require_relative "base" require_relative "../filters" # This module provides the core functionality for controllers based on models. module RESTFramework::BaseModelControllerMixin BASE64_REGEX = /data:(.*);base64,(.*)/ BASE64_TRANSLATE = ->(field, value) { _, content_type, payload = value.match(BASE64_REGEX).to_a return { io:, content_type: content_type, filename: "image_#{field}#{Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.invert[content_type]}", } } include RESTFramework::BaseControllerMixin RRF_BASE_MODEL_CONTROLLER_CONFIG = { # Core attributes related to models. model: nil, recordset: nil, # Attributes for configuring record fields. fields: nil, field_config: nil, action_fields: nil, # Options for what should be included/excluded from default fields. exclude_associations: false, include_active_storage: false, include_action_text: false, # Attributes for finding records. find_by_fields: nil, find_by_query_param: "find_by", # Attributes for create/update parameters. allowed_parameters: nil, allowed_action_parameters: nil, # Attributes for the default native serializer. native_serializer_config: nil, native_serializer_singular_config: nil, native_serializer_plural_config: nil, native_serializer_only_query_param: "only", native_serializer_except_query_param: "except", native_serializer_associations_limit: nil, native_serializer_associations_limit_query_param: "associations_limit", native_serializer_include_associations_count: false, # Attributes for default model filtering, ordering, and searching. filterset_fields: nil, ordering_fields: nil, ordering_query_param: "ordering", ordering_no_reorder: false, search_fields: nil, search_query_param: "search", search_ilike: false, # Options for association assignment. permit_id_assignment: true, permit_nested_attributes_assignment: true, allow_all_nested_attributes: false, # Option for `recordset.create` vs `Model.create` behavior. create_from_recordset: true, # Control if filtering is done before find. filter_recordset_before_find: true, # Control if bulk operations are done in a transaction and rolled back on error, or if all bulk # operations are attempted and errors simply returned in the response. bulk_transactional: false, # Control if bulk operations should be done in "batch" mode, using efficient queries, but also # skipping model validations/callbacks. bulk_batch_mode: false, } module ClassMethods IGNORE_VALIDATORS_WITH_KEYS = [:if, :unless].freeze # Get the model for this controller. def get_model return @model if @model return (@model = self.model) if self.model # Try to determine model from controller name. begin return @model ="Controller").singularize.constantize rescue NameError end raise RESTFramework::UnknownModelError, self end # Override `get_label` to include ActiveRecord i18n-translated column names. def get_label(s) return self.get_model.human_attribute_name(s, default: super) end # Get the available fields. Fallback to this controller's model columns, or an empty array. This # should always return an array of strings. def get_fields(input_fields: nil) input_fields ||= self.fields # If fields is a hash, then parse it. if input_fields.is_a?(Hash) return RESTFramework::Utils.parse_fields_hash( input_fields, self.get_model, exclude_associations: self.exclude_associations ) elsif !input_fields # Otherwise, if fields is nil, then fallback to columns. model = self.get_model return model ? RESTFramework::Utils.fields_for( model, exclude_associations: self.exclude_associations ) : [] elsif input_fields input_fields = end return input_fields end # Get a field's config, including defaults. def get_field_config(f) f = f.to_sym @_get_field_config ||= {} return @_get_field_config[f] if @_get_field_config[f] config = self.field_config&.dig(f) || {} # Default sub-fields if field is an association. if ref = self.get_model.reflections[f.to_s] if ref.polymorphic? columns = {} else model = ref.klass columns = model.columns_hash end config[:sub_fields] ||= RESTFramework::Utils.sub_fields_for(ref) # Serialize very basic metadata about sub-fields. config[:sub_fields_metadata] = config[:sub_fields].map { |sf| v = {} if columns[sf] v[:kind] = "column" end next [sf, v] }.to_h.compact.presence end return @_get_field_config[f] = config.compact end # Get metadata about the resource's fields. def fields_metadata return @_fields_metadata if @_fields_metadata # Get metadata sources. model = self.get_model fields = columns = model.columns_hash column_defaults = model.column_defaults reflections = model.reflections attributes = model._default_attributes readonly_attributes = model.readonly_attributes exclude_body_fields = rich_text_association_names = model.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one) .collect(&:name) .select { |n| n.to_s.start_with?