package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyArray; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyHash; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.RubyConstant; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.RubyValue; import com.xruby.runtime.lang.RhoSupport; import; import com.rho.sync.SyncThread; import com.rho.*; import com.rho.file.SimpleFile; public class RhoConnection implements IHttpConnection { private static final RhoLogger LOG = RhoLogger.RHO_STRIP_LOG ? new RhoEmptyLogger() : new RhoLogger("RhoConnection"); RhoConf RHOCONF(){ return RhoConf.getInstance(); } /** Request URI **/ URI uri, uri_orig; String url_external; /** Method - GET, POST, HEAD **/ String method; /** Numeric code returned from HTTP response header. */ protected int responseCode = 200; /** Message string from HTTP response header. */ protected String responseMsg = "OK"; /** Content-Length from response header, or -1 if missing. */ private int contentLength = -1; /** Collection of request headers as name/value pairs. */ protected Properties reqHeaders = new Properties(); /** Collection of response headers as name/value pairs. */ protected Properties resHeaders = new Properties(); /** Request state **/ protected boolean requestProcessed = false; /** Input/Output streams **/ private /*ByteArray*/InputStream responseData = null; private ByteArrayOutputStream postData = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private SimpleFile m_file = null; /** Construct connection using URI **/ public RhoConnection(URI _uri) { url_external = _uri.toString(); uri_orig = _uri; uri = new URI(url_external); if ( !uri.getPath().startsWith("/apps") ) uri.setPath("/apps" + uri.getPath()); else uri.setPath(uri.getPath()); } public void resetUrl(String url) { url_external = url; uri = new URI(url_external); if ( !uri.getPath().startsWith("/apps") ) uri.setPath("/apps" + uri.getPath()); else uri.setPath(uri.getPath()); method = ""; responseCode = 200; responseMsg = "OK"; contentLength = -1; reqHeaders.clear(); resHeaders.clear(); requestProcessed = false; try{ clean(); }catch(IOException exc) { LOG.ERROR("clean failed.", exc); } } private void clean() throws IOException { if ( m_file != null ){ m_file.close(); m_file = null; }else if (responseData != null) responseData.close(); responseData = null; if ( postData != null ) postData.close(); } public void close() throws IOException { clean(); LOG.TRACE("Close browser connection."); } public Object getNativeConnection() { throw new RuntimeException("getNativeConnection - Not implemented"); } public long getDate() throws IOException { LOG.TRACE("getDate"); return getHeaderFieldDate("date", 0); } public long getExpiration() throws IOException { LOG.TRACE("getExpiration"); return getHeaderFieldDate("expires", 0); } public String getFile() { LOG.TRACE("getFile"); if (uri!=null) { String path = uri.getPath(); if (path!=null) { int s0 = path.lastIndexOf('/'); int s1 = path.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (s1>s0) s0=s1; if (s0<0) s0 = 0; return path.substring(s0); } } return null; } public String getHeaderField(String name) throws IOException { //LOG.TRACE("getHeaderField: " + name); processRequest(); return resHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase(name); } public String getHeaderField(int index) throws IOException { //LOG.TRACE("getHeaderField: " + index); processRequest(); if (index >= resHeaders.size()) { return null; } return resHeaders.getValueAt(index); } public long getHeaderFieldDate(String name, long def) throws IOException { //LOG.TRACE("getHeaderFieldDate: " + name); processRequest(); try { return DateTimeTokenizer.parse(getHeaderField(name)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // fall through } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // fall through } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // fall through } return def; } public int getHeaderFieldInt(String name, int def) throws IOException { //LOG.TRACE("getHeaderFieldInt: " + name); processRequest(); try { return Integer.parseInt(getHeaderField(name)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // fall through } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // fall through } return def; } public String getHeaderFieldKey(int