# coding: ascii-8bit # frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.2 by Andrew Horton # removed VIEWSTATE match as it matches ASP.NET, removed :probability=>100 # Version 0.3 by Andrew Horton - added version detection with EPiServer logos and more examples from http://www.episerver.com/en/Customers/ WhatWeb::Plugin.define "EPiServer" do @author = "Patrik Wallström" @version = "0.2" @description = "CMS from EPiServer - http://episerver.com/" @matches = [ { name: "meta generator tag with EPiServer", text: "" }, { name: "EPiServer comment", text: "" }, { text: 'src="/Util/javascript/episerverscriptmanager.js"' }, # version six also contains the img for version 5. could be improved by making a def passive(target) function { url: "/App_Themes/Default/Images/General/LoginBackground.gif", md5: "5a530899177854181da891894554478a", version: "4.x" }, { url: "/App_Themes/Default/Images/General/LoginBackground.gif", md5: "7dea9dcf92792b1bf2bddfe71549dd19", version: "5.x-6.x" }, { url: "/util/images/loginbackground.gif", md5: "5a530899177854181da891894554478a", version: "4.x" }, { url: "/util/images/loginbackground.gif", md5: "7dea9dcf92792b1bf2bddfe71549dd19", version: "5.x-6.x" }, { url: "/Util/images/EPiServerCMSLogo.png", md5: "066ab2c653211887d01e52bcc30293ba", version: "6.x" }, { url: "/util/login.aspx", text: "