require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "controllers", "url") class Monkey ; def to_param ; 45 ; end ; end class Donkey ; def to_param ; 19 ; end ; end class Blue def to_param ; 13 ; end def monkey_id ; ; end def donkey_id ; ; end end class Pink def to_param ; 22 ; end def blue_id ; ; end def monkey_id ; blue_id.monkey_id ; end end describe Merb::Controller, " url" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do identify :to_param do resources :monkeys do resources :blues do resources :pinks end end resources :donkeys do resources :blues end resource :red do resources :blues end match(%r{/foo/(\d+)/}).to(:controller => 'asdf').name(:regexp) match('/people(/:name)(.:format)').to(:controller => 'people', :action => 'show').name(:person) match('/argstrs').to(:controller => "args").name(:args) default_routes end end @controller = dispatch_to(Merb::Test::Fixtures::Controllers::Url, :index) end it "should match the :controller to the default route" do @controller.url(:controller => "monkeys").should eql("/monkeys") end it "should match the :controller,:action to the default route" do @controller.url(:controller => "monkeys", :action => "list"). should eql("/monkeys/list") end it "should match the :controller,:action,:id to the default route" do @controller.url(:controller => "monkeys", :action => "list", :id => 4). should eql("/monkeys/list/4") end it "should match the :controller,:action,:id,:format to the default route" do @controller.url(:controller => "monkeys", :action => "list", :id => 4, :format => "xml"). should eql("/monkeys/list/4.xml") end it "should match the :controller,:action,:id,:format,:fragment to the default route" do @controller.url(:controller => "monkeys", :action => "list", :id => 4, :format => "xml", :fragment => :half_way). should eql("/monkeys/list/4.xml#half_way") end it "should raise an error when trying to generate a regexp route" do lambda { @controller.url(:regexp) }.should raise_error(Merb::Router::GenerationError) end it "should raise an error when trying to generate a route that doesn't exist" do lambda { @controller.url(:lalalala) }.should raise_error(Merb::Router::GenerationError) end it "should match with a route param" do @controller.url(:person, :name => "david").should eql("/people/david") end it "should match without a route param" do @controller.url(:person).should eql("/people") end it "should match with an additional param" do @controller.url(:person, :name => 'david', :color => 'blue').should eql("/people/david?color=blue") end it "should match with a :format" do @controller.url(:person, :name => 'david', :format => :xml).should eql("/people/david.xml") end it "should match with a :fragment" do @controller.url(:person, :name => 'david', :fragment => :half_way).should eql("/people/david#half_way") end it "should match with an additional param and :format" do @controller.url(:person, :name => 'david', :color => 'blue', :format => :xml).should eql("/people/david.xml?color=blue") end it "should match with an additional param, :format, and :fragment" do @controller.url(:person, :name => 'david', :color => 'blue', :format => :xml, :fragment => :half_way). should eql("/people/david.xml?color=blue#half_way") end it "should match with additional params" do url = @controller.url(:person, :name => 'david', :smell => 'funky', :color => 'blue') url.should match(%r{/people/david?.*color=blue}) url.should match(%r{/people/david?.*smell=funky}) end it "should match with extra params and an array" do @controller.url(:args, :monkey => [1,2]).should == "/argstrs?monkey[]=1&monkey[]=2" end it "should match with no second arg" do @controller.url(:monkeys).should == "/monkeys" end it "should match with an object as second arg" do @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey, @monkey).should == "/monkeys/45" end it "should match with a fixnum as second arg" do @controller.url(:monkey, 3).should == "/monkeys/3" end it "should match with an object and :format" do @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml).should == "/monkeys/45.xml" end it "should match with an object, :format and additional options" do @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml, :color => "blue").should == "/monkeys/45.xml?color=blue" end it "should match with an object, :format, :fragment, and additional options" do @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml, :color => "blue", :fragment => :half_way).should == "/monkeys/45.xml?color=blue#half_way" end it "should match the delete_monkey route" do @monkey = @controller.url(:delete_monkey, @monkey).should == "/monkeys/45/delete" end it "should match the delete_red route" do @controller.url(:delete_red).should == "/red/delete" end it "should add a path_prefix to the url if :path_prefix is set" do Merb::Config[:path_prefix] = "/jungle" @controller.url(:monkeys).should == "/jungle/monkeys" Merb::Config[:path_prefix] = nil end it "should match a nested resources show action" do @blue = @controller.url(:monkey_blue, @blue.monkey_id, @blue).should == "/monkeys/45/blues/13" end it "should match the index action of nested resource with parent object" do @blue = @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey_blues, :monkey_id => @monkey).should == "/monkeys/45/blues" end it "should match the index action of nested resource with parent id as string" do @blue = @controller.url(:monkey_blues, :monkey_id => '1').should == "/monkeys/1/blues" end it "should match the edit action of nested resource" do @blue = @controller.url(:edit_monkey_blue, @blue.monkey_id, @blue).should == "/monkeys/45/blues/13/edit" end it "should match the index action of resources nested under a resource" do @blue = @controller.url(:red_blues).should == "/red/blues" end it "should match resource that has been nested multiple times" do @blue = @controller.url(:donkey_blue, @blue.donkey_id, @blue).should == "/donkeys/19/blues/13" @controller.url(:monkey_blue, @blue.monkey_id, @blue).should == "/monkeys/45/blues/13" end it "should match resources nested more than one level deep" do @pink = @controller.url(:monkey_blue_pink, @pink.blue_id.monkey_id, @pink.blue_id, @pink).should == "/monkeys/45/blues/13/pinks/22" end it "should match resource with additional params" do @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey, @monkey, :foo => "bar").should == "/monkeys/45?foo=bar" end it "should match resource with fragment" do @monkey = @controller.url(:monkey, @monkey, :fragment => :half_way).should == "/monkeys/45#half_way" end it "should match a nested resource with additional params" do @blue = @controller.url(:monkey_blue, @blue.monkey_id, @blue, :foo => "bar").should == "/monkeys/45/blues/13?foo=bar" end it "should match a nested resource with additional params and fragment" do @blue = @controller.url(:monkey_blue, @blue.monkey_id, @blue, :foo => "bar", :fragment => :half_way).should == "/monkeys/45/blues/13?foo=bar#half_way" end end describe Merb::Controller, "#url(:this, *args)" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do with(:controller => "merb/test/fixtures/controllers/url", :action => "this_route") do resources :users, :controller => "merb/test/fixtures/controllers/url" do resources :comments, :controller => "merb/test/fixtures/controllers/url" end resource :profile, :controller => "merb/test/fixtures/controllers/url" match(%r[/regex]).register match("/simple").register match("/no_optionals(/:one(/:two))").register match("/one_optionals(/:one(/:two))").to(:action => "one_optionals") match("/two_optionals(/:one(/:two))").to(:action => "two_optionals") match("/postage", :method => :post).register match("/action/:action").to(:action => "[1]") match("/defer").defer_to { |r, params| params } match(:method => :get).defer_to { |r, params| params } end end end it "should use the current route" do request("/simple").body.to_s.should == "/simple" end it "should be able to generate a route with optional segments" do request("/no_optionals").body.to_s.should == "/no_optionals" end it "should drop the optional request params if they are not specified when generating the route" do request("/no_optionals/one/two").body.to_s.should == "/no_optionals" end it "should generate the optional segments as specified" do request("/one_optionals/one/two").body.to_s.should == "/one_optionals/one" request("/two_optionals/one/two").body.to_s.should == "/two_optionals/one/two" end it "should generate the route even if it is not a GET request" do request("/postage", :method => "post").body.to_s.should == "/postage" end it "should be able to tag on extra query string paramters" do request('/action/this_route_with_page').body.to_s.should == "/action/this_route_with_page?page=2" end it "should work with deferred block routes" do request("/defer").body.to_s.should == "/defer" end it "should not work with routes that do not have a path" do request("/foo/bar").should have_xpath("//h1[contains(.,'Generation Error')]") end it "should raise an error when trying to generate a regexp route" do request("/regex").should have_xpath("//h1[contains(.,'Generation Error')]") end it "should work with resource routes" do request("/users").body.to_s.should == "/users" request("/users/10").body.to_s.should == "/users/10" request("/users/new").body.to_s.should == "/users/new" request("/users/10/edit").body.to_s.should == "/users/10/edit" request("/profile").body.to_s.should == "/profile" end it "should work with nested resource routes" do request("/users/10/comments").body.to_s.should == "/users/10/comments" request("/users/10/comments/9").body.to_s.should == "/users/10/comments/9" request("/users/10/comments/new").body.to_s.should == "/users/10/comments/new" request("/users/10/comments/9/edit").body.to_s.should == "/users/10/comments/9/edit" end end describe Merb::Controller, "absolute_url" do before do Merb::Router.prepare do |r| identify :to_param do r.resources :monkeys do |m| m.resources :blues do |b| b.resources :pinks end end r.resources :donkeys do |d| d.resources :blues end r.resource :red do |red| red.resources :blues end r.match(%r{/foo/(\d+)/}).to(:controller => 'asdf').name(:regexp) r.match('/people(/:name)(.:format)').to(:controller => 'people', :action => 'show').name(:person) r.match('/argstrs').to(:controller => "args").name(:args) r.default_routes end end @controller = dispatch_to(Merb::Test::Fixtures::Controllers::Url, :index) end it 'takes :protocol option' do @monkey = @controller.absolute_url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml, :protocol => "https").should == "https://localhost/monkeys/45.xml" end it 'takes :host option' do @monkey = @controller.absolute_url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml, :protocol => "https", :host => "").should == "" end it 'falls back to request protocol' do @monkey = @controller.absolute_url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml).should == "http://localhost/monkeys/45.xml" end it 'falls back to request host' do @monkey = @controller.absolute_url(:monkey, :id => @monkey, :format => :xml, :protocol => "https").should == "https://localhost/monkeys/45.xml" end it "allows passing an object instead of a hash" do @monkey = @controller.absolute_url(:monkey, @monkey).should == "http://localhost/monkeys/45" end it "should support non-named routes" do @controller.absolute_url(:controller => "monkeys", :action => "list"). should eql("http://localhost/monkeys/list") end end