("rich_text_") } attachment_reflections = model.attachment_reflections return @_fields_metadata = { |f| # Initialize metadata to make the order consistent. metadata = { type: nil, kind: nil, label: self.get_label(f), primary_key: nil, required: nil, read_only: nil, } # Determine `primary_key` based on model. if model.primary_key == f metadata[:primary_key] = true end # Determine if the field is a read-only attribute. if metadata[:primary_key] || || metadata[:read_only] = true end # Determine `type`, `required`, `label`, and `kind` based on schema. if column = columns[f] metadata[:kind] = "column" metadata[:type] = column.type metadata[:required] = true unless column.null end # Determine `default` based on schema; we use `column_defaults` rather than `columns_hash` # because these are casted to the proper type. column_default = column_defaults[f] unless column_default.nil? metadata[:default] = column_default end # Extract details from the model's attributes hash. if attributes.key?(f) && attribute = attributes[f] unless metadata.key?(:default) default = attribute.value_before_type_cast metadata[:default] = default unless default.nil? end metadata[:kind] ||= "attribute" # Get any type information from the attribute. if type = attribute.type metadata[:type] ||= type.type # Get enum variants. if type.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Enum::EnumType) metadata[:enum_variants] = type.send(:mapping) # Custom integration with `translate_enum`. translate_method = "translated_#{f.pluralize}" if model.respond_to?(translate_method) metadata[:enum_translations] = model.send(translate_method) end end end end # Get association metadata. if ref = reflections[f] metadata[:kind] = "association" # Determine if we render id/ids fields. if self.permit_id_assignment if ref.collection? metadata[:id_field] = "#{f.singularize}_ids" elsif ref.belongs_to? metadata[:id_field] = "#{f}_id" end end # Determine if we render nested attributes options. if self.permit_nested_attributes_assignment if nested_opts = model.nested_attributes_options[f.to_sym].presence nested_opts[:field] = "#{f}_attributes" metadata[:nested_attributes_options] = nested_opts end end begin pk = ref.active_record_primary_key rescue ActiveRecord::UnknownPrimaryKey end metadata[:association] = { macro: ref.macro, collection: ref.collection?, class_name: ref.class_name, foreign_key: ref.foreign_key, primary_key: pk, polymorphic: ref.polymorphic?, table_name: ref.table_name, options: ref.options.as_json.presence, }.compact end # Determine if this is an ActionText "rich text". if :"rich_text_#{f}".in?(rich_text_association_names) metadata[:kind] = "rich_text" end # Determine if this is an ActiveStorage attachment. if ref = attachment_reflections[f] metadata[:kind] = "attachment" metadata[:attachment] = { macro: ref.macro, } end # Determine if this is just a method. if !metadata[:kind] && model.method_defined?(f) metadata[:kind] = "method" end # Collect validator options into a hash on their type, while also updating `required` based # on any presence validators. model.validators_on(f).each do |validator| kind = validator.kind options = validator.options # Reject validator if it includes keys like `:if` and `:unless` because those are # conditionally applied in a way that is not feasible to communicate via the API. next if IGNORE_VALIDATORS_WITH_KEYS.any? { |k| options.key?(k) } # Update `required` if we find a presence validator. metadata[:required] = true if kind == :presence # Resolve procs (and lambdas), and symbols for certain arguments. if options[:in].is_a?(Proc) options = options.merge(in: options[:in].call) elsif options[:in].is_a?(Symbol) options = options.merge(in: model.send(options[:in])) end metadata[:validators] ||= {} metadata[:validators][kind] ||= [] metadata[:validators][kind] << options end # Serialize any field config. metadata[:config] = self.get_field_config(f).presence next [f, metadata.compact] }.to_h end # Get a hash of metadata to be rendered in the `OPTIONS` response. def get_options_metadata return super.merge( { primary_key: self.get_model.primary_key, fields: self.fields_metadata, callbacks: self._process_action_callbacks.as_json, }, ) end def setup_delegation # Delegate extra actions. self.extra_actions&.each do |action, config| next unless config.is_a?(Hash) && config.dig(:metadata, :delegate) next unless self.get_model.respond_to?(action) self.define_method(action) do model = self.class.get_model if model.method(action).parameters.last&.first == :keyrest return api_response(model.send(action, **params)) else return api_response(model.send(action)) end end end # Delegate extra member actions. self.extra_member_actions&.each do |action, config| next unless config.is_a?(Hash) && config.dig(:metadata, :delegate) next unless self.get_model.method_defined?(action) self.define_method(action) do record = self.get_record if record.method(action).parameters.last&.first == :keyrest return api_response(record.send(action, **params)) else return api_response(record.send(action)) end end end end # Define any behavior to execute at the end of controller definition. # :nocov: def rrf_finalize super self.setup_delegation # self.setup_channel if RESTFramework.config.freeze_config self::RRF_BASE_MODEL_CONTROLLER_CONFIG.keys.each { |k| v = self.send(k) v.freeze if v.is_a?