## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Copyright (c) 2008 The Hive http://www.thehive.com/ ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ## of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ## in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ## to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ## copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ## furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ## all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ## AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ## LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ## OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN ## THE SOFTWARE. ## ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- require File.expand_path("./spec") + '/spec_helper.rb' require 'webrick' require 'yaml' require 'base64' require 'fileutils' describe Patron::Session do before(:each) do @session = Patron::Session.new @session.base_url = "http://localhost:9001" end it "should work when forcing ipv4" do @session.force_ipv4 = true expect { @session.get("/test") }.to_not raise_error end describe '.escape and #escape' do it 'makes escape() and unescape() available on the class' do string = "foo~bar baz/" escaped = described_class.escape(string) unescaped = described_class.unescape(escaped) expect(unescaped).to be == string end it "should escape and unescape strings symetrically" do string = "foo~bar baz/" escaped = @session.escape(string) unescaped = @session.unescape(escaped) expect(unescaped).to be == string end it "should make e and unescape strings symetrically" do string = "foo~bar baz/" escaped = @session.escape(string) unescaped = @session.unescape(escaped) expect(unescaped).to be == string end end it "should raise an error when passed an invalid action" do expect { @session.request(:bogus, "/test", {}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an error when no URL is provided" do @session.base_url = nil expect {@session.get(nil)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should retrieve a url with :get" do response = @session.get("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "GET" end it "should use full base url" do @session.base_url = "http://localhost:9001/api/v1" response = @session.get("/test") expect(response.url).to be == "http://localhost:9001/api/v1/test" end it 'should ignore #base_url when a full URL is provided' do @session.base_url = "http://example.com:123" expect { @session.get("http://localhost:9001/test") }.to_not raise_error(URI::InvalidURIError) end it "should download content with :get and a file path" do tmpfile = "/tmp/patron_test.yaml" response = @session.get_file "/test", tmpfile expect(response.body).to be_nil body = YAML::load_file(tmpfile) expect(body.request_method).to be == "GET" FileUtils.rm tmpfile end it "should download correctly(md5 ok) with get_file" do tmpfile = "/tmp/picture" response = @session.get_file "/picture", tmpfile expect(response.body).to be_nil expect(File.size(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"../pic.png"))).to be == File.size(tmpfile) FileUtils.rm tmpfile end it "should not send the user-agent if it has been deleted from headers" do @session.headers.delete 'User-Agent' response = @session.get("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header["user-agent"]).to be_nil end it "should set the default User-agent" do response = @session.get("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header["user-agent"]).to be == [Patron.user_agent_string] end it "should include custom headers in a request" do response = @session.get("/test", {"User-Agent" => "PatronTest"}) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header["user-agent"]).to be == ["PatronTest"] end it "should include default headers in a request, if they were defined" do @session.headers = {"User-Agent" => "PatronTest"} response = @session.get("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header["user-agent"]).to be == ["PatronTest"] end it "should merge custom headers with session headers" do @session.headers["X-Test"] = "Testing" response = @session.get("/test", {"User-Agent" => "PatronTest"}) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header["user-agent"]).to be == ["PatronTest"] expect(body.header["x-test"]).to be == ["Testing"] end it "should raise an exception on timeout" do @session.timeout = 1 expect {@session.get("/timeout")}.to raise_error(Patron::TimeoutError) end it "should follow redirects by default" do @session.max_redirects = 1 response = @session.get("/redirect") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(response.status).to be == 200 expect(body.path).to be == "/test" end it "should include redirect count in response" do @session.max_redirects = 1 response = @session.get("/redirect") expect(response.redirect_count).to be == 1 end it "should not follow redirects when configured to do so" do @session.max_redirects = 0 response = @session.get("/redirect") expect(response.status).to be == 301 expect(response.body).to be_empty end it "should retrieve URL metadata with :head" do response = @session.head("/test") expect(response.status).to