# Google Custom Search This project is a Ruby lib for Google's Custom Search ENgine API (http://www.google.com/cse). There seem to be quite a few cse libs out there that don't work so I rolled this up quickly. Questions/comments, etc: wiseleyb@gmail.com ## Install Add to your Gemfile: gem "google_custom_search_api" then bundle install ## Configure You need to configure ```GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX``` and ```GOOGLE_API_KEY``` to ```config/initializers/google_cse_api.rb```: ``` GOOGLE_API_KEY = "..." GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX = "..." ``` Google's API management is confusing at best. At the time of this writing you codes like so: ### GOOGLE_API_KEY * Go to [Google Projects](https://console.developers.google.com/project) * Create a project, open it * Under `Explore other services` choose `Enable APIs and get credentials like keys` * Search for `custom search` and click on it * In the left column click on `Credentials` * Under `API keys` grab your key. This is your `GOOGLE_API_KEY` ### GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX * Go to [Google CSE](https://cse.google.com/cse) * Create a search engine and click on it * Under `Setup > Tabs > Basic` find `Details` and click `Search engine ID` * This is your GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX * Make sure to add a site under `Sites to search` ## Use ### Search To perform a search: ``` results = GoogleCustomSearchApi.search("poker") ``` Results now contains a raw version and a class'ed version of the data show in ```Sample results``` below. This means you can do: ``` results["items"].each do |item| puts item["title"], item["link"] end ``` or ``` results.items.each do |item| puts item.title, item.link end ``` ### Paging Google only returns 10 results at a time and a maximum of 100 results. The easiest way to page through results if to use `:page`. Paging is 1 based (1-10). The default page is 1 ``` results = GoogleCustomerSearchApi.search("poker", page: 2) results.pages == 10 results.current_page == 2 results.next_page == 3 results.previous_page == 1 results = GoogleCustomerSearchApi.search("poker", page: 1) results.pages == 10 results.current_page == 1 results.next_page == 2 results.previous_page == nil results = GoogleCustomerSearchApi.search("poker", page: 10) results.pages == 10 results.current_page == 10 results.next_page == nil results.previous_page == 9 ``` You can also use `:start` - which can be any number between 1 and 99. The `:page` helpers won't be accurate with `:start` Example: get results 13-23 ``` results = GoogleCustomerSearchApi.search('poker', start: 13) ``` See [Custom Search](http://code.google.com/apis/customsearch/v1/using_rest.html) documentation for an explanation of all fields available. ### Search and return all results This method isn't so useful because it's pretty slow (do to fetching up to 10 pages from Google). Helpful for testing sometimes. ``` results = search_and_return_all_results('poker') results.first.items.size # == 10 search_and_resturn_all_results('poker') do |results| results.items.size # == 10 10 times end search_and_return_all_results( '"California cult winery known for its Rhône"') do |results| results.items.size # == 3 1 time end ``` ### Errors Custom Search only returns a maximum of 100 results so - if you try something like ``` results = GoogleCustomSearchApi.search('poker', start: 101) ``` You get error and empty items. ``` { "error"=> { "errors"=> [ { "domain"=>"global", "reason"=>"invalid", "message"=>"Invalid Value" } ], "code"=>400, "message"=>"Invalid Value" }, "items"=>[] } ``` So check for: ``` if results.try(:error) || results.items.empty? ``` ### Rails example In **Gemfile** ``` gem "google_custom_search_api" ``` In **config/initializers/google_search.rb** ``` GOOGLE_API_KEY = '...' GOOGLE_SEARCH_CX = '...' ``` In **config/routes.rb** ``` get '/search' => 'search#index' ``` In **app/controllers/search_controller.rb** you'd have something like this: ``` class SearchController < ApplicationController def index if params[:q] page = params[:page] || 1 @results = GoogleCustomSearchApi.search(params[:q], page: page) end end end ``` And a simple view might look like this **app/search/index.html.erb** (this is using bootstrap styling) ```


<% if @results && !@results.items.empty? %>
<% @results.items.each do |item| %>

<%= link_to item.htmlTitle.html_safe, item.link %>

<% if item['pagemap'] && item['pagemap']['cse_thumbnail'] && img = item.pagemap.cse_thumbnail.first %>
<%= image_tag(img.src, width: '200px') %>
<%= item.htmlSnippet.html_safe %>
<% else %> <%= item.htmlSnippet.html_safe %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @results.previous_page %> <%= link_to '<< Previous', search_path(q: params[:q], page: @results.previous_page), class: 'btn' %> <% end %> <% @results.pages.times do |i| %> <%= link_to i + 1, search_path(q: params[:q], page: i+1), class: 'btn btn-page' %> <% end %> <% if @results.next_page %> <%= link_to 'Next >>', search_path(q: params[:q], page: @results.next_page), class: 'btn' %> <% end %>
<% else %>

No results

<% end %>
``` ### Encoding issues TODO - this section needs work CSE will return non utf-8 results which can be problematic. I might add in a config value that you can explicitly set encoding. Until then a work around is doing stuff like: ``` results.items.first.title.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) ``` More on this here: http://code.google.com/apis/customsearch/docs/ref_encoding.html ## Contributing - Running tests Pull requests welcome. To run tests ``` git clone git@github.com:wiseleyb/google_custom_search_api.git cd google_custom_search_api bundle install bundle exec rspec spec ``` ## Credits * Based largely on the gem https://github.com/alexreisner/google_custom_search * Awesome ResponseData class from https://github.com/mikedemers/rbing * Work done while working on a project for the company http://reInteractive.net in sunny Sydney. A great ruby shop should you need help with something. Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Wiseley, released under the MIT license