### Copyright 2020 Pixar

###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
###    compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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###    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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###    language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

module JSS

  ### Module Variables

  ### Module Methods

  ### Classes

  ### A Network Segment in the JSS
  class NetworkSegment < JSS::APIObject

    ### Mix Ins
    include JSS::Creatable
    include JSS::Updatable
    include Comparable

    ### Class Constants

    ### the REST resource base
    RSRC_BASE = 'networksegments'.freeze

    ### the hash key used for the JSON list output of all objects in the JSS
    RSRC_LIST_KEY = :network_segments

    ### The hash key used for the JSON object output.
    ### It's also used in various error messages
    RSRC_OBJECT_KEY = :network_segment

    # the object type for this object in
    # the object history table.
    # See {APIObject#add_object_history_entry}

    ### Class Methods

    # All NetworkSegments in the given API as ruby Ranges of IPAddr instances
    # representing the Segment,
    # e.g. with starting = and ending =
    # the range looks like:
    #  <IPAddr: IPv4:>
    #   ..
    #  <IPAddr: IPv4:>
    # Using the #include? method on those Ranges is very useful.
    # Note1: We don't use the IPAddr#to_range method because that works
    #   best for masked IPAddrs (which are ranges of IPs with widths
    #   determined by the mask) and Jamf Network Segments can have arbitrary
    #   widths.
    # Note2: See the network_ranges_as_integers method below, which is similar
    #   but much faster.
    # @param refresh[Boolean] should the data be re-queried?
    # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API to query
    # @return [Hash{Integer => Range}] the network segments as IPv4 address Ranges
    #   keyed by id
    def self.network_ranges(refresh = false, api: JSS.api)
      @network_ranges = nil if refresh
      return @network_ranges if @network_ranges

      @network_ranges = {}
      all(refresh, api: api).each do |ns|
        @network_ranges[ns[:id]] = IPAddr.new(ns[:starting_address])..IPAddr.new(ns[:ending_address])
    end # def network_segments

    # An IPv4 Address is really just a 32-bit integer, displayed as four
    # 8-bit integers. e.g. '' is really the integer 167789825
    # The #to_i method of IPAddr objects returns that integer (or the first of
    # them if the IPAddr is masked).
    # Using ranges made of those integers is far faster than using ranges
    # if IPAddr objects, so that's what this method returns.
    # See also: the network_ranges method above
    # @param refresh[Boolean] should the data be re-queried?
    # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the APIConnection to query
    # @return [Hash{Integer => Range}] the network segments as Integer Ranges
    #   keyed by id
    def self.network_ranges_as_integers(refresh = false, api: JSS.api)
      @network_ranges_as_integers = nil if refresh
      return @network_ranges_as_integers if @network_ranges_as_integers

      @network_ranges_as_integers = {}
      all(refresh, api: api).each do |ns|
        first = IPAddr.new(ns[:starting_address]).to_i
        last = IPAddr.new(ns[:ending_address]).to_i
        @network_ranges_as_integers[ns[:id]] = first..last
    end # def network_segments

    ### An alias for {NetworkSegment.network_ranges}
    ### DEPRECATED: This will be going away in a future release.
    ### @see {NetworkSegment::network_ranges}
    def self.subnets(refresh = false, api: JSS.api)
      network_ranges refresh, api: api

    ### Given a starting address & ending address, mask, or cidr,
    ### return a Range object of IPAddr objects.
    ### starting_address: must be provided, and may be a masked address,
    ### in which case nothing else is needed.
    ### If starting_address: is an unmasked address, then one of ending_address:
    ### cidr: or mask: must be provided.
    ### If given, ending_address: overrides mask:, cidr:, and a masked starting_address:
    ### These give the same result:
    ### ip_range starting_address: '', ending_address: ''
    ### ip_range starting_address: '', mask: ''
    ### ip_range starting_address: '', cidr: 24
    ### ip_range starting_address: ''
    ### ip_range starting_address: ''
    ### All the above will produce:
    ###    #<IPAddr: IPv4:>..#<IPAddr: IPv4:>
    ### An exception is raised if the starting address is above the ending address.
    ### @param starting_address[String] The starting address, possibly masked
    ### @param ending_address[String] The ending address. If given, it overrides mask:,
    ###  cidr: and a masked starting_address:
    ### @param mask[String] The subnet mask to apply to the starting address to get
    ###   the ending address
    ### @param cidr[String, Integer] he cidr value to apply to the starting address to get
    ###   the ending address
    ### @return [Range<IPAddr>] the valid Range
    def self.ip_range(starting_address: nil, ending_address: nil, mask: nil, cidr: nil)
      raise JSS::MissingDataError, 'starting_address: must be provided' unless starting_address

