require 'spec_helper' class ClassMixedWithDSLInstallUtils include Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils include Beaker::DSL::Wrappers include Beaker::DSL::Helpers include Beaker::DSL::Structure include Beaker::DSL::Roles include Beaker::DSL::Patterns def logger @logger ||='logger').as_null_object end end describe ClassMixedWithDSLInstallUtils do let(:presets) { } let(:opts) { presets.presets.merge(presets.env_vars) } let(:basic_hosts) { make_hosts( { :pe_ver => '3.0', :platform => 'linux', :roles => [ 'agent' ] }, 4 ) } let(:hosts) { basic_hosts[0][:roles] = ['master', 'database', 'dashboard'] basic_hosts[1][:platform] = 'windows' basic_hosts[2][:platform] = 'osx-10.9-x86_64' basic_hosts[3][:platform] = 'eos' basic_hosts } let(:hosts_sorted) { [ hosts[1], hosts[0], hosts[2], hosts[3] ] } describe '#install_dev_puppet_module_on' do context 'having set allow( a ).to receive forge' do it 'stubs the forge on the host' do master = hosts.first allow( subject ).to receive( :options ).and_return( {:forge_host => ''} ) expect( subject ).to receive( :with_forge_stubbed_on ) subject.install_dev_puppet_module_on( master, {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'} ) end it 'installs via #install_puppet_module_via_pmt' do master = hosts.first allow( subject ).to receive( :options ).and_return( {:forge_host => ''} ) allow( subject ).to receive( :with_forge_stubbed_on ).and_yield expect( subject ).to receive( :install_puppet_module_via_pmt_on ) subject.install_dev_puppet_module_on( master, {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'} ) end end context 'without allow( a ).to receive forge (default)' do it 'calls copy_module_to to get the module on the SUT' do master = hosts.first allow( subject ).to receive( :options ).and_return( {} ) expect( subject ).to receive( :copy_module_to ) subject.install_dev_puppet_module_on( master, {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'} ) end end end describe '#install_dev_puppet_module' do it 'delegates to #install_dev_puppet_module_on with the hosts list' do allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) allow( subject ).to receive( :options ).and_return( {} ) hosts.each do |host| expect( subject ).to receive( :install_dev_puppet_module_on ). with( host, {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'}) end subject.install_dev_puppet_module( {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'} ) end end describe '#install_puppet_module_via_pmt_on' do it 'installs module via puppet module tool' do allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) master = hosts.first expect( subject ).to receive( :puppet ).with('module install test ', {}).once subject.install_puppet_module_via_pmt_on( master, {:module_name => 'test'} ) end it 'takes the trace option and passes it down correctly' do allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) master = hosts.first trace_opts = { :trace => nil } master['default_module_install_opts'] = trace_opts expect( subject ).to receive( :puppet ).with('module install test ', trace_opts).once subject.install_puppet_module_via_pmt_on( master, {:module_name => 'test'} ) end end describe '#install_puppet_module_via_pmt' do it 'delegates to #install_puppet_module_via_pmt with the hosts list' do allow( subject ).to receive( :hosts ).and_return( hosts ) expect( subject ).to receive( :install_puppet_module_via_pmt_on ).with( hosts, {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'}).once subject.install_puppet_module_via_pmt( {:source => '/module', :module_name => 'test'} ) end end describe 'copy_module_to' do let(:ignore_list) { Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils::ModuleUtils::PUPPET_MODULE_INSTALL_IGNORE } let(:source){ File.expand_path('./')} let(:target){'/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/testmodule'} let(:module_parse_name){'testmodule'} shared_examples 'copy_module_to' do |opts| it{ host = double("host") allow( host ).to receive(:[]).with('distmoduledir').and_return('/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules') allow( host ).to receive(:is_powershell?).and_return(false) result = double stdout = target.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') + "\n" allow( result ).to receive(:stdout).and_return( stdout ) expect( subject ).to receive(:on).with(host, "echo #{File.dirname(target)}" ).and_return(result ) allow( Dir ).to receive(:getpwd).and_return(source) allow( subject ).to receive(:parse_for_moduleroot).and_return(source) if module_parse_name allow( subject ).to receive(:parse_for_modulename).with(any_args()).and_return(module_parse_name) else expect( subject).to_not receive(:parse_for_modulename) end allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).with(any_args()).and_return(false) allow( File ).to receive(:directory?).with(any_args()).and_return(false) expect( subject ).to receive(:scp_to).with(host,source, File.dirname(target), {:ignore => ignore_list}) expect( host ).to receive(:mv).with(File.join(File.dirname(target), File.basename(source)), target) if opts.nil? subject.copy_module_to(host) else subject.copy_module_to(host,opts) end } end describe 'should call scp with the correct info, with only providing host' do let(:target){'/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/testmodule'} it_should_behave_like 