# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization # and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other # than English, add the necessary files in this directory. # # To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: # # I18n.t 'hello' # # In views, this is aliased to just `t`: # # <%= t('hello') %> # # To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: # # I18n.locale = :es # # This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. # # To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide # available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. en: time: formats: default: "%d %b %Y %H:%M" peoplefinder: sessions: login_page: heading: Log in to the people finder heading_google: Google email accounts body_google: If you have a government Google account you can log in quickly with the official authentication screen. heading_other: Other email addresses body_other: Enter a valid Ministry of Justice email address below log_in_google: Log in with Google log_in_email: Log in with email tokens: show: token_auth_disabled: "Sorry, that login link is invalid. Please login using your Google account." create: token_auth_disabled: "Sorry, the alternate login method is not availabe. Please login using your Google account." controllers: groups: group_created: "Created %{group}" group_updated: "Updated %{group}" group_deleted: "Deleted %{group}" create_error: "The record was not created. Please check the errors below" update_error: "The details were not updated. Please check the errors below" home: top_level_group_needed: "To use the People Finder, first create a top-level group (without a parent)" information_requests: default_message: "Hello %{recipient}\n\nI’ve just seen your profile on People Finder and think it’s missing some details.\n\nWhy not help me, colleagues and other co-workers view the latest information on you by completing your profile.\n\nThanks,\n%{sender}" message_sent: "Your message has been sent to %{person}" memberships: member_removed: "Removed %{person} from %{group}" people: profile_created: "Created %{person}’s profile" profile_updated: "Updated %{person}’s profile" profile_deleted: "Deleted %{person}’s profile" create_error: "The profile was not created. Please check the errors below" update_error: "The profile was not updated. Please check the errors below" person_image: no_image_uploaded: "No image has been uploaded for %{person}" image_cropped: "Cropped %{person}’s image" update_error: "There was an error updating the image" reported_profiles: message_sent: "Your message has been sent" people: day_names: works_monday: "Monday" works_tuesday: "Tuesday" works_wednesday: "Wednesday" works_thursday: "Thursday" works_friday: "Friday" works_saturday: "Saturday" works_sunday: "Sunday" day_symbols: works_monday: "M" works_tuesday: "T" works_wednesday: "W" works_thursday: "T" works_friday: "F" works_saturday: "S" works_sunday: "S" show: community: Community community_unset: Not specified helpers: submit: person: create: "Create" update: "Update" group: create: "Create" update: "Update" reminder_mailer: inadequate_profile: subject: "Reminder: update your profile today" information_request: subject: "Request to update your People Finder profile" reported_profile: subject: "A People Finder profile has been reported" user_update_mailer: new_profile_email: subject: "A new profile on MOJ People Finder has been created for you" updated_profile_email: subject: "Your profile on MOJ People Finder has been edited" deleted_profile_email: subject: "Your profile on MOJ People Finder has been deleted" updated_address_from_email: subject: "This email address has been removed from a profile on MOJ People Finder" updated_address_to_email: subject: "This email address has been added to a profile on MOJ People Finder" errors: groups: memberships_exist: "cannot be deleted until all the memberships have been removed" tokens: invalid_address: "Email address is not formatted correctly" invalid_domain: "Email address is not valid" simple_form: "yes": 'Yes' "no": 'No' required: text: 'required' mark: '' error_notification: default_message: "Please review the problems below:" views: info_text: complete_your_profile_alert: "Start building your profile now so colleagues and co-workers can get the latest information on you.
We’ll send you regular reminders until it’s complete." delete_this_profile: "Delete this profile" delete_this_team: "Delete this team" duplicate_names_hint: "There are existing profiles that have the same name. Check that it's not one of these before continuing." editing_alert: "You are currently editing this page. Click the update button to finish" hint_add_person_as_leader: "Note that more than one person can be assigned
as leader of a particular team." hint_add_person_team_not_found: "If the team cannot be found you will need to add it first before you can assign a
person to it. This can be done from the page the new team would be located within." hint_add_person_to_team: "Use this organisation browser to select the team which this person belongs to." hint_team_description: "What is the role and purpose of the team?" hint_team_email_address: "Enter an email for people to get in touch with the team" hint_team_responsibilities: "What are the team's collective responsibilities?" information_request_label: "Enter your message" information_request_label_error: "You must enter a message to be sent to the person" location_hint: "e.g. 10.30, 102 Petty France or Room 3, Bristol Crown Court" notes_field_hint: "Use this to add any extra information about your role,
e.g. I am based at Bristol County Court on Wednesdays" photo_upload_hint: "Add or replace a photograph by clicking 'Choose file'." photo_size_hint: "Please make sure the photo is no more than 3MB in size." profile_deletable: "Note that deleting a profile cannot be undone" reported_profile_additional_details_label: "Additional details (optional)" request_information: "Is this profile complete?" request_information_link: "Ask the person to update their details" skills_and_expertise_hint: "You can add tags to your profile to allow people to find you based on
your specific skills or expertise. Add them using the field below and
remove them at any time with the 'X'." team_deletable: "Note that team deletion cannot be undone." team_not_deletable: "Team deletion is only possible if there are no people associated with it."