A simple recursive controller layer which works in isolation from the view rendering middleware.
use Utopia::Controller,
# The root directory where `controller.rb` files can be found.
root: 'path/to/root',
# The base class to use for all controllers:
base: Utopia::Controller::Base,
# Whether or not to cache controller classes:
cache_controllers: (RACK_ENV == :production)
A controller is a file within the root directory (or subdirectory) with the name controller.rb
. This code is dynamically loaded into an anonymous class and executed. The default controller has only a single function:
def passthrough(request, path)
# Call one of:
# This will cause the middleware to generate a response.
# def respond!(response)
# This will cause the controller to skip the request.
# def ignore!
# Request relative redirect. Respond with a redirect to the given target.
# def redirect! (target, status = 302)
# Controller relative redirect.
# def goto!(target, status = 302)
# Respond with an error which indiciates some kind of failure.
# def fail!(error = 400, message = nil)
# Succeed the request and immediately respond.
# def succeed!(status: 200, headers: {}, **options)
# options may include content: string or body: Enumerable (as per Rack specifications
The controller layer can do more complex operations by prepending modules into it.
prepend Rewrite, Actions
# Extracts an Integer
rewrite.extract_prefix id: Integer do
@user = User.find_by_id(@id)
on 'edit' do |request, path|
otherwise do |request, path|
# Executed if no specific named actions were executed.