module X11 module Form # A form object is an X11 packet definition. We use forms to encode # and decode X11 packets as we send and receive them over a socket. # # We can create a packet definition as follows: # # class Point < BaseForm # field :x, Int8 # field :y, Int8 # end # # p =,20) # p.x => 10 # p.y => 20 # p.to_packet => "\n\x14" # # You can also read from a socket: # # Point.from_packet(socket) => #<Point @x=10 @y=20> # class Form def self.structs [] end def self.fields [] end end class BaseForm < Form include X11::Type # initialize field accessors def initialize(*params) self.class.fields.each do |f| if !f.value param = params.shift #p [f,param] instance_variable_set("@#{}", param) end end end def to_packet(dpy) # fetch class level instance variable holding defined fields structs = self.class.structs packet = do |s| # fetch value of field set in initialization value = s.type == :unused ? nil : instance_variable_get("@#{}") case s.type when :field if s.value if s.value.respond_to?(:call) value = else value = s.value end end #p [s,value] if value.is_a?(BaseForm) v = value.to_packet(dpy) else #p [s,value] v = s.type_klass.pack(value, dpy) end #p v v when :unused sz = s.size.respond_to?(:call) ? : s.size "\x00" * sz when :length, :format_length #p [s,value] #p [value.size] s.type_klass.pack(value.size, dpy) when :string s.type_klass.pack(value, dpy) when :list Array(value).collect do |obj| if obj.is_a?(BaseForm) obj.to_packet(dpy) else s.type_klass.pack(obj, dpy) end end end end.join end class << self def structs superclass.structs + Array(@structs) #instance_variable_get("@structs")) end # FIXME: Doing small reads from socket is a bad idea, and # the protocol provides length fields that makes it unnecessary. def from_packet(socket) # fetch class level instance variable holding defined fields form = new lengths = {} structs.each do |s| case s.type when :field val = if s.type_klass.superclass == BaseForm s.type_klass.from_packet(socket) else s.type_klass.unpack( ) end form.instance_variable_set("@#{}", val) when :unused sz = s.size.respond_to?(:call) ? : s.size when :length size = s.type_klass.unpack( ) lengths[] = size when :format_length size = s.type_klass.unpack( ) lengths[] = case form.format when 8 then size when 16 then size*2 when 32 then size*4 else 0 end when :string len = lengths[] val = s.type_klass.unpack(socket, len) form.instance_variable_set("@#{}", val) when :list len = lengths[] if len val = len.times.collect do s.type_klass.from_packet(socket) end else val = [] while ob = s.type_klass.from_packet(socket) val << ob end end form.instance_variable_set("@#{}", val) end end return form end Field =, :type, :type_klass, :value, :size, keyword_init: true) def field(name, type_klass, type = nil, value: nil) # name, type_klass, type = args class_eval do if value && value.respond_to?(:call) define_method(name.to_sym) { } else attr_accessor name end end s = = name s.type = (type == nil ? :field : type) s.type_klass = type_klass s.value = value @structs ||= [] @structs << s end def unused(size) @structs ||= [] @structs << size, type: :unused) end def fields super+Array(@structs).dup.delete_if{|s| s.type == :unused or s.type == :length or s.type == :format_length} end end end # # Predefined constants, that can be used in the form of symbols module Atoms PRIMARY = 1 SECONDARY = 2 ARC = 3 ATOM = 4 BITMAP = 5 CARDINAL = 6 COLORMAP = 7 CURSOR = 8 #... STRING = 31 VISUALID = 32 WINDOW = 33 WM_COMMAND = 34 WM_HINTS = 35 end PointerWindow = 0 InputFocus = 1 # FIXME: Deprecated in favour of the Constants module AtomAtom=4 CardinalAtom=6 WindowAtom=33 ## ## X11 Packet Defintions ## class ClientHandshake < BaseForm field :byte_order, Uint8 unused 1 field :protocol_major_version, Uint16 field :protocol_minor_version, Uint16 field :auth_proto_name, Uint16, :length field :auth_proto_data, Uint16, :length unused 2 field :auth_proto_name, String8, :string field :auth_proto_data, String8, :string end class FormatInfo < BaseForm field :depth, Uint8 field :bits_per_pixel, Uint8 field :scanline_pad, Uint8 unused 5 end class VisualInfo < BaseForm field :visual_id, VisualID field :qlass, Uint8 field :bits_per_rgb_value, Uint8 field :colormap_entries, Uint16 field :red_mask, Uint32 field :green_mask, Uint32 field :blue_mask, Uint32 unused 4 end class DepthInfo < BaseForm field :depth, Uint8 unused 1 field :visuals, Uint16, :length unused 4 field :visuals, VisualInfo, :list end class ScreenInfo < BaseForm field :root, Window field :default_colormap, Colormap field :white_pixel, Colornum field :black_pixel, Colornum field :current_input_masks, Mask field :width_in_pixels, Uint16 field :height_in_pixels, Uint16 field :width_in_millimeters, Uint16 field :height_in_millimeters, Uint16 field :min_installed_maps, Uint16 field :max_installed_maps, Uint16 field :root_visual, VisualID field :backing_stores, Uint8 field :save_unders, Bool field :root_depth, Uint8 field :depths, Uint8,:length field :depths, DepthInfo, :list end class DisplayInfo < BaseForm field :release_number, Uint32 field :resource_id_base, Uint32 field :resource_id_mask, Uint32 field :motion_buffer_size, Uint32 field :vendor, Uint16, :length field :maximum_request_length, Uint16 field :screens, Uint8, :length field :formats, Uint8, :length field :image_byte_order, Signifigance field :bitmap_bit_order, Signifigance field :bitmap_format_scanline_unit, Uint8 field :bitmap_format_scanline_pad, Uint8 field :min_keycode, KeyCode field :max_keycode, KeyCode unused 4 field :vendor, String8, :string field :formats, FormatInfo, :list field :screens, ScreenInfo, :list end class Rectangle < BaseForm field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 end class Error < BaseForm field :error, Uint8 field :code, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :bad_resource_id, Uint32 field :minor_opcode, Uint16 field :major_opcode, Uint8 unused 21 # The original request attr_accessor :request end # XRender structures class DirectFormat < BaseForm field :red, Uint16 field :red_mask, Uint16 field :green, Uint16 field :green_mask, Uint16 field :blue, Uint16 field :blue_mask, Uint16 field :alpha, Uint16 field :alpha_mask, Uint16 end class PictVisual < BaseForm field :visual, Uint32 field :format, Uint32 end class PictDepth < BaseForm field :depth, Uint8 unused 1 field :visuals, Uint16, :length unused 4 field :visuals, PictVisual, :list end class PictScreen < BaseForm field :depths, Uint32, :length field :fallback, Uint32 field :depths, PictDepth, :list end class PictFormInfo < BaseForm field :id, Uint32 field :type, Uint8 field :depth, Uint8 unused 2 field :direct, DirectFormat field :colormap, Colormap end # # Requests # Constants, p112 onwards CopyFromParent = 0 InputOutput = 1 InputOnly = 2 CWBackPixmap = 0x0001 CWBackPixel = 0x0002 CWBorderPixmap= 0x0004 CWBorderPixel = 0x0008 CWBitGravity = 0x0010 CWWinGravity = 0x0020 CWBackingStore = 0x0040 CWBackingPlanes = 0x0080 CWBackingPixel = 0x0100 CWOverrideRedirect = 0x0200 CWSaveUnder = 0x0400 CWEventMask = 0x0800 CWColorMap = 0x2000 KeyPressMask = 0x000001 KeyReleaseMask = 0x000002 ButtonPressMask = 0x000004 ButtonReleaseMask = 0x000008 EnterWindowMask = 0x000010 LeaveWindowMask = 0x000020 PointerMotionMask = 0x000040 PointerMotionHintMask = 0x000080 Button1MotionMask = 0x000100 # 0x200 .. 0x40000; page 113 ExposureMask = 0x008000 VisibilityChangeMask = 0x010000 StructureNotifyMask = 0x020000 ResizeRedirectMask = 0x040000 SubstructureNotifyMask = 0x080000 SubstructureRedirectMask=0x100000 FocusChangeMask = 0x200000 PropertyChangeMask = 0x400000 ColormapChangeMask = 0x800000 OwnerGrabButtonMask = 0x100000 class CreateWindow < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 1 field :depth, Uint8 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(cw) { len = 8 + cw.value_list.length } field :wid, Window field :parent, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :border_width, Uint16 field :window_class, Uint16 field :visual, VisualID field :value_mask, Bitmask field :value_list, Uint32, :list end class ChangeWindowAttributes < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 2 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(cw) { 3 + cw.value_list.length } field :window, Window field :value_mask, Bitmask field :value_list, Uint32, :list end class GetWindowAttributes < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 3 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :window, Window end class WindowAttributes < BaseForm field :reply, Uint8, value: 1 field :backing_store, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :visual, VisualID field :wclass, Uint16 field :bit_gravity, Uint8 field :win_gravity, Uint8 field :backing_planes, Uint32 field :backing_pixel, Uint32 field :save_under, Bool field :map_is_installed, Bool field :map_state, Uint8 field :override_redirect, Bool field :colormap, Colormap field :all_event_masks, Uint32 field :your_event_masks, Uint32 field :do_not_propagate_mask, Uint16 unused 2 end class DestroyWindow < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 4 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :window, Window end class ChangeSaveSet < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 6 field :mode, Uint8 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :window, Window end class ReparentWindow < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 7 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 4 field :window, Window field :parent, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 end class MapWindow < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 8 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :window, Window end class UnmapWindow < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 10 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :window, Window end class ConfigureWindow < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 12 