require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'whiskey_disk', 'config')) class WhiskeyDisk attr_writer :configuration, :config attr_reader :results def initialize(options = {}) @staleness_checks = true if options[:staleness_checks] end def buffer @buffer ||= [] end def config @config ||= end def configuration @configuration ||= config.fetch end def debugging? config.debug? end def setting(key) configuration[key.to_s] end def check_staleness? config.check_staleness? end def staleness_checks_enabled? !!@staleness_checks end def enqueue(command) buffer << command end def remote?(domain) return false unless domain return false if domain == 'local' limit = config.domain_limit return false if limit and domain_limit_match?(domain, limit) true end def has_config_repo? ! (setting(:config_repository).nil? or setting(:config_repository) == '') end def project_name_specified? setting(:project) != 'unnamed_project' end def branch (setting(:branch) and setting(:branch) != '') ? setting(:branch) : 'master' end def config_branch (setting(:config_branch) and setting(:config_branch) != '') ? setting(:config_branch) : 'master' end def env_vars return '' unless setting(:rake_env) setting(:rake_env).keys.inject('') do |buffer,k| buffer += "#{k}='#{setting(:rake_env)[k]}' " buffer end end def parent_path(path) File.split(path).first end def tail_path(path) File.split(path).last end def needs(*keys) keys.each do |key| raise "No value for '#{key}' declared in configuration files [#{config.configuration_file}]" unless setting(key) end end def apply_staleness_check(commands) needs(:deploy_to, :repository) check = "cd #{setting(:deploy_to)}; " + "ml=\`git log -1 --pretty=format:%H\`; " + "mr=\`git ls-remote #{setting(:repository)} refs/heads/#{branch}\`; " if setting(:deploy_config_to) check += "cd #{setting(:deploy_config_to)}; " + "cl=\`git log -1 --pretty=format:%H\`; " + "cr=\`git ls-remote #{setting(:config_repository)} refs/heads/#{config_branch}\`; " end check += "if [[ $ml != ${mr%%\t*} ]] " + (setting(:deploy_config_to) ? "|| [[ $cl != ${cr%%\t*} ]]" : '') + "; then #{commands}; else echo \"No changes to deploy.\"; fi" end def join_commands buffer.collect {|c| "{ #{c} ; }"}.join(' && ') end def bundle return '' if buffer.empty? (staleness_checks_enabled? and check_staleness?) ? apply_staleness_check(join_commands) : join_commands end def domain_limit_match?(domain, limit) domain.sub(%r{^.*@}, '') == limit end def domain_of_interest?(domain) return true unless limit = config.domain_limit domain_limit_match?(domain, limit) end def encode_roles(roles) return '' unless roles and !roles.empty? "export WD_ROLES='#{roles.join(':')}'; " end def encode_env_vars(vars) return '' unless vars and !vars.empty? do |name, val| "export #{name}='#{val}'; " end.join end def build_command(domain, cmd) "#{'set -x; ' if debugging?}" + encode_env_vars(domain['env_vars']) + encode_roles(domain['roles']) + cmd end def rake_command (setting(:rake_command) and setting(:rake_command) != '') ? setting(:rake_command) : 'rake' end def run(domain, cmd) ssh(domain, cmd) end def ssh(domain, cmd) args = [] args << domain['name'] args << '-v' if debugging? args += domain['ssh_options'] if domain['ssh_options'] args << build_command(domain, cmd) puts "Running: ssh #{args.join(' ')}" if debugging? system('ssh', *args) end def shell(domain, cmd) puts "Running command locally: [#{cmd}]" if debugging? system('bash', '-c', build_command(domain, cmd)) end def flush needs(:domain) setting(:domain).each do |domain| next unless domain_of_interest?(domain['name']) puts "Deploying #{domain['name']}..." status = remote?(domain['name']) ? run(domain, bundle) : shell(domain, bundle) record_result(domain['name'], status) end end def record_result(domain, status) @results ||= [] @results << { 'domain' => domain, 'status' => status } end def summarize_results(results) successes = failures = 0 results.each do |result| puts "#{result['domain']} => #{result['status'] ? 