index) throws IOException { //LOG.TRACE("getHeaderFieldKey: " + index); processRequest(); if (index >= resHeaders.size()) return null; return ((String)(resHeaders.getKeyAt(index))); } public String getHost() { LOG.TRACE("getHost: " + uri.getHost()); return uri.getHost(); } public long getLastModified() throws IOException { LOG.TRACE("getLastModified"); return getHeaderFieldDate("last-modified", 0); } public int getPort() { LOG.TRACE("getPort: " + uri.getPort()); return uri.getPort(); } public String getProtocol() { LOG.TRACE("getProtocol: " + uri.getScheme()); return uri.getScheme(); } public String getQuery() { LOG.TRACE("getQuery: " + uri.getQueryString()); return uri.getQueryString(); } public String getRef() { LOG.TRACE("getRef: " + uri.getFragment()); return uri.getFragment(); } public String getRequestMethod() { LOG.TRACE("getRequestMethod: " + method); return method; } public String getRequestProperty(String key) { //LOG.TRACE("getRequestProperty: " + key); return reqHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase(key); } public int getResponseCode() throws IOException { processRequest(); LOG.TRACE("getResponseCode" + responseCode); return responseCode; } public String getResponseMessage() throws IOException { LOG.TRACE("getResponseMessage: " + responseMsg); processRequest(); return responseMsg; } public String getURL() { LOG.TRACE("getURL: " + url_external); return url_external; } public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws IOException { LOG.TRACE("setRequestMethod: " + method); /* * The request method can not be changed once the output stream has been * opened. */ // if (streamConnection != null) { // throw new IOException("connection already open"); // } if (!method.equals(HEAD) && !method.equals(GET) && !method.equals(POST)) { throw new IOException("unsupported method: " + method); } this.method = method; } public void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) throws IOException { //LOG.TRACE("setRequestProperty: key = " + key + "; value = " + value); int index = 0; /* * The request headers can not be changed once the output stream has * been opened. */ // if (streamConnection != null) { // throw new IOException("connection already open"); // } // Look to see if a programmer embedded any extra fields. for (;;) { index = value.indexOf("\r\n", index); if (index == -1) { break; } // Allow legal header value continuations. CRLF + (SP|HT) index += 2; if (index >= value.length() || (value.charAt(index) != ' ' && value.charAt(index) != '\t')) { // illegal values passed for properties - raise an exception throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal value found"); } } setRequestField(key, value); } /** * Add the named field to the list of request fields. This method is where a * subclass should override properties. * * @param key * key for the request header field. * @param value * the value for the request header field. */ protected void setRequestField(String key, String value) { //LOG.TRACE("setRequestField: key = " + key + "; value = " + value); /* * If application setRequestProperties("Connection", "close") then we * need to know this & take appropriate default close action */ // if ((key.equalsIgnoreCase("connection")) && // (value.equalsIgnoreCase("close"))) { // ConnectionCloseFlag = true; // } /* * Ref . Section 3.6 of RFC2616 : All transfer-coding values are * case-insensitive. */ // if ((key.equalsIgnoreCase("transfer-encoding")) && // (value.equalsIgnoreCase("chunked"))) { // chunkedOut = true; // } reqHeaders.setPropertyIgnoreCase(key, value); } public String getEncoding() { LOG.TRACE("getEncloding"); try { return getHeaderField("content-encoding"); } catch (IOException x) { return null; } } public long getLength() { LOG.TRACE("getLength: " + contentLength); try { processRequest(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Fall through to return -1 for length } return contentLength; } public String getType() { LOG.TRACE("getType"); try { return getHeaderField("content-type"); } catch (IOException x) { return null; } } public DataInputStream openDataInputStream() throws IOException { return new DataInputStream(openInputStream()); } public InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException { processRequest(); return responseData; } public DataOutputStream openDataOutputStream() throws IOException { return new DataOutputStream(postData); } public OutputStream openOutputStream() throws IOException { return postData; } static private class UrlParser{ String strPath; int nStart = 0; UrlParser( String url ){ strPath = url; nStart = strPath.charAt(0) == '/' ? 