      starting_address = masked_starting_address(starting_address: starting_address, mask: mask, cidr: cidr)

      if ending_address
        startip = IPAddr.new starting_address.split('/').first
        endip = IPAddr.new ending_address.to_s
        validate_ip_range(startip, endip)
        raise ArgumentError, 'Must provide ending_address:, mask:, cidr: or a masked starting_address:' unless starting_address.include? '/'
        subnet = IPAddr.new starting_address
        startip = subnet.to_range.first.mask 32
        endip = subnet.to_range.last.mask 32


    ### If we are given a mask or cidr, append them to the starting_address
    ### @param starting[String] The starting address, possibly masked
    ### @param mask[String] The subnet mask to apply to the starting address to get
    ###   the ending address
    ### @param cidr[String, Integer] he cidr value to apply to the starting address to get
    ###   the ending address
    ### @return [String] the starting with the mask or cidr appended
    def self.masked_starting_address(starting_address: nil, mask: nil, cidr: nil)
      starting_address = "#{starting}/#{mask || cidr}" if mask || cidr

    ### Raise an exception if a given starting ip is higher than a given ending ip
    ### @param startip[String] The starting ip
    ### @param endip[String] The ending ip
    ### @return [void]
    def self.validate_ip_range(startip, endip)
      return nil if IPAddr.new(startip.to_s) <= IPAddr.new(endip.to_s)

      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Starting IP #{startip} is higher than ending ip #{endip} "

    ### Find the ids of the network segments that contain a given IP address.
    ### Even tho IPAddr.include? will take a String or an IPAddr
    ### I convert the ip to an IPAddr so that an exception will be raised if
    ### the ip isn't a valid ip.
    ### @param ip[String, IPAddr] the IP address to locate
    ### @param refresh[Boolean] should the data be re-queried?
    ### @param api[JSS::APIConnection] The API connection to query
    ### @return [Array<Integer>] the ids of the NetworkSegments containing the given ip
    def self.network_segments_for_ip(ipaddr, refresh = false, api: JSS.api)
      # get the ip as a 32bit interger
      ip = IPAddr.new(ipaddr.to_s).to_i
      # a hash of NetSeg ids => Range<Integer>
      network_ranges_as_integers(refresh, api: api).select { |_id, range| range.include? ip }.keys

    # Which network segment is seen as current for a given IP addr?
    # According to the Jamf Pro Admin Guide, if an IP is in more than one network
    # segment, it uses the 'smallest' (narrowest) one - the one with fewest
    # IP addrs within it.
    # If multiple ones have the same width, then it uses the one of
    # those with the lowest starting address
    # @return [Integer, nil] the id of the current net segment, or nil
    def self.network_segment_for_ip(ipaddr, refresh: false, api: JSS.api)
      # get the ip as a 32bit interger
      ip = IPAddr.new(ipaddr.to_s).to_i
      # a hash of NetSeg ids => Range<Integer>
      ranges = network_ranges_as_integers(refresh, api: api).select { |_id, range| range.include? ip }

      # we got nuttin
      return nil if ranges.empty?

      # if we got only one, its the one
      return ranges.keys.first if ranges.size == 1

      # got more than one, sort by range size/width, asc.
      sorted_by_size = ranges.sort_by { |_i, r| r.size }.to_h

      # the first one is the smallest/narrowest.
      _smallest_range_id, smallest_range = sorted_by_size.first

      smallest_range_size = smallest_range.size

      # select all of them that are the same size
      all_of_small_size = sorted_by_size.select { |_i, r| r.size == smallest_range_size }

      # sort them by the start of each range (r.first)
      # and return the lowest start (returned by min_by)
      my_range_id, _my_range = all_of_small_size.min_by { |_i, r| r.first }