be == 200 expect(response.body).to be_empty expect(response.headers).to_not be_empty end it "should send a delete request with :delete" do response = @session.delete("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "DELETE" end it "should send a COPY request with :copy" do response = @session.copy("/test", "/test2") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "COPY" end it "should include a Destination header in COPY requests" do response = @session.copy("/test", "/test2") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header['destination'].first).to be == "/test2" end it "should upload data with :get" do data = "upload data" response = @session.request(:get, "/test", {}, :data => data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "GET" expect(body.header['content-length']).to be == [data.size.to_s] end it "should call to_s on the data being uploaded via GET if it is not already a String" do data = 12345 response = @session.request(:get, "/test", {}, :data => data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "GET" end it "should upload data with :get" do # Sending a request body with a GET request is a technique seldom used, # but it does get used nevertheless - for instance, it is a usual # practice when interacting with an ElasticSearch cluster where # you can have very deeply going queries, which are still technically GETs data = SecureRandom.random_bytes(1024 * 24) response = @session.request(:get, "/test", {}, :data => data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "GET" expect(body.header['content-length']).to be == [data.size.to_s] end it "should upload data with :put" do data = SecureRandom.random_bytes(1024 * 24) response = @session.put("/test", data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "PUT" expect(body.header['content-length']).to be == [data.size.to_s] end it "should upload data with :patch" do data = "upload data" response = @session.patch("/testpatch", data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body["body"]).to eq("upload data") end it "should upload data with :delete" do data = "upload data" response = @session.request(:delete, "/test", {}, :data => data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "DELETE" expect(body.header['content-length']).to be == [data.size.to_s] end it "should raise when no data is provided to :put" do expect { @session.put("/test", nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should upload a file with :put" do response = @session.put_file("/test", "LICENSE") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "PUT" end it "should raise when no file is provided to :put" do expect { @session.put_file("/test", nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should use chunked encoding when uploading a file with :put" do response = @session.put_file("/test", "LICENSE") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header['transfer-encoding'].first).to be == "chunked" end it "should call to_s on the data being uploaded via POST if it is not already a String" do data = 12345 response = @session.post("/testpost", data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body['body']).to eq("12345") end it "should upload data with :post" do data = "upload data" response = @session.post("/test", data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "POST" expect(body.header['content-length']).to be == [data.size.to_s] end it "should POST a hash of arguments as a urlencoded form" do data = {:foo => 123, 'baz' => '++hello world++'} response = @session.post("/testpost", data) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body['content_type']).to be == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" expect(body['body']).to match(/baz=%2B%2Bhello%20world%2B%2B/) expect(body['body']).to match(/foo=123/) end it "should raise when no data is provided to :post" do expect { @session.post("/test", nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should upload a file with :post" do response = @session.post_file("/test", "LICENSE") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "POST" end it "should upload a multipart with :post" do response = @session.post_multipart("/test", { :test_data => "123" }, { :test_file => "LICENSE" } ) body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.request_method).to be == "POST" end it "should raise when no file is provided to :post" do expect { @session.post_file("/test", nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should use chunked encoding when uploading a file with :post" do response = @session.post_file("/test", "LICENSE") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header['transfer-encoding'].first).to be == "chunked" end it "should pass credentials as http basic auth" do @session.username = "foo" @session.password = "bar" response = @session.get("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) expect(body.header['authorization']).to be == [encode_authz("foo", "bar")] end it "should store cookies across multiple requests" do tf = Tempfile.new('cookiejar') cookie_jar_path = tf.path @session.handle_cookies(cookie_jar_path) response = @session.get("/setcookie").body