(Hash) || v.is_a?(Array) } end end # :nocov: end def self.included(base) RESTFramework::BaseControllerMixin.included(base) return unless base.is_a?(Class) base.extend(ClassMethods) # Add class attributes (with defaults) unless they already exist. RRF_BASE_MODEL_CONTROLLER_CONFIG.each do |a, default| next if base.respond_to?(a) base.class_attribute(a) # Set default manually so we can still support Rails 4. Maybe later we can use the default # parameter on `class_attribute`. base.send(:"#{a}=", default) end end def _get_specific_action_config(action_config_key, generic_config_key) action_config = self.class.send(action_config_key)&.with_indifferent_access || {} action = self.action_name&.to_sym # Index action should use :list serializer if :index is not provided. action = :list if action == :index && !action_config.key?(:index) return (action_config[action] if action) || self.class.send(generic_config_key) end # Get a list of fields, taking into account the current action. def get_fields fields = self._get_specific_action_config(:action_fields, :fields) return self.class.get_fields(input_fields: fields) end # Pass fields to get dynamic metadata based on which fields are available. def get_options_metadata return self.class.get_options_metadata end # Get a list of find_by fields for the current action. def get_find_by_fields return self.class.find_by_fields end # Get a list of parameters allowed for the current action. def get_allowed_parameters return @_get_allowed_parameters if defined?(@_get_allowed_parameters) @_get_allowed_parameters = self._get_specific_action_config( :allowed_action_parameters, :allowed_parameters, ) return @_get_allowed_parameters if @_get_allowed_parameters # For fields, automatically add `_id`/`_ids` and `_attributes` variations for associations. variations = [] hash_variations = {} reflections = self.class.get_model.reflections @_get_allowed_parameters = { |f| f = f.to_s # ActiveStorage Integration: `has_one_attached`. if reflections.key?("#{f}_attachment") next f end # ActiveStorage Integration: `has_many_attached`. if reflections.key?("#{f}_attachments") hash_variations[f] = [] next nil end # ActionText Integration. if reflections.key?("rich_test_#{f}") next f end # Return field if it's not an association. next f unless ref = reflections[f] if self.class.permit_id_assignment if ref.collection? hash_variations["#{f.singularize}_ids"] = [] elsif ref.belongs_to? variations << "#{f}_id" end end if self.class.permit_nested_attributes_assignment if self.class.allow_all_nested_attributes hash_variations["#{f}_attributes"] = {} else hash_variations["#{f}_attributes"] = self.class.get_field_config(f)[:sub_fields] end end # Associations are not allowed to be submitted in their bare form. next nil }.compact @_get_allowed_parameters += variations @_get_allowed_parameters << hash_variations return @_get_allowed_parameters end # Get the configured serializer class, or `NativeSerializer` as a default. def get_serializer_class return super || RESTFramework::NativeSerializer end # Get filtering backends, defaulting to using `ModelFilter`, `ModelOrderingFilter`, and # `ModelSearchFilter`. def get_filter_backends return self.class.filter_backends || [ RESTFramework::ModelFilter, RESTFramework::ModelOrderingFilter, RESTFramework::ModelSearchFilter, ] end # Use strong parameters to filter the request body using the configured allowed parameters. def get_body_params(data: nil) data ||= request.request_parameters # Filter the request body with strong params. body_params =*self.get_allowed_parameters) # Filter primary key if configured. if self.class.filter_pk_from_request_body body_params.delete(self.class.get_model&.primary_key) end # Filter fields in `exclude_body_fields`. (self.class.exclude_body_fields || []).each { |f| body_params.delete(f) } # ActiveStorage Integration: Translate base64 encoded attachments to upload objects. # # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength # # Good example base64 image: #  # # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength self.class.get_model.attachment_reflections.keys.each do |k| next unless (body_params[k].is_a?(String) && body_params[k].match?(BASE64_REGEX)) || (body_params[k].is_a?(Array) && body_params[k].all? { |v| v.is_a?(String) && v.match?(BASE64_REGEX) }) if body_params[k].is_a?(Array) body_params[k] = body_params[k].map { |v|, v) } else body_params[k] =, body_params[k]) end end return body_params end alias_method :get_create_params, :get_body_params alias_method :get_update_params, :get_body_params # Get the set of records this controller has access to. The return value is cached and exposed to # the view as the `@recordset` instance variable. def get_recordset return @recordset if instance_variable_defined?