      # and return the id

    # given 2 IPAddr instances, find out how 'wide' they are -
    # how many IP addresses exist between them.
    def self.ip_range_width(ip1, ip2)
      raise ArgumentError, 'Parameters must be IPAddr objects' unless ip1.is_a?(IPAddr) && ip2.is_a?(IPAddr)

      low, high = [ip1, ip2].sort
      high.to_i - low.to_i

    # Find the current network segment ids for the machine running this code
    # See my_network_segment to get the current one according to the server.
    # @param names [Boolean] the array will contain Network Segment names, not ids
    # @return [Array<Integer>,Array<String>] the NetworkSegment ids or names for this machine right now.
    def self.my_network_segments(refresh = false, names: false, api: JSS.api)
      ids = network_segments_for_ip JSS::Client.my_ip_address, refresh, api: api
      return ids unless names

      ids_to_names = map_all_ids_to :name
      ids.map { |id| ids_to_names[id] }

    # Which network segment is seen as current? According to the
    # Jamf Pro Admin Guide, the 'smallest' one - the one with fewest IP
    # addrs within it.  If multiple ones have the same number of IPs,
    # then its the one with the lowest starting address
    # @param name [Boolean] return the name of the netsegment, not the id
    # @return [Integer, String, nil] the id of the current net segment, or nil
    def self.my_network_segment(refresh = false, name: false, api: JSS.api)
      my_ip = JSS::Client.my_ip_address
      return nil unless my_ip

      id = network_segment_for_ip(my_ip, refresh: refresh, api: api)
      return id unless name


    ### Attributes

    ### @return [IPAddr] starting IP adresss
    attr_reader :starting_address

    ### @return [IPAddr] ending IP adresss
    attr_reader :ending_address

    ### @return [String] building for this segment. Must be one of the buildings in the JSS
    attr_reader :building

    ### @return [String] department for this segment. Must be one of the depts in the JSS
    attr_reader :department

    ### @return [String] the name of the distribution point to be used from this network segment
    attr_reader :distribution_point

    ### @return [String] the mount url for the distribution point
    attr_reader :url

    ### @return [String] the netboot server for this segment
    attr_reader :netboot_server

    ### @return [String] the swupdate server for this segment.
    attr_reader :swu_server

    ### @return [Boolean] should machines checking in from this segment update their dept
    attr_reader :override_departments

    ### @return [Boolean] should machines checking in from this segment update their building
    attr_reader :override_buildings

    ### Instantiate a NetworkSegment
    ### @see_also JSS::NetworkSegment.ip_range for how starting and ending
    ### addresses can be provided when using id: :new
    def initialize(args = {})
      super args

      if args[:id] == :new
        range = self.class.ip_range(
          starting_address: args[:starting_address],
          ending_address: args[:ending_address],
          mask: args[:mask],
          cidr: args[:cidr]
        @init_data[:starting_address] = range.begin.to_s
        @init_data[:ending_address] = range.end.to_s

      @starting_address = IPAddr.new @init_data[:starting_address]
      @ending_address = IPAddr.new @init_data[:ending_address]

      @building = @init_data[:building]
      @department = @init_data[:department]
      @distribution_point = @init_data[:distribution_point]
      @netboot_server = @init_data[:netboot_server]
      @override_buildings = @init_data[:override_buildings]
      @override_departments = @init_data[:override_departments]
      @swu_server = @init_data[:swu_server]
      @url = @init_data[:url]
    end # init

    ### a Range built from the start and end addresses.
    ### To be used for finding inclusion and overlaps.
    ### @return [Range<IPAddr>] the range of IPAddrs for this segment.
    def range

    ### Does this network segment overlap with another?
    ### @param other_segment[JSS::NetworkSegment] the other segment to check
    ### @return [Boolean] Does the other segment overlap this one?
    def overlap?(other_segment)
      raise TypeError, 'Argument must be a JSS::NetworkSegment' unless \
        other_segment.is_a? JSS::NetworkSegment
      other_range = other_segment.range
      range.include?(other_range.begin) || range.include?(other_range.end)

    ### Does this network segment include an address or another segment?
    ### Inclusion means the other is completely inside this one.
    ### @param thing[JSS::NetworkSegment, String, IPAddr] the other thing to check
    ### @return [Boolean] Does this segment include the other?
    def include?(thing)
      if thing.is_a? JSS::NetworkSegment
        @starting_address <= thing.range.begin && @ending_address >= thing.range.end
        thing = IPAddr.new thing.to_s
        range.cover? thing
    alias cover? include?