cookie_jar_contents = tf.read expect(cookie_jar_contents).not_to be_empty expect(cookie_jar_contents).to include('Netscape HTTP Cookie File') end it "should handle cookies if set" do @session.handle_cookies response = @session.get("/setcookie").body expect(YAML::load(response).header['cookie'].first).to be == "session_id=foo123" end it "should not handle cookies by default" do response = @session.get("/setcookie").body expect(YAML::load(response).header).to_not include('cookie') end it "should ignore a wrong Content-Length when asked to" do expect { @session.ignore_content_length = true @session.get("/wrongcontentlength") }.to_not raise_error end it "should fail by default with a Content-Length too high" do expect { @session.ignore_content_length = nil @session.get("/wrongcontentlength") }.to raise_error(Patron::PartialFileError) end it "should raise exception if cookie store is not writable or readable" do expect { @session.handle_cookies("/trash/clash/foo") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should work with multiple threads" do threads = [] 3.times do threads << Thread.new do session = Patron::Session.new session.base_url = "http://localhost:9001" session.post_file("/test", "LICENSE") end end threads.each {|t| t.join } end it "should limit the buffer_size" do # Buffer size is tricky to test, as it only affects the buffer size for each # read and it's not really visible at this, higher level. It's also only a # suggestion rather than a command so it may not even take affect. Currently # we just test that the response completes without any issues, it would be nice # to have a more robust test here. @session.buffer_size = 1 body = nil expect { response = @session.get("/test") body = YAML::load(response.body) }.to_not raise_error expect(body.request_method).to be == "GET" end it "should automatically decompress using Content-Encoding if requested" do @session.automatic_content_encoding = true response = @session.get('/gzip-compressed') expect(response.headers['Content-Length']).to eq('125') body = response.body expect(body).to match(/Some highly compressible data/) expect(body.bytesize).to eq(29696) end it "should serialize query params and append them to the url" do response = @session.request(:get, "/test", {}, :query => {:foo => "bar"}) request = YAML::load(response.body) request.parse expect(request.path + '?' + request.query_string).to be == "/test?foo=bar" end it "should merge parameters in the :query option with pre-existing query parameters" do response = @session.request(:get, "/test?foo=bar", {}, :query => {:baz => "quux"}) request = YAML::load(response.body) request.parse expect(request.path + '?' + request.query_string).to be == "/test?foo=bar&baz=quux" end def encode_authz(user, passwd) "Basic " + Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{passwd}").strip end describe 'when using a subclass with a custom Response' do class CustomResponse attr_reader :constructor_args def initialize(*constructor_args) @constructor_args = constructor_args end end class CustomizedSession < Patron::Session def response_class CustomResponse end end it 'instantiates the customized response object' do @session = CustomizedSession.new @session.base_url = "http://localhost:9001" response = @session.request(:get, "/test", {}, :query => {:foo => "bar"}) expect(response).to be_kind_of(CustomResponse) expect(response.constructor_args.length).to eq(6) end end describe 'when instantiating with hash arguments' do let(:args) { { :timeout => 10, :base_url => 'http://localhost:9001', :headers => {'User-Agent' => 'myapp/1.0'} } } let(:session) { Patron::Session.new(args) } it 'sets the base_url' do expect(session.base_url).to be == args[:base_url] end it 'sets timeout' do expect(session.timeout).to be == args[:timeout] end it 'sets headers' do expect(session.headers).to be == args[:headers] end context 'when given an incorrect accessor name' do let(:args) { { :not_a_real_accessor => 'http://localhost:9001' }} it 'raises no method error' do expect { session }.to raise_error NoMethodError end end end describe 'when instantiating with a block' do args = { :timeout => 10, :base_url => 'http://localhost:9001', :headers => {'User-Agent' => 'myapp/1.0'} } session = Patron::Session.new do |patron| patron.timeout = args[:timeout] patron.base_url = args[:base_url] patron.headers = args[:headers] end it 'sets the base_url' do expect(session.base_url).to be == args[:base_url] end it 'sets timeout' do expect(session.timeout).to be == args[:timeout] end it 'sets headers' do expect(session.headers).to be == args[:headers] end context 'when given an incorrect accessor name' do it 'raises no method error' do expect { Patron::Session.new do |patron| patron.timeoutttt = args[:timeout] end }.to raise_error NoMethodError end end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ describe 'when debug is enabled' do it 'it should not clobber stderr' do rdev = STDERR.stat.rdev retval = @session.enable_debug expect(retval).to eq(@session) expect(STDERR.stat.rdev).to be == rdev retval = @session.enable_debug expect(retval).to eq(@session) expect(STDERR.stat.rdev).to be == rdev end end end