require 'gem_plugin' require 'mongrel' require 'yaml' module Cluster module ExecBase include Mongrel::Command::Base STATUS_OK = 0 STATUS_ERROR = 2 def validate valid_exists?(@config_file, "Configuration file does not exist. Run mongrel_rails cluster::configure.") return @valid end def read_options @options = { "environment" => ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development", "port" => 3000, "pid_file" => "tmp/pids/", "log_file" => "log/mongrel.log", "servers" => 2 } conf = YAML.load_file(@config_file) @options.merge! conf if conf process_pid_file @options["pid_file"] process_log_file @options["log_file"] start_port = end_port = @only start_port ||= @options["port"].to_i end_port ||= start_port + @options["servers"] - 1 @ports = (start_port..end_port).to_a end def process_pid_file(pid_file) @pid_file_ext = File.extname(pid_file) @pid_file_base = File.basename(pid_file, @pid_file_ext) @pid_file_dir = File.dirname(pid_file) end def process_log_file(log_file) @log_file_ext = File.extname(log_file) @log_file_base = File.basename(log_file, @log_file_ext) @log_file_dir = File.dirname(log_file) end def port_pid_file(port) pid_file = [@pid_file_base, port].join(".") + @pid_file_ext File.join(@pid_file_dir, pid_file) end def port_log_file(port) log_file = [@log_file_base, port].join(".") + @log_file_ext File.join(@log_file_dir, log_file) end def start read_options argv = [ "mongrel_rails" ] argv << "start" argv << "-d" argv << "-e #{@options["environment"]}" if @options["environment"] argv << "-a #{@options["address"]}" if @options["address"] argv << "-c #{@options["cwd"]}" if @options["cwd"] argv << "-t #{@options["timeout"]}" if @options["timeout"] argv << "-m #{@options["mime_map"]}" if @options["mime_map"] argv << "-r #{@options["docroot"]}" if @options["docroot"] argv << "-n #{@options["num_procs"]}" if @options["num_procs"] argv << "-B" if @options["debug"] argv << "-S #{@options["config_script"]}" if @options["config_script"] argv << "--user #{@options["user"]}" if @options["user"] argv << "--group #{@options["group"]}" if @options["group"] argv << "--prefix #{@options["prefix"]}" if @options["prefix"] cmd = argv.join " " @ports.each do |port| if @clean && pid_file_exists?(port) && !check_process(port) pid_file = port_pid_file(port) log "missing process: removing #{pid_file}" File.unlink(pid_file) end if pid_file_exists?(port) && check_process(port) log "already started port #{port}" next end exec_cmd = cmd + " -p #{port} -P #{port_pid_file(port)}" exec_cmd += " -l #{port_log_file(port)}" log "starting port #{port}" log_verbose exec_cmd output = `#{exec_cmd}` log_error output unless $?.success? end end def stop read_options argv = [ "mongrel_rails" ] argv << "stop" argv << "-c #{@options["cwd"]}" if @options["cwd"] argv << "-f" if @force cmd = argv.join " " @ports.each do |port| pid = check_process(port) if @clean && pid && !pid_file_exists?(port) log "missing pid_file: killing mongrel_rails port #{port}, pid #{pid}" Process.kill("KILL", pid.to_i) end if !check_process(port) log "already stopped port #{port}" next end exec_cmd = cmd + " -P #{port_pid_file(port)}" log "stopping port #{port}" log_verbose exec_cmd output = `#{exec_cmd}` log_error output unless $?.success? end end def status read_options status = STATUS_OK @ports.each do |port| pid = check_process(port) unless pid_file_exists?(port) log "missing pid_file: #{port_pid_file(port)}" status = STATUS_ERROR else log "found pid_file: #{port_pid_file(port)}" end if pid log "found mongrel_rails: port #{port}, pid #{pid}" else log "missing mongrel_rails: port #{port}" status = STATUS_ERROR end puts "" end return status end def pid_file_exists?(port) pid_file = port_pid_file(port) exists = false chdir_cwd do exists = File.exists?(pid_file) end exists end def check_process(port) if pid_file_exists?