module Hubstats class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base def self.record_timestamps; false; end # Various checks that can be used to filter and find info about comments. scope :created_in_date_range, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("hubstats_comments.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)} scope :ignore_comments_by, lambda {|user_ids| where("user_id NOT IN (?)", user_ids) if user_ids} scope :belonging_to_pull_request, lambda {|pull_request_id| where(pull_request_id: pull_request_id)} scope :belonging_to_user, lambda {|user_id| where(user_id: user_id)} scope :belonging_to_team, lambda {|user_ids| where(user_id: user_ids) if user_ids} scope :belonging_to_repo, lambda {|repo_id| where(repo_id: repo_id)} # Public - Gets the number of PRs that a user commented on that were not their own PR. # # Returns - the number of PRs that a specific user has reviewed scope :pull_reviews_count, lambda { select("hubstats_comments.user_id") .select("COUNT(DISTINCT as total") .joins("LEFT JOIN hubstats_pull_requests ON = hubstats_comments.pull_request_id") .where("hubstats_pull_requests.user_id != hubstats_comments.user_id") .group("hubstats_comments.user_id") } belongs_to :user belongs_to :pull_request belongs_to :repo # Public - Makes a new comment based on a GitHub webhook occurrence. Assigns the user and the PR. # # github_comment - the information from Github about the comment def self.create_or_update(github_comment) github_comment = github_comment.to_h.with_indifferent_access if github_comment.respond_to? :to_h user = Hubstats::User.create_or_update(github_comment[:user]) github_comment[:user_id] = if github_comment[:pull_number] pull_request = Hubstats::PullRequest.belonging_to_repo(github_comment[:repo_id]).where(number: github_comment[:pull_number]).first if pull_request github_comment[:pull_request_id] = end end comment_data = github_comment.slice(* comment = where(:id => comment_data[:id]).first_or_create(comment_data) return comment if comment.update_attributes(comment_data) Rails.logger.warn comment.errors.inspect end end end