require "pathname" require "fileutils" module Bowline class << self # The Configuration instance used to configure the Bowline environment def configuration @@configuration end alias_method :conf, :configuration def configuration=(configuration) #:nodoc: @@configuration = configuration end def initialized? @initialized || false end def initialized=(initialized) #:nodoc: @initialized ||= initialized end # The default Bowline logger. # Also see the Bowline::Logging class. def logger if defined?(BOWLINE_LOGGER) BOWLINE_LOGGER else nil end end # The application's root def root if defined?(APP_ROOT) end def public_path root && root.join("public") end def assets_path File.join(library_path, "assets") end def env @env ||=["APP_ENV"] || "development") end def irb? !!ENV["APP_IRB"] end end class Initializer #:nodoc: # The Configuration instance used by this Initializer instance. attr_reader :configuration # Runs the initializer. By default, this will invoke the #process method, # which simply executes all of the initialization routines. Alternately, # you can specify explicitly which initialization routine you want: # # # # This is useful if you only want the load path initialized, without # incurring the overhead of completely loading the entire environment. def = :process, configuration = yield configuration if block_given? initializer = new configuration initializer.send(command) initializer end # Create a new Initializer instance that references the given Configuration # instance. def initialize(configuration) @configuration = configuration @loaded_plugins = [] end def set_environment production_path = Bowline.root.join("app_production") ENV["APP_ENV"] ||= begin production_path.exist? ? "production" : "development" end end def require_frameworks configuration.frameworks.each { |framework| require(framework.to_s) } end def set_load_path load_paths = configuration.load_paths load_paths.reverse_each { |dir| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(dir) if } $LOAD_PATH.uniq! end def load_gems if defined?(Bundler) # API changed between 0.8 and 0.9 if defined?(Bundler.require_env) Bundler.require_env else Bundler.require end end end # Set the paths from which Bowline will automatically load source files, and # the load_once paths. def set_autoload_paths ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths = configuration.load_paths.uniq ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_once_paths = configuration.load_once_paths.uniq extra = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_once_paths - ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths unless extra.empty? abort <<-end_error load_once_paths must be a subset of the load_paths. Extra items in load_once_paths: #{extra * ','} end_error end # Freeze the arrays so future modifications will fail rather than do nothing mysteriously configuration.load_once_paths.freeze end def add_plugin_load_paths Dir.glob(File.join(configuration.plugin_glob, 'lib')).sort.each do |path| $LOAD_PATH << path ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << path unless configuration.reload_plugins? ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_once_paths << path end end $LOAD_PATH.uniq! end def disable_dependency_loading if configuration.cache_classes && !configuration.dependency_loading ActiveSupport::Dependencies.unhook! end end def initialize_dependency_mechanism ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism = configuration.cache_classes ? :require : :load end # Initializes ActiveRecord databases def initialize_database if defined?(ActiveRecord) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(configuration.database_configuration) end end def initialize_logger # if the environment has explicitly defined a logger, use it return if Bowline.logger unless logger = configuration.logger begin logger = logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.const_get(configuration.log_level.to_s.upcase) rescue StandardError => e logger = logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::WARN logger.warn( "Bowline Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that #{configuration.log_path} exists and is chmod 0666. " + "The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed." ) end end silence_warnings { Object.const_set "BOWLINE_LOGGER", logger } end def initialize_framework_logging ActiveRecord::Base.logger ||= Bowline.logger if defined?(ActiveRecord) ActiveSupport::Dependencies.logger ||= Bowline.logger end # Loads support for "whiny nil" (noisy warnings when methods are invoked # on +nil+ values) if Configuration#whiny_nils is true. def initialize_whiny_nils require("active_support/whiny_nil") if configuration.whiny_nils end # Sets the default value for, and turns on ActiveRecord::Base#time_zone_aware_attributes. # If assigned value cannot be matched to a TimeZone, an exception will be raised. def initialize_time_zone if configuration.time_zone zone_default = Time.__send__(:get_zone, configuration.time_zone) unless zone_default raise \ 'Value assigned to config.time_zone not recognized.' + 'Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding appropriate time zone names.' end Time.zone_default = zone_default if defined?