#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. lib]) require 'optparse' require 'rubygems' require 'gollum-site' help = < ( head = Grit::Repo.new('.').head ) ? head.name : 'master', # current branch 'working' => false, 'base_path' => '/', 'output_path' => '_site', 'port' => 8000, 'watch' => false } opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = help opts.on("--ref [REF]", "Branch or commit to generate") do |ref| options['ref'] = ref end opts.on("--working", "Use working changes during site generation") do options['working'] = true end opts.on("--base_path [BASE_PATH]", "Prefix to apply to internal links") do |base_path| options['base_path'] = base_path end opts.on("--output_path [OUTPUT_PATH]", "Path to write generated site") do |output_path| options['output_path'] = output_path end opts.on("--port [PORT]", "Port to use when serving site (default 8000)") do |port| options['port'] = port end opts.on("--watch", "Regenerate any changes to the working directory") do options['watch'] = true end opts.on_tail("--help", "Show this information") do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail("--version", "Display current version.") do require 'gollum-site/version' puts "Gollum Site " + Gollum::Site::VERSION exit 0 end end opts.parse! cmd = ARGV[0] case cmd when 'generate' site = Gollum::Site.new('.', { :base_path => options['base_path'], :output_path => options['output_path'], :version => options['working'] ? :working : options['ref'] }) site.generate() when 'serve' if options['watch'] require 'directory_watcher' dw = DirectoryWatcher.new('.', { :glob => '**/*', :pre_load => true, :interval => 1 }) site = Gollum::Site.new('.', { :base_path => options['base_path'], :output_path => options['output_path'], :version => :working }) dw.add_observer do |*args| args.each do |event| # Only respond to modified/added events if event.type == :modified or event.type == :added # Ignore modifications to output path unless ::File.expand_path(event.path).match(::File.expand_path(site.output_path)) item = event.path[2..-1] puts "Updating #{item}" site.update_working_item(item) end end end end dw.start end require 'webrick' include WEBrick mime_types = WEBrick::HTTPUtils::DefaultMimeTypes mime_types.store 'js', 'application/javascript' s = HTTPServer.new( :Port => options['port'], :DocumentRoot => options['output_path'], :MimeTypes => mime_types, :DirectoryIndex => 'Home.html' ) t = Thread.new { s.start } trap("INT") { s.shutdown } t.join() when 'import' dir = Gollum::Site.default_layout_dir() layout = ::File.join(dir, "_Layout.html") css = ::File.join(dir, "css") javascript = ::File.join(dir, "javascript") FileUtils.cp_r([layout, css, javascript], '.') puts "The default layout has been imported. Don't forget to commit these changes." else puts opts exit end