require 'rbcurse/core/util/app' require 'rbcurse/core/widgets/rlist' # a simple example of how to get colored row rendering. # also see rfe.rb for a more complete example class CellRenderer attr_accessor :display_length def repaint g, r, c, crow, content, focus_type, selected color = $datacolor att = NORMAL att = REVERSE if selected color = get_color($datacolor, :yellow, :red) if content =~ /^.1/ color = get_color($datacolor, :red, :blue) if content =~ /^.2/ color = get_color($datacolor, :white, :black) if content =~ /^.3/ color = get_color($datacolor, :green, :black) if content =~ /^.4/ color = get_color($datacolor, :red, :black) if content =~ /^.5/ color = get_color($datacolor, :cyan, :black) if content =~ /^.6/ color = get_color($datacolor, :magenta, :black) if content =~ /^.[7-9]/ color = get_color($datacolor, :blue, :black) if content =~ /^x/ g.wattron(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(color) | att) g.mvwprintw(r, c, "%s", :string, content); g.wattroff(Ncurses.COLOR_PAIR(color) | att) end end do def resize tab = @form.by_name["tasklist"] cols = Ncurses.COLS rows = Ncurses.LINES tab.width_pc ||= (1.0*tab.width / $orig_cols) tab.height_pc ||= (1.0*tab.height / $orig_rows) tab.height = (tab.height_pc * rows).floor tab.width = (tab.width_pc * cols).floor #$log.debug "XXX: RESIZE h w #{tab.height} , #{tab.width} " end @default_prefix = " " header = app_header "rbcurse #{Rbcurse::VERSION}", :text_center => "Task List", :text_right =>"New Improved!" message "Press F10 or qq to quit " file = "data/todo.txt" alist =,'r').readlines if File.exists? file #flow :margin_top => 1, :item_width => 50 , :height => FFI::NCurses.LINES-2 do #stack :margin_top => 1, :width => :expand, :height => FFI::NCurses.LINES-4 do #task = field :label => " Task:", :display_length => 50, :maxlen => 80, :bgcolor => :cyan, :color => :black #pri = field :label => "Priority:", :display_length => 1, :maxlen => 1, :type => :integer, #:valid_range => 1..9, :bgcolor => :cyan, :color => :black , :default => "5" #pri.overwrite_mode = true # u,se voerwrite mode for this TODO and catch exception lb = listbox :list => alist.sort, :title => "[ todos ]", :name => "tasklist", :row => 1, :height => Ncurses.LINES-4, :width => Ncurses.COLS-1 lb.should_show_focus = false lb.cell_renderer lb.bind_key(?d, "Delete Row"){ if confirm("Delete #{lb.current_value} ?") lb.delete_at lb.current_index # TODO reposition cursor at 0. use list_data_changed ? end } lb.bind_key(?e, "Edit Row"){ if ((value = get_string("Edit Task:", :width => 80, :default => lb.current_value, :maxlen => 80, :display_length => 70)) != nil) lb[lb.current_index]=value end } lb.bind_key(?a, "Add Record"){ # ADD task = :label => " Task:", :display_length => 60, :maxlen => 80, :bgcolor => :cyan, :color => :black, :name => 'task' pri = :label => "Priority:", :display_length => 1, :maxlen => 1, :type => :integer, :valid_range => 1..9, :bgcolor => :cyan, :color => :black , :default => "5", :name => 'pri' pri.overwrite_mode = true config = {} config[:width] = 80 config[:title] = "New Task" tp = config do item task item pri button_type :ok_cancel default_button 0 end index = if index == 0 # OK # when does this memory get released ??? XXX _t = tp.form.by_name['pri'].text if _t != "" val = @default_prefix + tp.form.by_name['pri'].text + ". " + tp.form.by_name['task'].text w = @form.by_name["tasklist"] _l = w.list _l << val w.list(_l.sort) end else # CANCEL #return nil end } # decrease priority lb.bind_key(?-, 'decrease priority'){ line = lb.current_value p = line[1,1].to_i if p < 9 p += 1 line[1,1] = p.to_s lb[lb.current_index]=line lb.list(lb.list.sort) end } # increase priority lb.bind_key(?+, 'increase priority'){ line = lb.current_value p = line[1,1].to_i if p > 1 p -= 1 line[1,1] = p.to_s lb[lb.current_index]=line lb.list(lb.list.sort) # how to get the new row of that item and position it there. so one # can do consecutive increases or decreases # cursor on old row, but current has become zero. FIXME # Maybe setform_row needs to be called end } # mark as done lb.bind_key(?x, 'mark done'){ line = lb.current_value line[0,1] = "x" lb[lb.current_index]=line lb.list(lb.list.sort) } # flag task with a single character lb.bind_key(?!, 'flag'){ line = lb.current_value.chomp value = get_string("Flag for #{line}. Enter one character.", :maxlen => 1, :display_length => 1) #if ((value = get_string("Edit Task:", :width => 80, :default => lb.current_value)) != nil) #lb[lb.current_index]=value #end if value ##&& value[0,1] != " " line[0,1] = value[0,1] lb[lb.current_index]=line lb.list(lb.list.sort) end } #end # stack s = status_line @form.bind(:RESIZE) { resize } keyarray = [ ["F1" , "Help"], ["F10" , "Exit"], ["F2", "Menu"], ["F4", "View"], ["d", "delete item"], ["e", "edit item"], ["a", "add item"], ["x", "close item"], ["+", "inc priority"], ["-", "dec priority"], ["M-x", "Command"], nil ] gw = get_color($reversecolor, 'green', 'black') @adock = dock keyarray, { :row => Ncurses.LINES-2, :footer_color_pair => $datacolor, :footer_mnemonic_color_pair => gw } @window.confirm_close_command do confirm "Sure you wanna quit?", :default_button => 1 end @window.close_command do w = @form.by_name["tasklist"] if confirm("Save tasks?", :default_button => 0) system("cp #{file} #{file}.bak"), 'w') {|f| w.list.each { |e| f.puts(e) } } end end end # app