{"state":{"generalInfo":{"title":"Project Vote Smart - States","linkBack":"http:\/\/votesmart.org\/mystate_statefacts.php?state_id=GA"},"details":{"usCircuit":"Eleventh","largestCity":"Atlanta","generalDate":"","bicameral":"t","name":"Georgia","stateType":"State","billUrl":"","senators":"2","lowerLegis":"House of Representatives","stateId":"GA","motto":"Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation","highPoint":"Brasstown Bald, 4,784 ft","bird":"brown thrasher","nickName":"Empire State of the South","termLimit":"0","reps":"0","upperLegis":"General Assembly","voterReg":"
No reason is required when requesting an absentee ballot by mail. How Can I Acquire an Absentee Ballot?<\/strong> For locations for advanced voting, click here.<\/a> <\/span>Information Regarding Advance Voting<\/a>
Must register to vote 30 days before the election.
Can select party affiliation at the polls.
Do not have to register by political party to vote in the state's regular primaries or general elections.
To register to vote in the State of Georgia, an individual must meet the following qualifications:
• A citizen of the United States
• A legal resident of Georgia and of the county in which you wish to vote
• At least 18 years of age by election day
• Not be serving a sentence for conviction of a felony
• Have not been judicially determined to be mentally incompetent
Download and complete a voter registration application here.<\/a>
Contact your local county board of registrars' office or election office, public library, public assistance office, recruitment office, schools and other government offices for a mail-in registration form.
"Motor Voter" registration is offered when you renew or apply for your driver's license at Department of Motor Vehicle Safety drivers license posts.
College students can obtain Georgia voter registration forms, or the necessary forms to register in any state in the U.S., from their school registrar's office or from the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs
Who Can Absentee Vote in Georgia?<\/strong>
You may request an absentee ballot as early as 180 days before an election. Absentee ballots must be signed and received by the county board of registrars' office on or before election day - no absentee ballots are issued on election day.
Applications for absentee ballots by uniformed or overseas voters can be accepted more than 180 days prior to a primary or election in which a federal candidate appears on the ballot as well as for any runoffs resulting therefrom including presidential preference primaries for two general elections.
Absentee Ballot Forms can be requested and from the voter's local County Board of Registrars Office. Completed forms can be mailed, faxed, or dropped off at the office. Contact Information<\/a>
Obtain an absentee ballot application online:
Members of the military and other United States citizens living outside the United States temporarily or permanently may apply for an absentee ballot with the Federal Postcard Application.<\/a>
Additional Information for Overseas Voters<\/a>
Other Information on Absentee Voting in Georgia<\/strong>
A physically disabled or illiterate voter may receive assistance from another voter in the same county or municipality or from the same category of relatives who can make an application for or deliver an absentee ballot. If the voter is outside of the county or municipality, then a notary public can provide such assistance. Any person who assists another person to vote absentee must complete an oath prescribed by law demonstrating the statutory disability and that the ballot was completed as the voter desired. No person may assist more than ten voters in a primary, election, or runoff
An application for an absentee ballot cannot be physically attached to a publication that advocates for or against a particular candidate, issue, etc., and distributed by any person, entity, or organization.
Previously, Georgia election law permitted the casting of an absentee ballot only under certain specific requirements. Advance voting allows any registered voter to cast a ballot in person at the county voter registration office during normal business hours on the Monday through Friday of the week prior to an election simply as a matter of convenience.<\/p>
Source of information:<\/em>
GA Secretary of State
Elections Section
1104 West Tower
2 Martin Luther King Jr Dr SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: 404-656-2871
Fax: 404-651-9531
http:\/\/www.sos.state.ga.us\/elections <\/a><\/p>","statehood":"Jan. 2, 1788 (fourth of original 13 states to ratify the Constitution)","population":"6,478,216 (1990)","area":"58,876 sq mi","termLength":"0","rollLower":"Roll no.","tree":"American Elm","capital":"Atlanta","rollUpper":"Roll no.","primaryDate":"","voteUrl":"","flower":"Cherokee rose","ltGov":"t","lowPoint":"sea level"}}}