require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper')) RSpec.describe HTTParty::Logger::ApacheFormatter do let(:subject) {, :info) } let(:logger_double) { double('Logger') } let(:request_double) { double('Request', http_method: Net::HTTP::Get, path: "") } let(:request_time) {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z") } before do subject.current_time = request_time expect(logger_double).to receive(:info).with(log_message) end describe "#format" do let(:log_message) { "[HTTParty] [#{request_time}] 302 \"GET\" - " } it "formats a response in a style that resembles apache's access log" do response_double = double( code: 302, :[] => nil ) subject.format(request_double, response_double) end context 'when there is a parsed response' do let(:log_message) { "[HTTParty] [#{request_time}] 200 \"GET\" 512 "} it "can handle the Content-Length header" do # Simulate a parsed response that is an array, where accessing a string key will raise an error. See Issue #299. response_double = double( code: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length' => 512 } ) allow(response_double).to receive(:[]).with('Content-Length').and_raise('no implicit conversion of String into Integer')) subject.format(request_double, response_double) end end end end