require 'active_admin/helpers/collection' require 'active_admin/view_helpers/download_format_links_helper' module ActiveAdmin module Views # Wraps the content with pagination and available formats. # # *Example:* # # paginated_collection collection, entry_name: "Post" do # div do # h2 "Inside the # end # end # # This will create a div with a sentence describing the number of # posts in one of the following formats: # # * "No Posts found" # * "Displaying all 10 Posts" # * "Displaying Posts 1 - 30 of 31 in total" # # It will also generate pagination links. # class PaginatedCollection < ActiveAdmin::Component builder_method :paginated_collection attr_reader :collection # Builds a new paginated collection component # # collection => A paginated collection from kaminari # options => These options will be passed to `page_entries_info` # entry_name => The name to display for this resource collection # params => Extra parameters for pagination (e.g. { anchor: 'details' }) # param_name => Parameter name for page number in the links (:page by default) # download_links => Download links override (false or [:csv, :pdf]) # def build(collection, options = {}) @collection = collection @params = options.delete(:params) @param_name = options.delete(:param_name) @download_links = options.delete(:download_links) @display_total = options.delete(:pagination_total) { true } @per_page = options.delete(:per_page) unless collection.respond_to?(:total_pages) raise(StandardError, "Collection is not a paginated scope. Set[:page]).per(10) before calling :paginated_collection.") end @contents = div(class: "paginated_collection_contents") build_pagination_with_formats(options) @built = true end # Override add_child to insert all children into the @contents div def add_child(*args, &block) if @built @contents.add_child(*args, &block) else super end end protected def build_pagination_with_formats(options) div id: "index_footer" do build_per_page_select if @per_page.is_a?(Array) build_pagination div(page_entries_info(options).html_safe, class: "pagination_information") formats = build_download_formats @download_links build_download_format_links formats if formats.any? end end def build_per_page_select div class: "pagination_per_page" do text_node I18n.t("active_admin.pagination.per_page") select do @per_page.each do |per_page| option( per_page, value: per_page, selected: collection.limit_value == per_page ? "selected" : nil ) end end end end def build_pagination options = { theme: 'active_admin' } options[:params] = @params if @params options[:param_name] = @param_name if @param_name if !@display_total && collection.respond_to?(:offset) # The #paginate method in kaminari will query the resource with a # count(*) to determine how many pages there should be unless # you pass in the :total_pages option. We issue a query to determine # if there is another page or not, but the limit/offset make this # query fast. offset = collection.offset(collection.current_page * @per_page.to_i).limit(1).count options[:total_pages] = collection.current_page + offset options[:right] = 0 end text_node paginate collection, **options end include ::ActiveAdmin::Helpers::Collection include ::ActiveAdmin::ViewHelpers::DownloadFormatLinksHelper # modified from will_paginate def page_entries_info(options = {}) if options[:entry_name] entry_name = options[:entry_name] entries_name = options[:entries_name] || entry_name.pluralize elsif collection_is_empty? entry_name = I18n.t "active_admin.pagination.entry", count: 1, default: 'entry' entries_name = I18n.t "active_admin.pagination.entry", count: 2, default: 'entries' else key = "activerecord.models." + collection.first.class.model_name.i18n_key.to_s entry_name = I18n.translate key, count: 1, default:'_', ' ') entries_name = I18n.translate key, count: collection.size, default: entry_name.pluralize end if @display_total if collection.total_pages < 2 case collection_size when 0; I18n.t("active_admin.pagination.empty", model: entries_name) when 1; I18n.t("", model: entry_name) else; I18n.t("active_admin.pagination.one_page", model: entries_name, n: collection.total_count) end else offset = (collection.current_page - 1) * collection.limit_value total = collection.total_count I18n.t "active_admin.pagination.multiple", model: entries_name, total: total, from: offset + 1, to: offset + collection_size end else # Do not display total count, in order to prevent a `SELECT count(*)`. # To do so we must not call `collection.total_pages` offset = (collection.current_page - 1) * collection.limit_value I18n.t "active_admin.pagination.multiple_without_total", model: entries_name, from: offset + 1, to: offset + collection_size end end end end end