module Jets::Cfn::Builder::Api class Methods < Paged # interface method def compose return if routes.empty? add_api_methods add_api_gateway_parameters end # Resources Example (only showing keys we care about): # # UpIndexGetApiMethod: # Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method # Properties: # ResourceId: !Ref UpApiResource # RestApiId: !Ref RestApi # Integration: # Uri: !Sub arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${UpControllerIndexLambdaFunction}/invocations # def add_api_methods routes.each_with_index do |route, i| method = add_resource(method) end end def add_api_gateway_parameters api_methods = @template) api_methods.params.each do |key, _| add_parameter(key) end end def routes ensure_one_apigw_method_proxy_routes! do |uid| Jets::Router.routes.find do |route| route.path == "/" && route.path == uid.split('|').last || # root route. any http method works "#{route.http_method}|#{route.path}" == uid # Match the method and path. IE: GET|posts/:id end end.compact end memoize :routes # Only add missing root route with one_apigw_method_for_all_routes setting. # Add the root route because that's how it works locally. # With one_apigw_method_for_all_routes, it all goes to one lambda function # and routing is determined by config/routes.rb def ensure_one_apigw_method_proxy_routes! return unless == "one_apigw_method_for_all_routes" # find before modifications catchall_route = Jets::Router.routes.find { |route| route.path =~ /^\/\*/ } root_route = Jets::Router.routes.find { |route| route.http_method == "GET" && route.path == "/" } # modifications unless catchall_route # Note: catchall to route does not matter. In one_apigw_method_for_all_routes mode it all goes to one lambda function # and then gets routed by config/routes.rb Jets::Router.routes << '/*catchall', http_method: 'ANY', to: 'jets/public#show') end if !root_route && catchall_route Jets::Router.routes << '/', http_method: 'GET', to: end end # template_path is an interface method def template_path Jets::Names.api_methods_template_path(@page_number) end end end