1 : 0; } public boolean isEnd(){ return nStart >= strPath.length(); } public String next(){ if ( isEnd() ) return null; int nEnd = strPath.indexOf('/',nStart); if ( nEnd < 0 ) nEnd = strPath.length(); String res = strPath.substring(nStart, nEnd); nStart = nEnd+1; return URI.urlDecode(res).trim(); } } void respondMoved( String location ){ responseCode = HTTP_MOVED_PERM; responseMsg = "Moved Permanently"; String strLoc = location; if ( strLoc.startsWith("/apps")) strLoc = strLoc.substring(5); String strQuery = uri.getQueryString(); if ( strQuery != null && strQuery.length() > 0 ) strLoc += "?" + strQuery; resHeaders.addProperty("Location", strLoc ); contentLength = 0; } void respondOK(){ responseCode = HTTP_OK; responseMsg = "Success"; contentLength = 0; } void respondNotModified(){ responseCode = HTTP_NOTMODIFIED; responseMsg = "Success"; contentLength = 0; } void respondNotFound( String strError ){ responseCode = HTTP_NOT_FOUND; responseMsg = "Not found"; if ( strError != null && strError.length() != 0 ) responseMsg += ".Error: " + strError; String strBody = "Page not found: " + uri.getPath(); contentLength = strBody.length(); responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(strBody.getBytes()); resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Type", "text/html" ); resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString( contentLength ) ); } String getContentType(){ String contType = reqHeaders.getProperty("Content-Type"); if ( contType == null || contType.length() == 0 ) contType = reqHeaders.getProperty("content-type"); if ( contType != null && contType.length() > 0 ) return contType; String path = uri.getPath(); int nPoint = path.lastIndexOf('.'); String strExt = ""; if ( nPoint > 0 ) strExt = path.substring(nPoint+1); if ( strExt.equals("png") ) return "image/png"; else if ( strExt.equals("jpeg") ) return "image/jpeg"; else if ( strExt.equals("jpg") ) return "image/jpg"; else if ( strExt.equals("js") ) return "application/javascript"; else if ( strExt.equals("css") ) return "text/css"; else if ( strExt.equals("gif") ) return "image/gif"; else if ( strExt.equals("html") || strExt.equals("htm") ) return "text/html"; else if ( strExt.equals("txt") ) return "text/plain"; return ""; } static final String[] m_arIndexes = {"index_erb.iseq", "index.html", "index.htm"}; public static int findIndex(String strUrl){ String filename; int nLastSlash = strUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); if ( nLastSlash >= 0 ) filename = strUrl.substring(nLastSlash+1); else filename = strUrl; for( int i = 0; i < m_arIndexes.length; i++ ){ if ( filename.equalsIgnoreCase(m_arIndexes[i]) ) return i; } return -1; } protected boolean httpGetIndexFile(){ String strIndex = null; String slash = ""; if ( uri.getPath()!=null && uri.getPath().length() > 0 ) slash = uri.getPath().charAt(uri.getPath().length()-1) == '/' ? "" : "/"; for( int i = 0; i < m_arIndexes.length; i++ ){ String name = uri.getPath() + slash + m_arIndexes[i]; String nameClass = name; if ( nameClass.endsWith(".iseq")) nameClass = nameClass.substring(0, nameClass.length()-5); if ( RhoSupport.findClass(nameClass) != null || RhoRuby.resourceFileExists(name) ){ strIndex = name; break; } } if ( strIndex == null ) return false; respondMoved(strIndex); return true; } private String getLocalHttpTimeString() { final String[] months= { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; final String[] wdays= { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; //Thu, 01 Dec 2010 16:00:00 GMT Calendar time = Calendar.getInstance(); String strTime = ""; strTime += wdays[time.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1] + ", " + time.get(Calendar.DATE) + " " + months[time.get(Calendar.MONTH)] + " " + time.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " " + time.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + time.