# Cuco [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/cuco.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/cuco) [![GEM Downloads](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/cuco?color=168AFE&logo=ruby&logoColor=FE1616)](https://rubygems.org/gems/cuco) *Cuco* watch files in a directory and take an action when they change. *Cuco* is controlled by a user-supplied script file. Intermixed "watch" commands specify what to do for the particular modified files. *Cuco* is: * Simple to use * Highly flexible * Evented ( uses gem listen ) * Portable ( Ruby ) Most importantly it is **agnostic** to: * Test frameworks * Web frameworks ## Installation ```ruby $ gem install cuco ``` ## Usage ```ruby $ cuco # default script file is .watchr Or $ cuco path/to/script/file ``` will monitor files in the current directory tree and react to events on those files in accordance with the script. ## A simple example of a script file (using Minitest): ```ruby watch( 'test/.*_test\.rb$' ) { |md| run_it(md[0]) } watch( 'lib/(.*)\.rb$' ) { |md| run_it("test/#{md[1]}_test.rb") } def run_it(file) system %(bundle exec ruby -I test #{file}) end Signal.trap("QUIT") { system("bundle exec rake") } # Ctrl-\ or ctrl-4 Signal.trap("INT") { abort("Interrupted\n") } # Ctrl-C ``` ## Script Scripts are pure Ruby. Intermixed are "watch" rules that match observed files to an action. The matching is achieved by a pattern (a regular expression) parameter. The action is specified by a block (see above sample). *md* is the match-data. Updates to script files are picked up on the fly (no need to restart *cuco*) so experimenting is painless. It's easy to see why *cuco* is so flexible, since the whole command is custom. The above actions could just as easily call "jruby", "ruby --rubygems", "ruby -I lib", etc. or any combination of these. ## Miscellaneous *Cuco* is heavily inspired by: * gem watchr * gem observr (a follow-up of gem watchr) Copyright (c) 2024 Dittmar Krall (www.matiq.com), released under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).