(ActiveRecord) ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes = true ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone = :utc end end end def initialize_framework_settings (configuration.frameworks - [:active_support]).each do |framework| base_class = framework.to_s.camelize.constantize.const_get("Base") settings = configuration.send(framework) next if !settings settings.each do |setting, value| base_class.send("#{setting}=", value) end end configuration.active_support.each do |setting, value| ActiveSupport.send("#{setting}=", value) end end def load_plugins Dir.glob(File.join(configuration.plugin_glob, "init.rb")).sort.each do |path| config = configuration # Need local config variable eval(, binding, path) end end def load_application_environment config = configuration path = Bowline.root.join("config", "environments", Bowline.env + ".rb").to_s eval(, binding, path) end def load_application_initializers Dir.glob(configuration.initializer_glob).sort.each do |initializer| load(initializer) end end def load_application_first_run first_run = Bowline.root.join("app_first_run") if first_run.exist? first_run.unlink Dir.glob(configuration.first_run_glob).sort.each do |initializer| load(initializer) end end end def after_initialize configuration.after_initialize_blocks.each do |block| end end def load_application_helpers helpers = configuration.helpers helpers = helpers.each {|h| Helpers.module_eval { extend h } } end def load_application_classes if configuration.cache_classes configuration.eager_load_paths.each do |load_path| matcher = /\A#{Regexp.escape(load_path)}(.*)\.rb\Z/ Dir.glob("#{load_path}/**/*.rb").sort.each do |file| require_dependency file.sub(matcher, '\1') end end end end def initialize_name unless raise "You must provide an application name in environment.rb" end silence_warnings { Object.const_set "APP_NAME", } end # Creates a class called AppConfig from configuration # variables found in config/application.yml def load_app_config Object.const_set("AppConfig", AppConfig.load!(configuration.app_config_file)) end def initialize_desktop return unless Desktop.enabled? Desktop::Runtime.setup! Desktop::JS.setup! end def initialize_windows return unless Desktop.enabled? MainWindow.setup! MainWindow.title = end def initialize_trap return unless Desktop.enabled? trap("INT") { Desktop::App.exit } end def initialize_path # Dir::tmpdir/Tempfile uses this ENV["TMPDIR"] = Desktop::Path.temp if Desktop.enabled? FileUtils.mkdir_p(Desktop::Path.user_data) end def initialize_marshal return unless defined?(SuperModel) path = configuration.marshal_path path = if path.is_a?(Proc) SuperModel::Marshal.path = path SuperModel::Marshal.load at_exit { SuperModel::Marshal.dump } end def process Bowline.configuration = configuration set_environment set_load_path load_gems load_application_environment require_frameworks set_autoload_paths add_plugin_load_paths initialize_dependency_mechanism disable_dependency_loading initialize_database initialize_logger initialize_framework_logging initialize_whiny_nils initialize_time_zone initialize_framework_settings initialize_name load_app_config load_plugins load_application_classes load_application_helpers initialize_desktop initialize_marshal initialize_windows initialize_trap initialize_path load_application_initializers load_application_first_run after_initialize Bowline.initialized = true end end # The Configuration class holds all the parameters for the Initializer and # ships with defaults that suites most Bowline applications. But it's possible # to overwrite everything. Usually, you'll create an Configuration file # implicitly through the block running on the Initializer, but it's also # possible to create the Configuration instance in advance and pass it in # like this: # # config = #, config) class Configuration # The application's base directory. attr_reader :root_path # A stub for setting options on ActiveRecord::Base. attr_accessor :active_record # A stub for setting options on ActiveResource::Base. attr_accessor :active_resource # A stub for setting options on ActiveSupport. attr_accessor :active_support attr_accessor :bowline attr_accessor :frameworks # Whether or not classes should be cached (set to false if you want # application classes to be reloaded on each request) attr_accessor :cache_classes attr_accessor :binder_paths attr_accessor :marshal_path # The path to the database configuration file to use. (Defaults to # config/database.yml.) attr_accessor :database_configuration_file attr_accessor :app_config_file # An array of additional paths to prepend to the load path. By default, # all +app+, +lib+, +vendor+ and mock paths are included in this list. attr_accessor :load_paths # An array of paths from which Bowline will automatically load from only once. # All elements of this array must also be in +load_paths+. attr_accessor :load_once_paths # An array of paths from which Bowline will eager load on boot if cache # classes is enabled. All elements of this array must also be in # +load_paths+. attr_accessor :eager_load_paths # The log level to use for the default Bowline logger. attr_accessor :log_level # The path to the log file to use. Defaults to log/#{environment}.log # (e.g. log/development.log or log/production.log). attr_accessor :log_path # The specific logger to use. By default, a logger will be created and # initialized using #log_path and #log_level, but a programmer may # specifically set the logger to use via this accessor and it will be # used directly. attr_accessor :logger # Set to +true+ if you want to be warned (noisily) when you try to invoke # any method of +nil+. Set to +false+ for the standard Ruby behavior. attr_accessor :whiny_nils attr_accessor :reload_plugins # Returns true if plugin reloading is enabled. def reload_plugins? !!