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + time.get(Calendar.SECOND) + " " + "GMT"; return strTime; } protected boolean isDbFilesPath(String strPath) { return strPath.startsWith("/apps/app/db/db-files") || strPath.startsWith("/apps/db/db-files"); } protected boolean httpServeFile(String strContType)throws IOException { String strPath = uri.getPath(); //if ( !strPath.startsWith("/apps") ) // strPath = "/apps" + strPath; LOG.TRACE("httpServeFile: " + strPath); if ( !isDbFilesPath(strPath) ) { if ( strContType.equals("application/javascript")){ responseData = RhoRuby.loadFile(strPath); if ( responseData == null ){ String str = ""; responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()); } } else responseData = RhoRuby.loadFile(strPath); }else { if ( strPath.startsWith("/apps/app/db/db-files") ) strPath = strPath.substring(9);// remove /apps/app else strPath = strPath.substring(5);// remove /apps } if (responseData == null){ SimpleFile file = null; try{ file = RhoClassFactory.createFile(); String strFileName = strPath; // if ( strFileName.startsWith("/apps") ) // strFileName = strPath.substring(5);, true, true); responseData = file.getInputStream(); if (responseData != null) { contentLength = (int) file.length(); } m_file = file; }catch(Exception exc){ if ( file != null ) file.close(); } } else { if (responseData != null) { contentLength = responseData.available(); } } if (responseData== null) return false; if ( strContType.length() > 0 ) resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Type", strContType ); resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString( contentLength ) ); //resHeaders.addProperty("Date",getLocalHttpTimeString()); //resHeaders.addProperty("Cache-control", "public, max-age=3600" ); //resHeaders.addProperty("Expires", "Thu, 01 Dec 2010 16:00:00 GMT" ); return true; } private boolean isKnownExtension(String strPath) { int nDot = strPath.lastIndexOf('.'); if ( nDot >= 0 ) { String strExt = strPath.substring(nDot+1); return strExt.equalsIgnoreCase("png") || strExt.equalsIgnoreCase("jpg") || strExt.equalsIgnoreCase("css") || strExt.equalsIgnoreCase("js"); } return false; } protected boolean httpGetFile(String strContType)throws IOException { if ( !isDbFilesPath(uri.getPath()) && !isKnownExtension(uri.getPath()) && strContType.length() == 0 ) { String strTemp = FilePath.join(uri.getPath(), "/"); if( RhoSupport.findClass(strTemp + "controller") != null ) return false; int nPos = findIndex(uri.getPath()); if ( nPos >= 0 ) { String url = uri.getPath();// + (nPos == 0 ? ".iseq" : ""); Properties reqHash = new Properties(); this.doDispatch(reqHash, url); // RubyValue res = RhoRuby.processIndexRequest(url);//erb-compiled should load from class //processResponse(res); //RhodesApp.getInstance().keepLastVisitedUrl(url_external); return true; } if( httpGetIndexFile() ) return true; } return httpServeFile(strContType); } protected boolean checkRhoExtensions(String application, String model ){ if ( application.equalsIgnoreCase("AppManager") ){ //TODO: AppManager respondOK(); return true; }else if ( application.equalsIgnoreCase("system") ){ if ( model.equalsIgnoreCase("geolocation") ){ showGeoLocation(); return true; }else if ( model.equalsIgnoreCase("loadserversources") ){ RhoAppAdapter.loadServerSources(postData.toString()); return true; }else if ( model.equalsIgnoreCase("loadallsyncsources") ){ RhoAppAdapter.loadAllSyncSources(); return true; }else if ( model.equalsIgnoreCase("resetDBOnSyncUserChanged") ){ RhoAppAdapter.resetDBOnSyncUserChanged(); return true; } }else if ( application.equalsIgnoreCase("shared") ) return false; return false; } void showGeoLocation(){ String location = ""; try { IRhoRubyHelper helper = RhoClassFactory.createRhoRubyHelper(); location = helper.getGeoLocationText(); }catch(Exception exc) { LOG.ERROR("getGeoLocationText failed", exc); } respondOK(); contentLength = location.length(); responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(location.getBytes()); resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Type", "text/html" ); resHeaders.addProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString( contentLength ) ); } protected boolean dispatch()throws IOException { //LOG.INFO("dispatch start : " + uri.getPath()); UrlParser up = new UrlParser(uri.getPath()); String apps =; String application; if ( apps.equalsIgnoreCase("apps") ) application =; else application = apps; String model =; if ( model == null || model.length() == 0 ) return false; if ( checkRhoExtensions(application, model ) ) return true; // Convert CamelCase to underscore_case StringBuffer cName = new StringBuffer(); byte[] modelname = model.getBytes(); char ch; for (int i = 0; i != model.length(); ++i) { if (modelname[i] >= (byte)'A' && modelname[i] <= (byte)'Z') { ch = (char)(modelname[i] + 0x20); if (i != 0) cName.append('_'); } else ch = (char)modelname[i]; cName.append(ch); } String controllerName = cName.toString(); String strCtrl = "apps/" + application + '/' + model + '/' + controllerName + "_controller"; if (RhoSupport.findClass(strCtrl) == null) { strCtrl = "apps/" + application + '/' + model + '/' + "controller"; if( RhoSupport.findClass(strCtrl) == null ) return false; } Properties reqHash = new Properties(); String actionid =; String actionnext =; if ( actionid != null && actionid.length() > 0 ){ if ( actionid.length() > 6 && actionid.startsWith("%7B") && actionid.endsWith("%7D") ) actionid = "{" + actionid.substring(3, actionid.length()-3) + "}"; if ( actionid.length() > 2 && actionid.charAt(0)=='{' && actionid.charAt(actionid.length()-1)=='}' ){ reqHash.setProperty( "id", actionid); reqHash.setProperty( "action", actionnext); }else{ reqHash.setProperty( "id", actionnext); reqHash.setProperty( "action", actionid); } } reqHash.setProperty( "application",application); reqHash.setProperty( "model", model); doDispatch( reqHash, null); if ( actionid !=null && actionid.length() > 2 && actionid.charAt(0)=='{' && actionid.charAt(actionid.length()-1)=='}' ) SyncThread.getInstance().addobjectnotify_bysrcname( model, actionid); return true; } void doDispatch( Properties reqHash, String strIndex)throws IOException { reqHash.setProperty("request-method", this.method); reqHash.setProperty("request-uri", uri.getPath()); reqHash.setProperty("request-query", uri.getQueryString()); if ( postData != null && postData.size() > 0 ) { if ( !RHOCONF().getBool("log_skip_post") ) LOG.TRACE(postData.toString()); reqHash.setProperty("request-body", postData.toString()); } RubyValue res = RhoRuby.processRequest( reqHash, reqHeaders, resHeaders, strIndex); processResponse(res); RhodesApp.getInstance().keepLastVisitedUrl(url_external); LOG.INFO("dispatch end"); } public void processRequest() throws IOException{ if (!requestProcessed) { String strErr = ""; LOG.TRACE("processRequest: " + getURL() ); String strReferer = reqHeaders != null ? reqHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase("Referer") : ""; if ( getRef() != null && getRef().length() > 0 && strReferer != null && strReferer.equalsIgnoreCase(uri_orig.getPathNoFragment()) ) { respondNotModified(); }else { String strContType = getContentType(); if ( uri.getPath().startsWith("/apps/public")) { httpServeFile(strContType); }else { if ( this.method.equals("POST") || strContType.length() == 0 || strContType.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") >= 0) { if ( dispatch() ) { requestProcessed = true; return; } } if ( /*this.method == "GET" &&*/ httpGetFile(strContType) ){ //}else if ( dispatch() ){ }else{ respondNotFound(strErr); } } } requestProcessed = true; } } private void processResponse(RubyValue res){ if ( res != null && res != RubyConstant.QNIL && res instanceof RubyHash ){ RubyHash resHash = (RubyHash)res; RubyValue resBody = null; RubyArray arKeys = resHash.keys(); RubyArray arValues = resHash.values(); for( int i = 0; i < arKeys.size(); i++ ){ String strKey = arKeys.get(i).toString(); if ( strKey.equals("request-body") ) resBody = arValues.get(i); else if (strKey.equals("status")) responseCode = arValues.get(i).toInt(); else if (strKey.equals("message")) responseMsg = arValues.get(i).toString(); else resHeaders.addProperty( strKey, arValues.get(i).toString() ); } String strBody = ""; if ( resBody != null && resBody != RubyConstant.QNIL ) strBody = resBody.toRubyString().toString(); if ( !RHOCONF().getBool("log_skip_post") ) LOG.TRACE(strBody); try{ responseData = new ByteArrayInputStream(strBody.getBytes("UTF-8")); }catch( exc) { LOG.ERROR("Error getting utf-8 body :", exc); } if ( responseData != null ) contentLength = Integer.parseInt(resHeaders.getPropertyIgnoreCase("Content-Length")); } } }