require File.expand_path('../test_helper.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__)) # Tests generated methods and functions in the Gio namespace. describe "The generated Gio module" do setup do GirFFI.setup :Gio end describe "#file_new_for_path, a method returning an interface," do it "does not throw an error when generated" do assert_nothing_raised { Gio.file_new_for_path('/') } end it "returns an object of a more specific class" do file = Gio.file_new_for_path('/') refute_instance_of Gio::File, file assert_includes file.class.ancestors, Gio::File end end describe "the result of #file_new_from_path" do before do @it = Gio.file_new_for_path('/') end it "is able to set up a method in a class that is not the first ancestor" do anc = @it.class.ancestors assert_equal Gio::File, anc[1] assert_equal GObject::Object, anc[2] refute_includes, 'get_qdata' assert_includes, 'get_qdata' @it.setup_and_call :get_qdata, 1 end end context "the FileInfo class" do context "an instance" do setup do file = Gio.file_new_for_path('/') @fileinfo = file.query_info "*", :none, nil end should "hava a working #get_attribute_type method" do type = @fileinfo.get_attribute_type "standard::display-name" assert_equal :string, type end end end describe "the action-added signal" do before do @grp = end it "correctly passes on the string parameter 'action_name'" do a = nil GObject.signal_connect @grp, "action-added" do |grp, action_name, user_data| a = action_name end GObject.signal_emit @grp, "action-added", "foo" assert_equal "foo", a end end describe "the reply signal" do before do @mo = end it "correctly passes on the enum parameter 'result'" do a = nil GObject.signal_connect @mo, "reply" do |mnt, result, user_data| a = result end GObject.signal_emit @mo, "reply", 2 assert_equal :unhandled, a end end describe "the CharsetConverter class" do it "includes two interfaces" do klass = Gio::CharsetConverter assert_includes klass.ancestors, Gio::Converter assert_includes klass.ancestors, Gio::Initable end it "allows an instance to find the #reset method" do cnv = "utf8", "utf8" cnv.reset pass end end end