Feature: Manage image variants In order to show images on the page a user wants to resize and crop images Scenario: create a new named image variant Given I am on "/admin/saphira/files" And I follow "image variants" within ".menu" And I follow "New Image variant" When I fill in "image_variant_name" with "square" And I fill in "image_variant_manipulation" with "300x 300x300+0+0" And I press "Create Image variant" Then I should see "square" within "h1" Scenario: setup image for variant square Given the image_variant "square" exists And the image "eos-550d-wrong-orientation.jpg" is uploaded When I am on "/admin/saphira/files" And I follow "eos-550d-wrong-orientation.jpg" And I follow "show" within ".square" And I follow "Edit" And I fill in "file_item_field_pre_manipulation_1" with "300x300#" And I press "update" Then I should see an image as square within "#saphira-file-preview"