module Pah module Templates class Gem < Pah::Template def call copy_static_file 'Gemfile' gsub_file 'Gemfile', /RUBY_VERSION/, ::Pah::RUBY_VERSION gsub_file 'Gemfile', /RAILS_VERSION/, ::Pah::RAILS_VERSION begin require 'bundler' rescue LoadError # Install bundler if needed unless run 'gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc' puts 'Error installing bundler, will attempt to continue' end require 'bundler' end # Install all other gems needed from Gemfile unless run 'bundle install --jobs=4' puts 'Error installing gems, aborting' exit 1 end git add: 'Gemfile*' git_commit 'Add Gemfile and Gemfile.lock.' end end end end