require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'movie') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'sites', 'newzleech', 'nzb') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'sites', 'nzbs', 'nzb') class Inspector attr_accessor :download_path, :backup_path, :movies, :nzbs def initialize(download_path, options = {}) @download_path = download_path.gsub(/\/$/,'') @paths = options[:movie_paths] ? options[:movie_paths].split(',').map { |p| p.gsub(/\/$/,'') } : [] @options = options @options[:srt] = @options[:srt] ? (@options[:srt].split(',') - ["unknown"] + ['unknown']).uniq : nil @options[:imdb_score] = @options[:imdb_score] ? @options[:imdb_score].to_f : 7.0 @options[:year] = @options[:year] ? @options[:year].to_i : 1950 @movies = [] initialize_movies if @options[:backup_path] @backup_path = @options[:backup_path].gsub(/\/$/,'') @nzbs = [] initialize_nzbs @movies = @nzbs + @movies load_age_from_yaml end $stdout.print "Movie criteria: imdb score >= #{@options[:imdb_score]}, year >= #{@options[:year]}#{" and srt [#{@options[:srt].join(',')}]" if @options[:srt]}\n" end def search_and_download if @options[:login] && @options[:pass] site = parse_nzbs(site) end site = parse_nzbs(site) if backup_path keep_only_best_nzbs set_age_on_yaml end end def parse_nzbs(site) site.nzbs.each do |movie| $stdout.print "#{movie.dirname}, imdb score: #{movie.score}, age: #{movie.age} day(s)\n" if need?(movie) $stdout.print " => DOWNLOAD: #{} (#{movie.year})\n" download(site, movie) end end $stdout.print "No nzb found, maybe change -age or -page setting\n" if site.nzbs.empty? end def download(site, movie)"movie.nzb") do |tempfile| tempfile.write( # download nzb tempfile.close File.copy(tempfile.path, "#{backup_path}/#{movie.dirname}.nzb") if backup_path File.move(tempfile.path, "#{download_path}/#{movie.dirname}.nzb") end @movies << movie end def need?(movie, movies = @movies, not_validate = false, log = true) if not_validate || valid?(movie) $stdout.print " => movie has required criteria " if log if m = movies.detect { |m| m == movie } $stdout.print "but is already owned " if log if srt_score(movie) > srt_score(m) $stdout.print "but new movie has better subtitle: [#{',')}]\n" if log true elsif srt_score(movie) == srt_score(m) if format_score(movie) > format_score(m) $stdout.print "but new movie has better format: #{movie.format}\n" if log true elsif format_score(movie) == format_score(m) if source_score(movie) > source_score(m) $stdout.print "but new movie has better source: #{movie.source}\n" if log true elsif source_score(movie) == source_score(m) if sound_score(movie) > sound_score(m) $stdout.print "but new movie has better sound: #{movie.sound}\n" if log true else $stdout.print "with same srt, format, source and sound\n" if log false end else $stdout.print "with same srt, format and better source: #{m.source}\n" if log false end else $stdout.print "with same srt and better format: #{m.format}\n" if log false end else $stdout.print "with better subtitle: [#{',')}]\n" if log false end else $stdout.print "and is not already owned\n" if log true end else $stdout.print " => movie doesn't have required criteria\n" if log false end end def self.growl(title, msg, pri = 0) system("/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -w -n autonzb --image #{File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../asset/failure.png"} -p #{pri} -m #{msg.inspect} #{title} &") end private def initialize_movies @paths.each do |path| old_movies_size = @movies.size base_dir = clean_dir( base_dir.each do |movie| movie_path = "#{path}/#{movie}" @movies <<, :path => movie_path) if end $stdout.print "Found #{@movies.size - old_movies_size} movie(s) in #{path}\n" end end def initialize_nzbs base_dir = clean_dir( base_dir.each do |nzb| nzb_path = "#{@backup_path}/#{nzb}" @nzbs <<, :path => nzb_path) if File.extname(nzb_path) == '.nzb' end $stdout.print "Found #{@nzbs.size} backuped nzb(s) in #{@backup_path}\n" rescue => e $stdout.print "Problem with backup nzb: #{e}\n" end def clean_dir(dir) { |e| !["..", ".", ".DS_Store", "", "Icon\r"].include?(e) } end def valid?(movie) (@options[:srt].nil? || (((@options[:srt] - < @options[:srt].size)) || movie.lang == 'FRENCH') && movie.year != nil && movie.year >= @options[:year] && movie.score != nil && movie.score >= @options[:imdb_score] end def srt_score(movie) if @options[:srt] srts = @options[:srt].reverse do |score, srt| s = (i = srts.index(srt)) ? i : -1 score = s if s > score score end else 0 end end def format_score(movie) case movie.format when '1080p'; 2 when '720p'; 1 else; 0 end end def source_score(movie) case movie.format when 'BluRay'; 4 when 'HDDVD'; 3 when 'HDTV'; 2 when 'DVD'; 1 else; 0 end end def sound_score(movie) movie.format == 'DTS' ? 1 : 0 end def keep_only_best_nzbs size = 0 @nzbs.each do |nzb| nzbs = { |item| item.path != nzb.path } unless need?(nzb, nzbs, true, false) File.delete(nzb.path) size += 1 end end if size > 0 $stdout.print "#########################################################################\n" $stdout.print "Deleted #{size} useless backuped nzb(s) (keep only the best nzb by movie)\n" end end def load_age_from_yaml yml_file = "#{backup_path}/options.yml" yml_options = File.exist?(yml_file) ? YAML.load_file(yml_file) : {} if yml_age = yml_options['age'] age = sprintf("%.1f", (( - yml_age.to_i) / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0)).to_f @options[:age] = age if age > 0 end end def set_age_on_yaml yml_file = "#{backup_path}/options.yml", "w") { |f| f.write(({ 'age' => }).to_yaml) } end end