'copy_module_to', :module_name => 'testmodule' end describe 'should call scp with the correct info, when specifying the modulename' do let(:target){'/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/bogusmodule'} let(:module_parse_name){false} it_should_behave_like 'copy_module_to', {:module_name =>'bogusmodule'} end describe 'should call scp with the correct info, when specifying the target to a different path' do target = '/opt/shared/puppet/modules' let(:target){"#{target}/testmodule"} it_should_behave_like 'copy_module_to', {:target_module_path => target, :module_name => 'testmodule'} end describe 'should accept multiple hosts when' do it 'used in a default manner' do allow( subject ).to receive( :build_ignore_list ).and_return( [] ) allow( subject ).to receive( :parse_for_modulename ).and_return( [nil, 'modulename'] ) allow( subject ).to receive( :on ).and_return( double.as_null_object ) expect( subject ).to receive( :scp_to ).exactly(4).times subject.copy_module_to( hosts ) end end describe 'non-cygwin windows' do it 'should have different commands than cygwin' do host = double("host") allow( host ).to receive(:[]).with('platform').and_return('windows') allow( host ).to receive(:[]).with('distmoduledir').and_return('C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules') allow( host ).to receive(:is_powershell?).and_return(true) result = double allow( result ).to receive(:stdout).and_return( 'C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules' ) expect( subject ).to receive(:on).with(host, "echo C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules" ).and_return( result ) expect( subject ).to receive(:scp_to).with(host, "/opt/testmodule2", "C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules", {:ignore => ignore_list}) expect( host ).to receive(:mv).with('C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules/testmodule2', 'C:\\ProgramData\\PuppetLabs\\puppet\\etc\\modules\\testmodule') subject.copy_module_to(host, {:module_name => 'testmodule', :source => '/opt/testmodule2'}) end end end describe 'split_author_modulename' do it 'should return a correct modulename' do result = subject.split_author_modulename('myname-test_43_module') expect(result[:author]).to eq('myname') expect(result[:module]).to eq('test_43_module') end end describe 'get_module_name' do it 'should return an array of author and modulename' do expect(subject.get_module_name('myname-test_43_module')).to eq(['myname', 'test_43_module']) end it 'should return nil for invalid names' do expect(subject.get_module_name('myname-')).to eq(nil) end end describe 'parse_for_modulename' do directory = '/testfilepath/myname-testmodule' it 'should return name from metadata.json' do allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).with("#{directory}/metadata.json").and_return(true) allow( File ).to receive(:read).with("#{directory}/metadata.json").and_return(" {\"name\":\"myname-testmodule\"} ") expect( subject.logger ).to receive(:debug).with("Attempting to parse Modulename from metadata.json") expect(subject.logger).to_not receive(:debug).with('Unable to determine name, returning null') expect(subject.parse_for_modulename(directory)).to eq(['myname', 'testmodule']) end it 'should return name from Modulefile' do allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).with("#{directory}/metadata.json").and_return(false) allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).with("#{directory}/Modulefile").and_return(true) allow( File ).to receive(:read).with("#{directory}/Modulefile").and_return("name 'myname-testmodule' \nauthor 'myname'") expect( subject.logger ).to receive(:debug).with("Attempting to parse Modulename from Modulefile") expect(subject.logger).to_not receive(:debug).with("Unable to determine name, returning null") expect(subject.parse_for_modulename(directory)).to eq(['myname', 'testmodule']) end end describe 'parse_for_module_root' do directory = '/testfilepath/myname-testmodule' describe 'stops searching when either' do it 'finds a Modulefile' do allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).with("#{directory}/Modulefile").and_return(true) expect( subject.logger ).to_not receive(:debug).with("At root, can't parse for another directory") expect( subject.logger ).to receive(:debug).with("No Modulefile or metadata.json found at #{directory}/acceptance, moving up") expect(subject.parse_for_moduleroot("#{directory}/acceptance")).to eq(directory) end it 'finds a metadata.json file' do allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).with("#{directory}/metadata.json").and_return(true) expect( subject.logger ).to_not receive(:debug).with("At root, can't parse for another directory") expect( subject.logger ).to receive(:debug).with("No Modulefile or metadata.json found at #{directory}/acceptance, moving up") expect(subject.parse_for_moduleroot("#{directory}/acceptance")).to eq(directory) end end it 'should recersively go up the directory to find the module files' do allow( File ).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false) expect( subject.logger ).to receive(:debug).with("No Modulefile or metadata.json found at #{directory}, moving up") expect( subject.logger ).to receive(:error).with("At root, can't parse for another directory") expect(subject.parse_for_moduleroot(directory)).to eq(nil) end end end