    ### Does this network segment equal another?
    ### equality means the ranges are equal
    ### @param other_segment[JSS::NetworkSegment] the other segment to check
    ### @return [Boolean] Does this segment include the other?
    def ==(other)
      raise TypeError, 'Argument must be a JSS::NetworkSegment' unless \
        other.is_a? JSS::NetworkSegment
      range == other.range

    ### Set the building
    ### @param newval[String, Integer] the new building by name or id, must be in the JSS
    ### @return [void]
    def building=(newval)
      new =
        if newval.to_s.empty?
          id = JSS::Building.valid_id newval
          raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No building matching '#{newval}'" unless id


      @building = new
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the override buildings option
    ### @param newval[Boolean] the new override buildings option
    ### @return [void]
    def override_buildings=(newval)
      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'New value must be boolean true or false' unless JSS::TRUE_FALSE.include? newval
      @override_buildings = newval
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the department
    ### @param newval[String, Integer] the new dept by name or id, must be in the JSS
    ### @return [void]
    def department=(newval)
      new =
        if newval.to_s.empty?
          id = JSS::Department.valid_id newval
          raise JSS::MissingDataError , "No department matching '#{newval}' in the JSS" unless id

      @department = new
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the override depts option
    ### @param newval[Boolean] the new setting
    ### @return [void]
    def override_departments=(newval)
      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'New value must be boolean true or false' unless JSS::TRUE_FALSE.include? newval
      @override_departments = newval
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the distribution_point
    ### @param newval[String, Integer, nil] the new dist. point by name or id, must be in the JSS, or nil  or blank to unset
    ### @return [void]
    def distribution_point=(newval)
      new =
        if newval.to_s.empty?
          id = JSS::DistributionPoint.valid_id newval
          raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No distribution_point matching '#{newval}' in the JSS" unless id


      @distribution_point = new
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the netboot_server
    ### @param newval[String, Integer] the new netboot server by name or id, must be in the JSS
    ### @return [void]
    def netboot_server=(newval)
      new =
        if newval.to_s.empty?
          id = JSS::NetBootServer.valid_id newval
          raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No netboot_server matching '#{newval}' in the JSS" unless id


      @netboot_server = new
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the sw update server
    ### @param newval[String, Integer] the new server by name or id, must be in the JSS
    ### @return [void]
    def swu_server=(newval)
      new =
        if newval.to_s.empty?
          id = JSS::SoftwareUpdateServer.valid_id newval
          raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No swu_server matching '#{newval}' in the JSS" unless id


      @swu_server = new
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the starting address
    ### @param newval[String, IPAddr] the new starting address
    ### @return [void]
    def starting_address=(newval)
      self.class.validate_ip_range(newval, @ending_address)
      @starting_address = IPAddr.new newval.to_s
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the ending address
    ### @param newval[String, IPAddr] the new ending address
    ### @return [void]
    def ending_address=(newval)
      self.class.validate_ip_range(@starting_address, newval)
      @ending_address = IPAddr.new newval.to_s
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set the ending address by applying a new cidr (e.g. 24)
    ### or mask (e.g.
    ### @param newval[String, Integer] the new cidr or mask
    ### @return [void]
    def cidr=(newval)
      new_end = IPAddr.new("#{@starting_address}/#{newval}").to_range.end.mask 32
      self.class.validate_ip_range(@starting_address, new_end)
      @ending_address = new_end
      @need_to_update = true

    ### set a new starting and ending addr at the same time.
    ### @see_also NetworkSegment.ip_range for how to specify the starting
    ### and ending addresses.
    ### @param starting_address[String] The starting address, possibly masked
    ### @param ending_address[String] The ending address
    ### @param mask[String] The subnet mask to apply to the starting address to get
    ###   the ending address
    ### @param cidr[String, Integer] he cidr value to apply to the starting address to get
    ###   the ending address
    ### @return [void]
    def set_ip_range(starting_address: nil, ending_address: nil, mask: nil, cidr: nil)
      range = self.class.ip_range(
        starting_address: starting_address,
        ending_address: ending_address,
        mask: mask,
        cidr: cidr
      @starting_address = range.first
      @ending_address = range.last
      @need_to_update = true

    ### aliases
    alias mask= cidr=
    alias to_range range

    ### private methods

    ### the xml formated data for adding or updating this in the JSS
    def rest_xml
      doc = REXML::Document.new APIConnection::XML_HEADER
      ns = doc.add_element 'network_segment'
      ns.add_element('building').text = @building
      ns.add_element('department').text = @department
      ns.add_element('distribution_point').text = @distribution_point
      ns.add_element('ending_address').text = @ending_address.to_s
      ns.add_element('name').text = @name
      ns.add_element('netboot_server').text = @netboot_server
      ns.add_element('override_buildings').text = @override_buildings
      ns.add_element('override_departments').text = @override_departments
      ns.add_element('starting_address').text = @starting_address.to_s
      ns.add_element('swu_server').text = @swu_server
    end # rest_xml

  end # class NetworkSegment

end # module