# code below from https://gist.github.com/826692 # see also: http://rcaguilar.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/broken-mongrels-after-rails-2-3-11-upgrade/ # https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994-ruby-on-rails/tickets/4690-mongrel-doesnt-work-with-rails-238#ticket-4690-61 # much thanks to all--glen if ['2.3.8', '2.3.9', '2.3.10', '2.3.11'].include?(Rails.version) && Gem.available?('mongrel', '~>1.1.5') && self.class.const_defined?(:Mongrel) # Pulled right from latest rack. Old looked like this in 1.1.0 version. # # def [](k) # super(@names[k] ||= @names[k.downcase]) # end # module Rack module Utils class HeaderHash < Hash def [](k) super(@names[k]) if @names[k] super(@names[k.downcase]) end end end end # Code pulled from the ticket above. # class Mongrel::CGIWrapper def header_with_rails_fix(options = 'text/html') @head['cookie'] = options.delete('cookie').flatten.map { |v| v.sub(/^\n/,'') } if options.class != String and options['cookie'] header_without_rails_fix(options) end alias_method_chain :header, :rails_fix end # Pulled right from 2.3.8 ActionPack. Simple diff was # # if headers.include?('Set-Cookie') # headers['cookie'] = headers.delete('Set-Cookie').split("\n") # end # # to # # if headers['Set-Cookie'] # headers['cookie'] = headers.delete('Set-Cookie').split("\n") # end # module ActionController class CGIHandler def self.dispatch_cgi(app, cgi, out = $stdout) env = cgi.__send__(:env_table) env.delete "HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH" cgi.stdinput.extend ProperStream env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "" if env["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "/" env.update({ "rack.version" => [0,1], "rack.input" => cgi.stdinput, "rack.errors" => $stderr, "rack.multithread" => false, "rack.multiprocess" => true, "rack.run_once" => false, "rack.url_scheme" => ["yes", "on", "1"].include?(env["HTTPS"]) ? "https" : "http" }) env["QUERY_STRING"] ||= "" env["HTTP_VERSION"] ||= env["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] env["REQUEST_PATH"] ||= "/" env.delete "PATH_INFO" if env["PATH_INFO"] == "" status, headers, body = app.call(env) begin out.binmode if out.respond_to?(:binmode) out.sync = false if out.respond_to?(:sync=) headers['Status'] = status.to_s if headers['Set-Cookie'] headers['cookie'] = headers.delete('Set-Cookie').split("\n") end out.write(cgi.header(headers)) body.each { |part| out.write part out.flush if out.respond_to?(:flush) } ensure body.close if body.respond_to?(:close) end end end end end