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(cw) { 3 + cw.values.length } field :window, Window field :value_mask, Uint16 unused 2 field :values, Uint32, :list end class GetGeometry < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 14 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :drawable, Drawable end class Geometry < BaseForm field :reply, Uint8, value: 1 field :depth, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :root, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :border_width, Uint16 unused 10 end class QueryTree < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 15 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :window, Window end class QueryTreeReply < BaseForm field :reply, Uint8, value: 1 unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :root, Window field :parent, Window field :children, Uint16, :length unused 14 field :children, Window, :list end class InternAtom < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 16 field :only_if_exists, Bool field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(ia) { 2+( } field :name, Uint16, value: ->(ia) { } unused 2 field :name, String8, :string end class Reply < BaseForm field :reply, Uint8 end class InternAtomReply < Reply unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :atom, Atom unused 20 end class GetAtomName < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 17 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :atom, Atom end class AtomName < Reply unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :name, Uint16, :length unused 22 field :name, String8, :string end Replace = 0 Prepend = 1 Append = 2 class ChangeProperty < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 18 field :mode, Uint8 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(cp) { #p [:data,, :len,, :total, 6+(] 6+( } field :window, Window field :property, Atom field :type, Atom field :format, Uint8 unused 3 field :data, Uint32, value: ->(cp) { / (cp.format/8) } field :data, Uint8, :list end class GetProperty < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 20 field :delete, Bool field :request_length, Uint16, value: 6 field :window, Window field :property, Atom field :type, Atom field :long_offset, Uint32 field :long_length, Uint32 end class Property < BaseForm field :reply, Uint8, value: 1 field :format, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :type, Atom field :bytes_after, Uint32 field :value, Uint32, :format_length unused 12 field :value, String8, :string end class SendEvent < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 25 field :propagate, Bool field :request_length, Uint16, value: 11 field :destination, Window field :event_mask, Uint32 field :event, Uint32 # FIXME: This is wrong, and will break on parsing. end class GrabButton < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 28 field :owner_events, Bool field :request_length, Uint16, value: 6 field :grab_window, Window field :event_mask, Uint16 field :pointer_mode, Uint8 field :keyboard_mode, Uint8 field :confine_to, Window field :cursor, Cursor field :button, Uint8 unused 1 field :modifiers, Uint16 end class GrabKey < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 33 field :owner_event, Bool field :request_length, Uint16, value: 4 field :grab_window, Window field :modifiers, Uint16 field :keycode, Uint8 field :pointer_mode, Uint8 field :keyboard_mode, Uint8 unused 3 end class OpenFont < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 45 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(of) { 3+( } field :fid, Font field :name, Uint16, :length unused 2 field :name, String8, :string end class ListFonts < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 49 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(lf) { 2+(lf.pattern.length+4)/4 } field :max_names, Uint16 field :length_of_pattern, Uint16,value: ->(lf) { lf.pattern.length } field :pattern, String8 end class CreatePixmap < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 53 field :depth, Uint8 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 4 field :pid, Pixmap field :drawable, Uint32 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 end class Str < BaseForm field :name, Uint8, :length, value: ->(str) { } field :name, String8Unpadded, :string def to_s name end end class ListFontsReply < BaseForm field :reply, Uint8, value: 1 unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :names, Uint16, :length unused 22 field :names, Str, :list end FunctionMask = 0x1 PlaneMask = 0x2 ForegroundMask = 0x04 BackgroundMask = 0x08 FontMask = 0x4000 GraphicsExposures = 0x10000 class CreateGC < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 55 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(cw) { len = 4 + cw.value_list.length } field :cid, Gcontext field :drawable, Drawable field :value_mask, Bitmask field :value_list, Uint32, :list end class ChangeGC < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 56 