@import "shared"; // This yields a linear gradient spanning from top to bottom // // +linear-gradient(color-stops(white, black)) // // This yields a linear gradient spanning from bottom to top // // +linear-gradient(color-stops(white, black), bottom) // // This yields a linear gradient spanning from left to right // // +linear-gradient(color-stops(white, black), left) // // This yields a linear gradient starting at white passing // thru blue at 33% down and then to black // // +linear-gradient(color-stops(white, blue 33%, black)) // // This yields a linear gradient starting at white passing // thru blue at 33% down and then to black at 67% until the end // // +linear-gradient(color-stops(white, blue 33%, black 67%)) // // This yields a linear gradient on top of a background image // // +linear-gradient(color_stops(white,black), top, image-url('noise.png')) // Browsers Supported: // // - Chrome // - Safari // - Firefox 3.6 @mixin linear-gradient($color-stops, $start: top, $image: false) { // Firefox's gradient api is nice. // Webkit's gradient api sucks -- hence these backflips: $background: unquote(""); @if $image { $background : $image + unquote(", "); } $start: unquote($start); $end: opposite-position($start); @if $experimental-support-for-webkit { background-image: #{$background}-webkit-gradient(linear, grad-point($start), grad-point($end), grad-color-stops($color-stops)); } @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla { background-image: #{$background}-moz-linear-gradient($start, $color-stops); } background-image: #{$background}linear-gradient($start, $color-stops); } // Due to limitation's of webkit, the radial gradient mixin works best if you use // pixel-based color stops. // // Examples: // // // Defaults to a centered, 100px radius gradient // +radial-gradient(color-stops(#c00, #00c)) // // 100px radius gradient in the top left corner // +radial-gradient(color-stops(#c00, #00c), top left) // // Three colors, ending at 50px and passing thru #fff at 25px // +radial-gradient(color-stops(#c00, #fff, #00c 50px)) // // a background image on top of the gradient // // Requires an image with an alpha-layer. // +radial-gradient(color_stops(#c00, #fff), top left, image-url("noise.png"))) // Browsers Supported: // // - Chrome // - Safari // - Firefox 3.6 @mixin radial-gradient($color-stops, $center-position: center center, $image: false) { $center-position: unquote($center-position); $end-pos: grad-end-position($color-stops, true); $background: unquote(""); @if $image { $background: $image + unquote(", "); } @if $experimental-support-for-webkit { background-image: #{$background}-webkit-gradient(radial, grad-point($center-position), 0, grad-point($center-position), $end-pos, grad-color-stops($color-stops)); } @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla { background-image: #{$background}-moz-radial-gradient($center-position, circle, $color-stops); } background-image: #{$background}radial-gradient($center-position, circle, $color-stops); }