require 'spec_helper' describe DashboardHelper do describe '#status_alert' do context 'description' do subject { helper.status_alert(:red, 'FOO') } it 'outputs the description as is' do page = page.find('span').text.should eq('FOO') end end context 'red status' do subject { helper.status_alert(:red, 'FOO') } it 'has the required css classes and data' do page = page.should have_css('.alert.alert-error.status-alert') page.find('.alert-heading').text.should eq('Red') end end context 'yellow status' do subject { helper.status_alert(:yellow, 'FOO') } it 'has the required css classes and data' do page = page.should have_css('.alert.status-alert') page.find('.alert-heading').text.should eq('Yellow') end end context 'green status' do subject { helper.status_alert(:green, 'FOO') } it 'has the required css classes and data' do page = page.should have_css('.alert.alert-success.status-alert') page.find('.alert-heading').text.should eq('Green') end end end describe '#organization_accounts' do context 'accordion heading' do subject { helper.organization_accounts [{ name: 'Account 1', users: [] }, { name: 'Account 2', users: [] }] } it 'renders the account names in the accordion headings' do page = page.find('a[href="#organization-account-0"]').text.should eq('Account 1') page.find('a[href="#organization-account-1"]').text.should eq('Account 2') end end context 'accordion inner' do user1 = { image: '/assets/retina_thumb/missing.png', name: 'Christopher Mudiappahpillai', member_dashboard_path: '/member_dashboards/2757', status_color: :red, status_description: '3 essentials and 123 elective points required.' } user2 = { image: '', name: 'Joannou Ng', member_dashboard_path: '/member_dashboards/113037', status_color: :yellow, status_description: '7 essentials and 113 elective points required.' } subject do account = { name: 'GOATSE', users: [user1, user2] } helper.organization_accounts [account] end it 'renders the account users in the accordion inner' do page = subject [user1, user2].each_with_index do |user, i| page.all('img')[i][:src].should eq '/assets/woople-theme/missing-profile.png' if i == 0 page.all('img')[i][:src].should eq user[:image] if i == 1 anchor = page.all('.span8 a')[i] anchor.text.should eq user[:name] anchor[:href].should eq user[:member_dashboard_path] status = page.all('.status-alert')[i] status[:class].should eq 'alert alert-error status-alert' if i == 0 status[:class].should eq 'alert status-alert' if i == 1 status['data-content'].should eq user[:status_description] page.all('.status-alert strong')[i].text.should eq user[:status_color].to_s.capitalize! page.all('.status-alert span')[i].text.should eq user[:status_description] end page.should have_css 'button.btn.btn-primary i.icon-envelope-alt.icon-white', count: 2 end end end describe "#essentials_section" do subject do helper.essentials_section({ enabled?: true, essentials_remaining: [stub(url: '/course', name:'remaining', image:nil).as_null_object], essentials_completed: [stub(url: '/course', name:'completed', image:nil, completed_on: Time.current, time_total: '12:34').as_null_object], essentials_exceptions: [stub(name: 'Exception', description: 'Reason', completed_on: Time.current, url: '/course').as_null_object] }) end let(:page) { } it "has the correct name for the essential remaining" do page.find(".content-item-content h2 a").text.should == 'remaining' end end describe "#essentials_completed" do it "renders a collection" do collection = [stub(url:"/course").as_null_object, stub(url:"/course").as_null_object, stub(url:"/course").as_null_object] helper.should_receive(:render_collection_partial).with(collection, WoopleTheme::Dashboard::EssentialCompletedPresenter, 'woople-theme/content_item') helper.essentials_completed(collection) end end describe "#essentials_exceptions" do it "renders a collection" do collection = [stub(url: '/course').as_null_object] helper.should_receive(:render_collection_partial).with(collection, WoopleTheme::Dashboard::EssentialExceptionPresenter, 'woople-theme/dashboard/exception') helper.essentials_exceptions(collection) end end describe "#electives_section" do subject do helper.electives_section({ electives_history: [stub(completed_on: Time.current, name: 'x', current_points: 10, total_points: 20, url: '/course', image: nil).as_null_object], electives_exceptions: [stub(name: 'Exception', description: 10, completed_on: Time.current, url: nil).as_null_object], points_earned: 1, points_total: 2, enabled?: true }) end let(:page) { } it "has the correct title" do page.find("#electives-section h2").text.should == I18n.t('woople_theme.dashboards.member.electives_section.title') end end describe "#electives_points" do subject do helper.electives_section({ electives_history: [stub(completed_on: Time.current, name: 'x', current_points: 10, total_points: 20, url: '/course', image: nil).as_null_object], electives_exceptions: [stub(name: 'Exception', description: 10, completed_on: Time.current, url: nil).as_null_object], points_earned: 1, points_total: 2, enabled?: true }) let(:page) { } it "has points" do page.find('#electives_points .points').text.should == I18n.t('woople_theme.dashboards.member.electives_section.points_earned', points_earned: 1, points_total: 2) end end end describe "#electives_history" do it "renders a collection" do collection = [stub(completed_on: Time.current, name: 'x', current_points: 10, total_points: 20, url: '/course', image: nil).as_null_object] helper.should_receive(:render_collection_partial).with(collection, WoopleTheme::Dashboard::ElectiveHistoryPresenter, 'woople-theme/content_item') helper.electives_history(collection) end end end