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(ch) { 3+ ch.value_list.length } field :gc, Gcontext field :value_mask, Bitmask field :value_list, Uint32, :list end class ClearArea < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 61 field :exposures, Bool field :request_length, Uint16, value: 4 field :window, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 end class CopyArea < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 62 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 7 field :src_drawable, Drawable field :dst_drawable, Drawable field :gc, Gcontext field :src_x, Uint16 field :src_y, Uint16 field :dst_x, Uint16 field :dst_y, Uint16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 end class PolyFillRectangle < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 70 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(ob) { len = 3 + 2*(Array(ob.rectangles).length) } field :drawable, Drawable field :gc, Uint32 field :rectangles, Rectangle, :list end Bitmap = 0 XYPixmap=1 ZPixmap=2 class PutImage < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 72 field :format, Uint8 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(pi) { 6+( } field :drawable, Drawable field :gc, Gcontext field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :dstx, Int16 field :dsty, Int16 field :left_pad, Uint8 field :depth, Uint8 unused 2 field :data, String8 #, :string end class ImageText8 < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 76 field :n, Uint8, :length field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(it) { 4+(it.n.length+3)/4 } field :drawable, Drawable field :gc, Gcontext field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :n, String8, :string end class ImageText16 < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 77 field :n, Uint8, :length field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(it) { 4+(it.n.length*2+3)/4 } field :drawable, Drawable field :gc, Gcontext field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :n, String16, :string end class CreateColormap < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 78 field :alloc, Uint8 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 4 field :mid, Colormap field :window, Window field :visual, Uint32 end class QueryExtension < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 98 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(qe) { 2+( } field :name, Uint16, :length unused 2 field :name, String8 end class QueryExtensionReply < Reply unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 field :present, Bool field :major_opcode, Uint8 field :first_event, Uint8 field :first_error, Uint8 unused 20 end class GetKeyboardMapping < BaseForm field :opcode, Uint8, value: 101 unused 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 2 field :first_keycode, Uint8 field :count, Uint8 unused 2 end class GetKeyboardMappingReply < Reply field :keysyms_per_keycode, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :reply_length, Uint32 unused 24 field :keysyms, Keysym, :list end # Events (page ~157) # FIXME: Events have quite a bit of redundancy, but unfortunately # BaseForm can't handle subclassing well. Shift = 0x001 Lock = 0x002 Control = 0x004 Mod1 = 0x008 Mod2 = 0x010 Mod3 = 0x0020 Mod4 = 0x0040 Mod5 = 0x0080 Button1 = 0x100 Button2 = 0x200 Button3 = 0x400 Button4 = 0x800 Button5 = 0x1000 class Event < BaseForm field :code, Uint8 end class SimpleEvent < Event field :detail, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 end class InputEvent < SimpleEvent field :time, Uint32 field :root, Window field :event, Window field :child, Window field :root_x, Int16 field :root_y, Int16 field :event_x, Int16 field :event_y, Int16 field :state, Uint16 end class EnterLeaveNotify < InputEvent field :mode, Uint8 field :same_screen_or_focus, Uint8 def same_screen = same_screen_or_focus.anybit?(0x02) def focus = same_screen_or_focus.anybit?(0x01) end class EnterNotify < EnterLeaveNotify end class LeaveNotify < EnterLeaveNotify end class FocusIn < SimpleEvent field :event, Window field :mode, Uint8 unused 23 end class FocusOut < FocusIn end class PressEvent < InputEvent field :same_screen, Bool unused 1 end class ButtonPress < PressEvent end class KeyPress < PressEvent end class KeyRelease < PressEvent end class MotionNotify < PressEvent end class ButtonRelease < PressEvent end class ReparentNotify < SimpleEvent field :event, Window field :window, Window field :parent, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :override_redirect, Bool unused 11 end class ConfigureRequest < Event # 23 field :stack_mode, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :parent, Window field :window, Window field :sibling, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :border_width, Uint16 field :value_mask, Uint16 unused 4 end class Expose < SimpleEvent field :window, Window field :x, Uint16 field :y, Uint16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :count, Uint16 