@reload_plugins end attr_accessor :dependency_loading def threadsafe! self.cache_classes = true self.dependency_loading = false end # Sets the default +time_zone+. Setting this will enable +time_zone+ # awareness for Active Record models and set the Active Record default # timezone to :utc. attr_accessor :time_zone attr_accessor :plugin_glob attr_accessor :helper_glob attr_accessor :first_run_glob attr_accessor :initializer_glob # Set the application's name. # This is required. attr_accessor :name # Set the application's globally unique id. # This is required. # Example: # = "com.maccman.bowline" attr_accessor :id # Set the application's version. # Example: # config.version = "0.1.2" attr_accessor :version attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :url # Set the application's icon. # Point this variable to the icons path. # # If this isn't specified, Bowline's default one will be used. # # Supported icon files are PNGs and JPGs, preferably 512px x 512px. attr_accessor :icon attr_accessor :publisher attr_accessor :copyright # Create a new Configuration instance, initialized with the default values. def initialize set_root_path! self.frameworks = default_frameworks self.load_paths = default_load_paths self.load_once_paths = default_load_once_paths self.dependency_loading = default_dependency_loading self.eager_load_paths = default_eager_load_paths self.log_path = default_log_path self.log_level = default_log_level self.binder_paths = default_binder_paths self.marshal_path = default_marshal_path self.cache_classes = default_cache_classes self.whiny_nils = default_whiny_nils self.database_configuration_file = default_database_configuration_file self.app_config_file = default_app_config_file self.plugin_glob = default_plugin_glob self.helper_glob = default_helper_glob self.initializer_glob = default_initalizer_glob self.first_run_glob = default_first_run_glob self.publisher = default_publisher self.copyright = default_copyright for framework in default_frameworks self.send("#{framework}=", end end # Set the root_path to APP_ROOT and canonicalize it. def set_root_path! raise 'APP_ROOT is not set' unless defined?(::APP_ROOT) raise 'APP_ROOT is not a directory' unless @root_path = # Pathname is incompatible with Windows, but Windows doesn't have # real symlinks so File.expand_path is safe. if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/ File.expand_path(::APP_ROOT) # Otherwise use Pathname#realpath which respects symlinks. else end Object.const_set(:RELATIVE_APP_ROOT, ::APP_ROOT.dup) unless defined?(::RELATIVE_APP_ROOT) ::APP_ROOT.replace @root_path end # Loads and returns the contents of the #database_configuration_file. The # contents of the file are processed via ERB before being sent through # YAML::load. def database_configuration require 'erb' YAML::load( if File.exists?(database_configuration_file) end def helpers Dir[helper_glob].map {|f| File.basename(f, '.rb').classify } end # Adds a block which will be executed after bowline has been fully initialized. # Useful for per-environment configuration which depends on the framework being # fully initialized. def after_initialize(&after_initialize_block) after_initialize_blocks << after_initialize_block if after_initialize_block end # Returns the blocks added with Configuration#after_initialize def after_initialize_blocks @after_initialize_blocks ||= [] end private def default_frameworks [:active_support, :bowline] end def default_load_paths paths = [] # Followed by the standard includes. paths.concat %w( app app/binders app/models app/remote app/helpers app/windows lib vendor ).map { |dir| "#{root_path}/#{dir}" }.select { |dir| } paths end # Doesn't matter since plugins aren't in load_paths yet. def default_load_once_paths [] end def default_dependency_loading true end def default_eager_load_paths %w( app/models app/remote app/windows app/binders app/helpers ).map { |dir| "#{root_path}/#{dir}" }.select { |dir| } end def default_log_path File.join(root_path, 'log', "application.log") end def default_log_level :info end def default_database_configuration_file File.join(root_path, 'config', 'database.yml') end def default_app_config_file File.join(root_path, 'config', 'application.yml') end def default_binder_paths File.join(root_path, 'app', 'binders') end def default_marshal_path { File.join(Desktop::Path.user_data, 'marshal.db') } end def default_cache_classes true end def default_whiny_nils false end def default_plugin_glob File.join(root_path, *%w{ vendor plugins * }) end def default_helper_glob File.join(root_path, *%w{ app helpers *.rb }) end def default_initalizer_glob File.join(root_path, *%w{ config initializers **/*.rb }) end def default_first_run_glob File.join(root_path, *%w{ config first_run **/*.rb }) end def default_publisher "Bowline" end def default_copyright "Copyright #{}" end end end # Needs to be duplicated from Active Support since its needed before Active # Support is available. Here both Options and Hash are namespaced to prevent # conflicts with other implementations AND with the classes residing in Active Support. class Bowline::OrderedOptions < Array #:nodoc: def []=(key, value) key = key.to_sym if pair = find_pair(key) pair.pop pair << value else self << [key, value] end end def [](key) pair = find_pair(key.to_sym) pair ? pair.last : nil end def method_missing(name, *args) if name.to_s =~ /(.*)=$/ self[$1.to_sym] = args.first else self[name] end end private def find_pair(key) self.each { |i| return i if i.first == key } return false end end