require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/ssl' require 'puppet_spec/ssl' describe Puppet::SSL::Validator::DefaultValidator, unless: Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do include PuppetSpec::Files let(:ssl_context) do mock('OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext') end before(:all) do @pki = PuppetSpec::SSL.create_chained_pki end let(:ca_path) do Puppet[:ssl_client_ca_auth] || Puppet[:localcacert] end let(:ssl_host) do stub('ssl_host', :ssl_store => nil, :certificate => stub('cert', :content => nil), :key => stub('key', :content => nil)) end subject do end before :each do subject.stubs(:read_file).returns(@pki[:root_cert].to_s) end describe '#call' do before :each do ssl_context.stubs(:current_cert).returns(*cert_chain_in_callback_order) ssl_context.stubs(:chain).returns(cert_chain) end context 'When pre-verification is not OK' do context 'and the ssl_context is in an error state' do let(:root_subject) { @pki[:root_cert].subject.to_s } let(:code) { OpenSSL::X509::V_ERR_INVALID_CA } it 'rejects the connection' do ssl_context.stubs(:error_string).returns("Something went wrong") ssl_context.stubs(:error).returns(code) expect(, ssl_context)).to eq(false) end it 'makes the error available via #verify_errors' do ssl_context.stubs(:error_string).returns("Something went wrong") ssl_context.stubs(:error).returns(code), ssl_context) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq(["Something went wrong for #{root_subject}"]) end it 'uses a generic message if error_string is nil' do ssl_context.stubs(:error_string).returns(nil) ssl_context.stubs(:error).returns(code), ssl_context) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq(["OpenSSL error #{code} for #{root_subject}"]) end it 'uses 0 for nil error codes' do ssl_context.stubs(:error_string).returns("Something went wrong") ssl_context.stubs(:error).returns(nil), ssl_context) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq(["Something went wrong for #{root_subject}"]) end context "when CRL is not yet valid" do before :each do ssl_context.stubs(:error_string).returns("CRL is not yet valid") ssl_context.stubs(:error).returns(OpenSSL::X509::V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID) end it 'rejects nil CRL' do ssl_context.stubs(:current_crl).returns(nil) expect(, ssl_context)).to eq(false) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq(["CRL is not yet valid"]) end it 'includes the CRL issuer in the verify error message' do crl = crl.issuer =[['CN','Puppet CA:']]) crl.last_update = + 24 * 60 * 60 ssl_context.stubs(:current_crl).returns(crl), ssl_context) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq(["CRL is not yet valid for /CN=Puppet CA:"]) end it 'rejects CRLs whose last_update time is more than 5 minutes in the future' do crl = crl.issuer =[['CN','Puppet CA:']]) crl.last_update = + 24 * 60 * 60 ssl_context.stubs(:current_crl).returns(crl) expect(, ssl_context)).to eq(false) end it 'accepts CRLs whose last_update time is 10 seconds in the future' do crl = crl.issuer =[['CN','Puppet CA:']]) crl.last_update = + 10 ssl_context.stubs(:current_crl).returns(crl) expect(, ssl_context)).to eq(true) end end end end context 'When pre-verification is OK' do context 'and the ssl_context is in an error state' do before :each do ssl_context.stubs(:error_string).returns("Something went wrong") end it 'does not make the error available via #verify_errors' do, ssl_context) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq([]) end end context 'and the chain is valid' do it 'is true for each CA certificate in the chain' do (cert_chain.length - 1).times do expect(, ssl_context)).to be_truthy end end it 'is true for the SSL certificate ending the chain' do (cert_chain.length - 1).times do, ssl_context) end expect(, ssl_context)).to be_truthy end end context 'and the chain is invalid' do before :each do subject.stubs(:read_file).returns(@pki[:unrevoked_leaf_node_cert]) end it 'is true for each CA certificate in the chain' do (cert_chain.length - 1).times do expect(, ssl_context)).to be_truthy end end it 'is false for the SSL certificate ending the chain' do (cert_chain.length - 1).times do, ssl_context) end expect(, ssl_context)).to be_falsey end end context 'an error is raised inside of #call' do before :each do ssl_context.expects(:current_cert).raises(StandardError, "BOOM!") end it 'is false' do expect(, ssl_context)).to be_falsey end it 'makes the error available through #verify_errors' do, ssl_context) expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq(["BOOM!"]) end end end end describe '#setup_connection' do it 'updates the connection for verification' do subject.stubs(:ssl_certificates_are_present?).returns(true) connection = mock('Net::HTTP') connection.expects(:cert_store=).with(ssl_host.ssl_store) connection.expects(:ca_file=).with(ca_path) connection.expects(:cert=).with(ssl_host.certificate.content) connection.expects(:key=).with(ssl_host.key.content) connection.expects(:verify_callback=).with(subject) connection.expects(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER) subject.setup_connection(connection, ssl_host) end context 'when no file path is found' do it 'does not perform verification if certificate files are missing' do subject.stubs(:ssl_certificates_are_present?).returns(false) connection = mock('Net::HTTP') connection.expects(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) subject.setup_connection(connection, ssl_host) end end end describe '#valid_peer?' do before :each do subject.instance_variable_set(:@peer_certs, cert_chain_in_callback_order) end context 'when the peer presents a valid chain' do before :each do subject.stubs(:has_authz_peer_cert).returns(true) end it 'is true' do expect(subject.valid_peer?).to be_truthy end end context 'when the peer presents an invalid chain' do before :each do subject.stubs(:has_authz_peer_cert).returns(false) end it 'is false' do expect(subject.valid_peer?).to be_falsey end it 'makes a helpful error message available via #verify_errors' do subject.valid_peer? expect(subject.verify_errors).to eq([expected_authz_error_msg]) end end end describe '#has_authz_peer_cert' do context 'when the Root CA is listed as authorized' do it 'returns true when the SSL cert is issued by the Master CA' do expect(subject.has_authz_peer_cert(cert_chain, [@pki[:root_cert]])).to be_truthy end it 'returns true when the SSL cert is issued by the alternate CA' do expect(subject.has_authz_peer_cert(cert_chain_alternate, [@pki[:root_cert]])).to be_truthy end end context 'when one intermediate CA is listed as authorized' do it 'returns true when the SSL cert is issued by the same intermediate CA' do expect(subject.has_authz_peer_cert(cert_chain, [@pki[:int_cert]])).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when the SSL cert is issued by a different intermediate CA' do expect(subject.has_authz_peer_cert(cert_chain_alternate, [@pki[:int_cert]])).to be_falsey end end end def cert_chain [@pki[:int_node_cert], @pki[:int_cert], @pki[:root_cert]] end def cert_chain_alternate [@pki[:unrevoked_leaf_node_cert], @pki[:leaf_cert], @pki[:revoked_int_cert], @pki[:root_cert]] end def cert_chain_in_callback_order cert_chain.reverse end let :authz_error_prefix do "The server presented a SSL certificate chain which does not include a CA listed in the ssl_client_ca_auth file. " end let :expected_authz_error_msg do authz_ca_certs = subject.decode_cert_bundle(subject.read_file) msg = authz_error_prefix msg << "Authorized Issuers: #{authz_ca_certs.collect {|c| c.subject}.join(', ')} " msg << "Peer Chain: #{cert_chain.collect {|c| c.subject}.join(' => ')}" msg end end