(port) pid = read_pid(port) ps_output = `ps -o #{cmd_name}= -p #{pid}` pid = ps_output =~ /mongrel_rails/ ? pid : nil else pid = find_pid(port) end return pid end def cmd_name RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /solaris/i ? "args" : "command" end def chdir_cwd pwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(@options["cwd"]) if @options["cwd"] yield Dir.chdir(pwd) if @options["cwd"] end def read_pid(port) pid_file = port_pid_file(port) pid = 0 chdir_cwd do pid = end return pid end def find_pid(port) ps_cmd = "ps -ewwo pid,#{cmd_name}" ps_output = `#{ps_cmd}` ps_output.each do |line| if line =~ /-P #{Regexp.escape(port_pid_file(port))} / pid = line.split[0] return pid end end return nil end def log_error(message) log(message) end def log_verbose(message) log(message) if @verbose end def log(message) puts message end end class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands" include ExecBase def configure options [ ['-C', '--config PATH', "Path to cluster configuration file", :@config_file, "config/mongrel_cluster.yml"], ['-v', '--verbose', "Print all called commands and output.", :@verbose, false], ['', '--clean', "Remove pid_file if needed before starting", :@clean, false], ['', '--only PORT', "Port number of cluster member", :@only, nil] ] end def run start end end class Stop < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands" include ExecBase def configure options [ ['-C', '--config PATH', "Path to cluster configuration file", :@config_file, "config/mongrel_cluster.yml"], ['-f', '--force', "Force the shutdown.", :@force, false], ['-v', '--verbose', "Print all called commands and output.", :@verbose, false], ['', '--clean', "Remove orphaned process if needed before stopping", :@clean, false], ['', '--only PORT', "Port number of cluster member", :@only, nil] ] end def run stop end end class Restart < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands" include ExecBase def configure options [ ['-C', '--config PATH', "Path to cluster configuration file", :@config_file, "config/mongrel_cluster.yml"], ['-f', '--force', "Force the shutdown.", :@force, false], ['-v', '--verbose', "Print all called commands and output.", :@verbose, false], ['', '--clean', "Call stop and start with --clean", :@clean, false], ['', '--only PORT', "Port number of cluster member", :@only, nil] ] end def run stop start end end class Configure < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands" include ExecBase def configure options [ ["-e", "--environment ENV", "Rails environment to run as", :@environment, nil], ['-p', '--port PORT', "Starting port to bind to", :@port, 3000], ['-a', '--address ADDR', "Address to bind to", :@address, nil], ['-l', '--log FILE', "Where to write log messages", :@log_file, "log/mongrel.log"], ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where to write the PID", :@pid_file, "tmp/pids/"], ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, nil], ['-t', '--timeout SECONDS', "Timeout all requests after SECONDS time", :@timeout, nil], ['-m', '--mime PATH', "A YAML file that lists additional MIME types", :@mime_map, nil], ['-r', '--root PATH', "Set the document root (default 'public')", :@docroot, nil], ['-n', '--num-procs INT', "Number of processor threads to use", :@num_procs, nil], ['-B', '--debug', "Enable debugging mode", :@debug, nil], ['-S', '--script PATH', "Load the given file as an extra config script.", :@config_script, nil], ['-N', '--num-servers INT', "Number of Mongrel servers", :@servers, 2], ['-C', '--config PATH', "Path to cluster configuration file", :@config_file, "config/mongrel_cluster.yml"], ['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil], ['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil], ['', '--prefix PREFIX', "Rails prefix to use", :@prefix, nil] ] end def validate @servers = @servers.to_i valid?(@servers > 0, "Must give a valid number of servers") valid_dir? File.dirname(@config_file), "Path to config file not valid: #{@config_file}" return @valid end def run @options = { "port" => @port, "servers" => @servers, "pid_file" => @pid_file } @options["log_file"] = @log_file if @log_file @options["debug"] = @debug if @debug @options["num_procs"] = @num_procs if @num_procs @options["docroot"] = @docroot if @docroots @options["address"] = @address if @address @options["timeout"] = @timeout if @timeout @options["environment"] = @environment if @environment @options["mime_map"] = @mime_map if @mime_map @options["config_script"] = @config_script if @config_script @options["cwd"] = @cwd if @cwd @options["user"] = @user if @user @options["group"] = @group if @group @options["prefix"] = @prefix if @prefix log "Writing configuration file to #{@config_file}.","w") {|f| f.write(@options.to_yaml)} end end class Status < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands" include ExecBase def configure options [ ['-C', '--config PATH', "Path to cluster configuration file", :@config_file, "config/mongrel_cluster.yml"], ['-v', '--verbose', "Print all called commands and output.", :@verbose, false], ['', '--only PORT', "Port number of cluster member", :@only, nil] ] end def run status end end end