unused 14 end class NoExposure < SimpleEvent # 14 field :drawable, Drawable field :minor_opcode, Uint16 field :major_opcode, Uint8 unused 21 end class CreateNotify < SimpleEvent # 16 field :parent, Window field :window, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :border_width, Uint16 field :override_redirect, Bool end class DestroyNotify < Event unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :event, Window field :window, Window unused 20 end class UnmapNotify < Event unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :event, Window field :window, Window field :from_configure, Bool unused 19 end class MapNotify < Event unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :event, Window field :window, Window field :override_redirect, Bool unused 19 end class MapRequest < Event unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :parent, Window field :window, Window unused 20 end class ConfigureNotify < Event unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :event, Window field :window, Window field :above_sibling, Window field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :border_width, Uint16 field :override_redirect, Bool unused 5 end class ClientMessage < Event field :format, Uint8 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :window, Window field :type, Atom field :data, X11::Type::Message end class PropertyNotify < Event # 28 unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :window, Window field :atom, Atom field :time, Uint32 field :state, Uint8 unused 15 end # XRender extension # From class XRenderQueryVersion < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 0 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 3 field :major_version, Uint32 field :minor_version, Uint32 end class XRenderQueryVersionReply < Reply unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :request_length, Uint32 field :major_version, Uint32 field :minor_version, Uint32 #unused 16 end class XRenderQueryPictFormats < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 1 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 1 end class XRenderQueryPictFormatsReply < Reply unused 1 field :sequence_number, Uint16 field :length, Uint32 field :formats, Uint32, :length field :screens, Uint32, :length field :depths, Uint32, :length field :visuals, Uint32, :length field :subpixel, Uint32, :length unused 4 field :formats, PictFormInfo, :list field :screens, PictScreen, :list field :subpixels, Uint32, :list end class XRenderCreatePicture < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 4 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(cp) { 5 + Array(cp.value_list).length } field :pid, Uint32 field :drawable, Uint32 field :format, Uint32 field :value_mask, Uint32 field :value_list, Uint32, :list end class XRenderCreateGlyphSet < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 17 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 3 field :gsid, Uint32 field :format, Uint32 end class GlyphInfo < BaseForm field :width, Uint16 field :height, Uint16 field :x, Int16 field :y, Int16 field :x_off, Int16 field :y_off, Int16 end class XRenderAddGlyphs < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 20 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(ag) { if ag.glyphs.length != ag.glyphids.length raise "Mismatch: Expected XRenderAddGlyphs glyphs and glyphids to be same length" end # GlyphInfo length == 3 + Glyphid length == 1 3 + ag.glyphs.length * 4 + ( } field :glyphset, Uint32 field :glyphs, Uint32, :length field :glyphids, Uint32, :list field :glyphs, GlyphInfo, :list field :data, String8 end class XRenderColor < BaseForm field :red, Uint16 field :green, Uint16 field :blue, Uint16 field :alpha, Uint16 end class GlyphElt32 < BaseForm field :glyphs, Uint8, :length unused 3 field :delta_x, Uint16 field :delta_y, Uint16 field :glyphs, Uint32, :list end # This is *also* the same as XRenderCOmpositeGlyphs16 and 8 w/other render_req_type, # but do we care? class XRenderCompositeGlyphs32 < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 25 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(ch) { 7 + (ch.glyphcmds[0].glyphs.length + 2) # per glyphcmd } field :op, Uint8 unused 3 field :src, Uint32 field :dst, Uint32 field :mask_format, Uint32 field :glyphset, Uint32 field :xsrc, Uint16 field :ysrc, Uint16 # FIXME: # We say this is a list, because technically it is # But currently it'll break with more than one item. field :glyphcmds, GlyphElt32, :list end class XRenderFillRectangles < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 26 field :request_length, Uint16, value: ->(fr) { 5 + fr.rects.length * 2 } field :op, Uint8 unused 3 field :dst, Uint32 field :color, Uint32 field :rects, Rectangle, :list end class XRenderCreateSolidFill < BaseForm field :req_type, Uint8 field :render_req_type, Uint8, value: 33 field :request_length, Uint16, value: 4 field :fill, Uint32 field :color, XRenderColor end end end