class Card module Query class CardQuery # run CQL queries module Run # run the current query # @return [Array] of card objects by default def run retrn = statement[:return].present? ? statement[:return].to_s : "card" return_method = :"return_#{simple_result?(retrn) ? :simple : :list}" send return_method, run_sql, retrn end # @return [(not an Array)] def return_simple sql_result, retrn send result_method(retrn), sql_result, retrn end # @return [Array] def return_list sql_results, retrn large_list sql_results.length if sql_results.length > 1000 do |record| return_simple record, retrn end end def large_list length "#{length} records returned by #{@statement}" end def result_method retrn case when respond_to?(:"#{retrn}_result") then :"#{retrn}_result" when (retrn =~ /id$/) then :id_result when (retrn =~ /_\w+/) then :name_result else :default_result end end def count_result results, _field results.first["count"].to_i end def default_result record, field record[field] end def id_result record, field record[field].to_i end def raw_result record, _field record end def name_result record, pattern process_name record["name"], pattern end def card_result record, _field if alter_results? Card.fetch alter_result(record["name"]), new: {} else fetch_or_instantiate record end end def fetch_or_instantiate record card = Card.retrieve_from_cache record["key"] unless card card = Card.instantiate record Card.write_to_cache card end card.include_set_modules card end def run_sql # puts "\nstatement = #{@statement}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) end def process_name name, pattern name = pattern.to_name.absolute(name) if pattern =~ /_\w+/ return name unless alter_results? alter_result name end def alter_result name name_parts = [statement[:prepend], name, statement[:append]].compact Card::Name[name_parts] end def simple_result? retrn retrn == "count" end def alter_results? statement[:prepend] || statement[:append] end end end end end