# Events

WebFont Loader provides an event system that developers can hook into. It
gives you notifications of the font loading sequence in both CSS and

## The Events

  * `Loading` - This event is triggered when all fonts have been requested.
  * `Active` - This event is triggered when all of the fonts have rendered.
  * `Inactive` - This event is triggered when the browser does not support
      linked fonts *or* if none of the fonts could be loaded.
  * `Font Loading` - This event is triggered once for each font that's loaded.
  * `Font Active` - This event is triggered once for each font that renders.
  * `Font Inactive` - This event is triggered if the font can't be loaded.

### CSS Flavored

CSS events are implemented as classes on the `html` element.


`familyname` is a sanitized version of the name of each font family. Spaces
and underscores are removed from the name, and all characters are converted to
lower case. For example, `Droid Sans` becomes `droidsans`.

`fvd` is a *Font Variation Description*. Put simply, it's a shorthand for
describing the style and weight of a particular font. Here are a few examples:

    @font-face {
      font-style: normal;
      font-weight: normal;
    => n4

    @font-face {
      font-style: italic;
      font-weight: bold;
    => i7

If no style/weight is specified, the default "n4" (font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;) will be used.

If fonts are loaded multiple times on a single page, the CSS classes continue
to update to reflect the current state of the page. The global `wf-loading`
class is applied whenever fonts are being requested (even if other fonts are
already active or inactive). The `wf-inactive` class is applied only if none of
the fonts on the page have rendered. Otherwise, the `wf-active` class is applied
instead (even if some fonts are inactive).

Here's an example of CSS classes over multiple loads:

  * Droid Sans n4 is requested
    * The `html` element has `wf-loading wf-droidsans-n4-loading`
  * Droid Sans n4 is detected as active
    * The `html` element has `wf-active wf-droidsans-n4-active`
  * Droid Sans n7 is subsequently requested
    * The `html` element has `wf-active wf-loading wf-droidsans-n4-active
  * Droid Sans n7 is detected as active
    * The `html` element has `wf-active wf-droidsans-n4-active

Here's another example of CSS classes over multiple loads when one of the
requested fonts is inactive:

  * Droid Sans n9 is requested (which doesn't exist)
    * The `html` element has `wf-loading wf-droidsans-n9-loading`
  * Droid Sans n9 is detected as inactive
    * The `html` element has `wf-inactive wf-droidsans-n9-inactive`
  * Droid Sans n4 is subsequently requested
    * The `html` element has `wf-inactive wf-loading wf-droidsans-n9-inactive
  * Droid Sans n4 is detected as active
    * The `html` element has `wf-active wf-droidsans-n9-inactive

### JavaScript Flavored

JavaScript events are implemented as callback functions on the `WebFont.load`

      loading: function() {
      active: function() {
      inactive: function() {
      fontloading: function(familyName, fvd) {
      fontactive: function(familyName, fvd) {
      fontinactive: function(familyName, fvd) {

## Error Handling

### Timeouts

Since the Internet is not 100% reliable, it's possible that a font fails to
load. You can use events to gracefully degrade in this situation.

> The `Font Inactive` event will be triggered after 5 seconds if the font
fails to render. If *at least* one font succesfully renders, the `Active`
event will be triggered, else the `Inactive` even will be triggered.

You can configure the timeout by using the `timeout` configuration on the
`WebFont.load` function.

      timeout: 2000, // Set the timeout to two seconds

The timeout value should be in milliseconds, and defaults to 5 seconds if
not supplied.

### Browser Support

Every web browser has varying levels of support for fonts linked via
@font-face. Support for web fonts is determined using the browser user agent
string. The user agent string may claim to support a web font format
when it in fact does not. This is especially noticable on mobile browsers
with a "Desktop" mode, which usually identify as Chrome on Linux.
In this case a web font provider may decide to send WOFF fonts to the
device because the real desktop Chrome supports it, while the mobile
browser does not. The WebFont Loader is not designed to handle these
cases and it chooses to believe the user agent string. Web font providers
may or may not build on top of the basic WebFont Loader functionality
to handle these special cases individually.

> If WebFont Loader determines that the current browser does not support
`@font-face`, the `Inactive` event will be triggered.

When loading fonts from multiple providers, each provider may or may not
support a given browser.

> If WebFont Loader determines that the current browser can support
`@font-face`, and *at least* one provider is able to serve fonts,
the fonts from that provide will be loaded. When finished, the `Active` event
will be triggered.

> For fonts loaded from supported providers, the `Font Active` event will be
triggered. For fonts loaded from a provider that *does not* support the
current browser, the `Font Inactive` event will be triggered.

For example:

      providerA: 'Family1',
      providerB: 'Family2'

> If `providerA` can serve fonts to a browser, but `providerB` cannot, The
`Font Inactive` event will be triggered for `Family2`. The `Font Active`
event will be triggered for `Family1` once it loads, as will the `Active`