(:@recordset) return (@recordset = self.class.recordset) if self.class.recordset # If there is a model, return that model's default scope (all records by default). if (model = self.class.get_model) return @recordset = model.all end return @recordset = nil end # Get the recordset but with any associations included to avoid N+1 queries. def get_recordset_with_includes reflections = self.class.get_model.reflections associations = { |f| if reflections.key?(f) f.to_sym elsif reflections.key?("rich_text_#{f}") :"rich_text_#{f}" elsif reflections.key?("#{f}_attachment") :"#{f}_attachment" elsif reflections.key?("#{f}_attachments") :"#{f}_attachments" end }.compact if associations.any? return self.get_recordset.includes(associations) end return self.get_recordset end # Get the records this controller has access to *after* any filtering is applied. def get_records return @records if instance_variable_defined?(:@records) return @records = self.get_filtered_data(self.get_recordset_with_includes) end # Get a single record by primary key or another column, if allowed. The return value is cached and # exposed to the view as the `@record` instance variable. def get_record # Cache the result. return @record if instance_variable_defined?(:@record) recordset = self.get_recordset find_by_key = self.class.get_model.primary_key # Find by another column if it's permitted. if find_by_param = self.class.find_by_query_param.presence if find_by = params[find_by_param].presence find_by_fields = self.get_find_by_fields&.map(&:to_s) if !find_by_fields || find_by_key = find_by end end end # Filter recordset, if configured. if self.filter_recordset_before_find recordset = self.get_records end # Return the record. Route key is always `:id` by Rails convention. return @record = recordset.find_by!(find_by_key => request.path_parameters[:id]) end # Create a transaction around the passed block, if configured. This is used primarily for bulk # actions, but we include it here so it's always available. def self._rrf_bulk_transaction(&block) if self.bulk_transactional ActiveRecord::Base.transaction(&block) else yield end end end # Mixin for listing records. module RESTFramework::ListModelMixin def index return api_response(self.get_index_records) end # Get records with both filtering and pagination applied. def get_index_records records = self.get_records # Handle pagination, if enabled. if self.class.paginator_class # If there is no `max_page_size`, `page_size_query_param` is not `nil`, and the page size is # set to "0", then skip pagination. unless !self.class.max_page_size && self.class.page_size_query_param && params[self.class.page_size_query_param] == "0" paginator = records, controller: self) page = paginator.get_page serialized_page = self.serialize(page) return paginator.get_paginated_response(serialized_page) end end return records end end # Mixin for showing records. module RESTFramework::ShowModelMixin def show return api_response(self.get_record) end end # Mixin for creating records. module RESTFramework::CreateModelMixin def create return api_response(self.create!, status: :created) end # Perform the `create!` call and return the created record. def create! create_from = if self.create_from_recordset && self.get_recordset.respond_to?(:create!) # Create with any properties inherited from the recordset. We exclude any `select` clauses in # case model callbacks need to call `count` on this collection, which typically raises a SQL # `SyntaxError`. self.get_recordset.except(:select) else # Otherwise, perform a "bare" create. self.class.get_model end return create_from.create!(self.get_create_params) end end # Mixin for updating records. module RESTFramework::UpdateModelMixin def update return api_response(self.update!) end # Perform the `update!` call and return the updated record. def update! record = self.get_record record.update!(self.get_update_params) return record end end # Mixin for destroying records. module RESTFramework::DestroyModelMixin def destroy self.destroy! return api_response("") end # Perform the `destroy!` call and return the destroyed (and frozen) record. def destroy! return self.get_record.destroy! end end # Mixin that includes show/list mixins. module RESTFramework::ReadOnlyModelControllerMixin include RESTFramework::BaseModelControllerMixin include RESTFramework::ListModelMixin include RESTFramework::ShowModelMixin def self.included(base) RESTFramework::BaseModelControllerMixin.included(base) end end # Mixin that includes all the CRUD mixins. module RESTFramework::ModelControllerMixin include RESTFramework::BaseModelControllerMixin include RESTFramework::ListModelMixin include RESTFramework::ShowModelMixin include RESTFramework::CreateModelMixin include RESTFramework::UpdateModelMixin include RESTFramework::DestroyModelMixin def self.included(base) RESTFramework::BaseModelControllerMixin.included(base) end end