'succeeded' : 'failed'}." if result['status'] successes += 1 else failures += 1 end end [successes + failures, successes, failures] end def summarize puts "\nResults:" if results and not results.empty? total, successes, failures = summarize_results(results) puts "Total: #{total} deployment#{total == 1 ? '' : 's'}, " + "#{successes} success#{successes == 1 ? '' : 'es'}, " + "#{failures} failure#{failures == 1 ? '' : 's'}." else puts "No deployments to report." end end def success? return true if !results or results.empty? results.all? {|result| result['status'] } end def if_file_present(path, cmd) "if [ -e #{path} ]; then #{cmd}; fi" end def if_task_defined(task, cmd) %Q(rakep=`#{env_vars} #{rake_command} -P` && if [[ `echo "${rakep}" | grep #{task}` != "" ]]; then #{cmd}; fi ) end def safe_branch_checkout(path, my_branch) %Q(cd #{path} && git checkout -b #{my_branch} origin/#{my_branch} || git checkout #{my_branch} origin/#{my_branch} || git checkout #{my_branch}) end def clone_repository(repo, path, my_branch) enqueue "cd #{parent_path(path)}" enqueue("if [ -e #{path} ]; then echo 'Repository already cloned to [#{path}]. Skipping.'; " + "else git clone #{repo} #{tail_path(path)} && #{safe_branch_checkout(path, my_branch)}; fi") end def refresh_checkout(path, repo_branch) enqueue "cd #{path}" enqueue "git fetch origin +refs/heads/#{repo_branch}:refs/remotes/origin/#{repo_branch} #{'&>/dev/null' unless debugging?}" enqueue "git checkout --force #{repo_branch} #{'&>/dev/null' unless debugging?}" enqueue "git reset --hard origin/#{repo_branch} #{'&>/dev/null' unless debugging?}" end def run_rake_task(path, task_name) enqueue "echo Running rake #{task_name}..." enqueue "cd #{path}" enqueue(if_file_present("#{setting(:deploy_to)}/Rakefile", if_task_defined(task_name, "#{env_vars} #{rake_command} #{'--trace' if debugging?} #{task_name} to=#{setting(:environment)}"))) end def build_path(path) return path if path =~ %r{^/} File.join(setting(:deploy_to), path) end def run_script(script) return unless script enqueue(%Q) end def ensure_main_parent_path_is_present needs(:deploy_to) enqueue "mkdir -p #{parent_path(setting(:deploy_to))}" end def ensure_config_parent_path_is_present needs(:deploy_config_to) enqueue "mkdir -p #{parent_path(setting(:deploy_config_to))}" end def checkout_main_repository needs(:deploy_to, :repository) clone_repository(setting(:repository), setting(:deploy_to), branch) end def checkout_configuration_repository needs(:deploy_config_to, :config_repository) clone_repository(setting(:config_repository), setting(:deploy_config_to), config_branch) end def snapshot_git_revision needs(:deploy_to) enqueue "cd #{setting(:deploy_to)}" enqueue %Q{ml=\`git log -1 --pretty=format:%H\`} end def initialize_git_changes needs(:deploy_to) enqueue "rm -f #{setting(:deploy_to)}/.whiskey_disk_git_changes" snapshot_git_revision end def initialize_rsync_changes needs(:deploy_to) enqueue "rm -f #{setting(:deploy_to)}/.whiskey_disk_rsync_changes" end def initialize_all_changes needs(:deploy_to) initialize_git_changes initialize_rsync_changes end def capture_git_changes needs(:deploy_to) enqueue "git diff --name-only ${ml}..HEAD > #{setting(:deploy_to)}/.whiskey_disk_git_changes" end def update_main_repository_checkout needs(:deploy_to) initialize_git_changes refresh_checkout(setting(:deploy_to), branch) capture_git_changes end def update_configuration_repository_checkout needs(:deploy_config_to) initialize_rsync_changes refresh_checkout(setting(:deploy_config_to), config_branch) end def refresh_configuration needs(:deploy_to, :deploy_config_to) raise "Must specify project name when using a configuration repository." unless project_name_specified? enqueue "echo Rsyncing configuration..." enqueue("rsync -a#{'v --progress' if debugging?} " + '--log-format="%t [%p] %i %n" ' + "#{setting(:deploy_config_to)}/#{setting(:project)}/#{setting(:config_target)}/ #{setting(:deploy_to)}/ " + "> #{setting(:deploy_to)}/.whiskey_disk_rsync_changes") end def run_post_setup_hooks needs(:deploy_to) run_script(setting(:post_setup_script)) run_rake_task(setting(:deploy_to), "deploy:post_setup") end def run_post_deploy_hooks needs(:deploy_to) run_script(setting(:post_deploy_script)) run_rake_task(setting(:deploy_to), "deploy:post_deploy") end end