module QBFC class QuickbooksClosedError < RuntimeError #:nodoc: end class SetValueMissing < RuntimeError#:nodoc: end class QBXMLVersionError < RuntimeError#:nodoc: end class UnknownRequestError < RuntimeError#:nodoc: end class BaseClassNewError < RuntimeError#:nodoc: end class NotSavableError < RuntimeError#:nodoc: end # Encapsulates a QBFC session. # # => 'Test Application') do |qb| # qb.customers.find(:all).each do |customer| # puts customer.full_name # end # end # # qb = => 'Test Application') # qb.customers.find(:all).each do |customer| # puts customer.full_name # end # qb.close # # A QBFC::Session abstracts the ole_methods so that more conventional Ruby method names are used, # e.g. <tt>full_name</tt> instead of <tt>FullName.GetValue()</tt>. # # This also allows a shortcut for setting up Quickbooks objects: # # - session.customers.find(:all) instead of QBFC::Customer.find(session, :all) # - session.customer('CustomerFullName') instead of QBFC::Customer.find(session, 'CustomerFullName') # - session.customer instead of QBFC::Customer.find(session, :first) class Session class << self # Open a QBFC session. Takes options as a hash, and an optional block. Options are: # # - +app_name+: Name that the application sends to Quickbooks (used for allowing/denying access) # (defaults to 'Ruby QBFC Application' # - +app_id+: Per the Quickbooks SDK (QBFC Language Reference): # 'Normally not assigned. Use an empty string for appID.' An empty string is passed by default. # - +conn_type+: QBFC_CONST::CtUnknown, CtLocalQBD, CtRemoteQBD, CtLocalQBDLaunchUI, or CtRemoteQBOE. # Default is QBFC_CONST::CtLocalQBD (1) # - +filename+: The full path to the Quickbooks file; leave blank to connect to the currently # open company file. Default is an empty string (Quickbooks should be running). # - +open_mode+: The desired access mode. It can be one of three values: # - QBFC_CONST::OmSingleUser (specifies single-user mode) # - QBFC_CONST::OmMultiUser (specifies multi-user mode) # - QBFC_CONST::OmDontCare (accept whatever mode is currently in effect, or single-user mode if no other mode is in effect) # Default is QBFC_CONST::OmDontCare # # If given a block, it yields the Session object and closes the Session and Connection # when the block closes. # # Otherwise, it returns the new Session object. def open(*options, &block) qb = new(*options) if block_given? begin yield qb ensure qb.close end else qb end end end # See for initialization options. def initialize(options = {}) ole_object ="QBFC6.QBSessionManager") ole_object.OpenConnection2(options[:app_id].to_s, (options[:app_name] || "Ruby QBFC Application"), (options[:conn_type] || QBFC_CONST::CtLocalQBD)) begin ole_object.BeginSession(options[:filename].to_s, (options[:open_mode] || QBFC_CONST::OmDontCare)) rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError ole_object.CloseConnection ole_object = nil raise QBFC::QuickbooksClosedError, "BeginSession failed: Quickbooks must be open or a valid filename specified." end @ole_object = end # Close the session with Quickbooks. If this is ommitted, Quickbooks will not close. # Using a block with ensures the session is closed. def close @ole_object.EndSession @ole_object.CloseConnection @ole_object = nil end # The classes method allows using <tt>session.classes.find</tt> instead of # <tt>session.q_b_classes.find</tt>, for finds on QBClass. def classes, :QBClass) end # Responsible for the conversion of ole_method name to more convential Ruby method names. # This specifies the methods for setting up an Entity, such as a Customer, directly, which is # not included in OLEWrapper (setting up entities that are children of another entity is). # Send other missing methods on to OLE Wrapper def method_missing(symbol, *params) #:nodoc: if (('a'..'z') === symbol.to_s[0].chr && symbol.to_s[-1].chr != '=') camelized_method = symbol.to_s.camelize.to_sym single_camelized_method = symbol.to_s.singularize.camelize.to_sym if QBFC.const_defined?(camelized_method) if params[0] return QBFC::const_get(camelized_method).find_by_unique_id(self, params[0]) else return QBFC::const_get(camelized_method).find(self, :first) end elsif QBFC.const_defined?(single_camelized_method) return, single_camelized_method) end end # Don't want to pass an OLEWrapper to a WIN32OLE method. params = params.collect{ |p| p.respond_to?(:ole_object) ? p.ole_object : p } @ole_object.qbfc_method_missing(self, symbol, *params) end end end