{|ps| [ps.name, ps.arguments.join(",")] }.flatten.join('/') result+= self.order_scope if self.order_scope result else name.to_url end end def set_permalink self.permalink = self.name.to_url end def update_memberships # wipe everything directly to avoid expensive in-rails sorting ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DELETE FROM product_groups_products WHERE product_group_id = #{self.id}" # and generate the new group entirely in SQL ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "INSERT INTO product_groups_products #{dynamic_products(false).scoped(:select => "products.id, #{self.id}").to_sql}" end def generate_preview(size = Spree::Config[:admin_pgroup_preview_size]) count = self.class.count_by_sql ["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM product_groups_products WHERE product_groups_products.product_group_id = ?", self] return count, products.limit(size) end def to_s "" end def order_scope if scope = product_scopes.detect {|s| s.is_ordering?} scope.name end end def order_scope=(scope_name) if scope = product_scopes.detect {|s| s.is_ordering?} scope.update_attribute(:name, scope_name) else self.product_scopes.build(:name => scope_name, :arguments => []) end end # Build a new product group with a scope to filter by specified products def self.new_from_products(products, attrs = {}) pg = new(attrs) pg.product_scopes.build(:name => 'with_ids', :arguments => [products.map(&:id).join(',')]) pg end end