module Aptible module CLI module Subcommands module MetricDrain SITES = { 'US1' => '', 'US3' => '', 'EU1' => '', 'US1-FED' => '' }.freeze def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do include Helpers::Token include Helpers::Database include Helpers::MetricDrain desc 'metric_drain:list', 'List all Metric Drains' option :environment define_method 'metric_drain:list' do Formatter.render(Renderer.current) do |root| root.grouped_keyed_list( { 'environment' => 'handle' }, 'handle' ) do |node| scoped_environments(options).each do |account| account.metric_drains.each do |drain| node.object do |n| ResourceFormatter.inject_metric_drain(n, drain, account) end end end end end end desc 'metric_drain:create:influxdb HANDLE '\ '--db DATABASE_HANDLE --environment ENVIRONMENT', 'Create an InfluxDB Metric Drain' option :db, type: :string option :environment define_method 'metric_drain:create:influxdb' do |handle| account = ensure_environment(options) database = ensure_database(options) opts = { handle: handle, database_id:, drain_type: :influxdb_database } create_metric_drain(account, opts) end desc 'metric_drain:create:influxdb:custom HANDLE '\ '--username USERNAME --password PASSWORD ' \ '--url URL_INCLUDING_PORT ' \ '--db INFLUX_DATABASE_NAME ' \ '--environment ENVIRONMENT', 'Create an InfluxDB Metric Drain' option :db, type: :string option :username, type: :string option :password, type: :string option :url, type: :string option :db, type: :string option :environment define_method 'metric_drain:create:influxdb:custom' do |handle| account = ensure_environment(options) config = { address: options[:url], username: options[:username], password: options[:password], database: options[:db] } opts = { handle: handle, drain_configuration: config, drain_type: :influxdb } create_metric_drain(account, opts) end desc 'metric_drain:create:datadog HANDLE '\ '--api_key DATADOG_API_KEY '\ '--site DATADOG_SITE ' \ '--environment ENVIRONMENT', 'Create a Datadog Metric Drain' option :api_key, type: :string option :site, type: :string option :environment define_method 'metric_drain:create:datadog' do |handle| account = ensure_environment(options) config = { api_key: options[:api_key] } unless options[:site].nil? site = SITES[options[:site]] unless site sites = SITES.keys.join(', ') raise Thor::Error, 'Invalid Datadog site. ' \ "Valid options are #{sites}" end config[:series_url] = site end opts = { handle: handle, drain_type: :datadog, drain_configuration: config } create_metric_drain(account, opts) end desc 'metric_drain:deprovision HANDLE --environment ENVIRONMENT', 'Deprovisions a Metric Drain' option :environment define_method 'metric_drain:deprovision' do |handle| account = ensure_environment(options) drain = ensure_metric_drain(account, handle) op = drain.create_operation(type: :deprovision) begin attach_to_operation_logs(op) rescue HyperResource::ClientError => e # A 404 here means that the operation completed successfully, # and was removed faster than attach_to_operation_logs # could attach to the logs. raise if e.response.status != 404 end end end end end end end end