!============================================================================== ! AstroGK INPUT FILE automatically generated by CodeRunner !============================================================================== ! ! AstroGK is a gyrokinetic flux tube initial value turbulence code ! which can be used for fusion or astrophysical plasmas. ! ! See http://gyrokinetics.sourceforge.net ! ! CodeRunner is a framework for the automated running and analysis ! of large simulations. ! ! See http://coderunner.sourceforge.net ! by CodeRunner version ! !============================================================================== !============================== ! !============================== &diagnostics print_line = .false. print_flux_line = .f. write_linear = .f. ! write_nonlin not specified --- write_omega = .false. write_omavg = .false. ! write_ascii not specified --- write_kpar = .true. ! write_gs not specified --- write_g = .false. ! write_gg not specified --- ! write_vspace_slices not specified --- write_hrate = .f. ! write_elsasser not specified --- ! write_density_velocity not specified --- ! write_epartot not specified --- write_final_fields = .false. write_final_epar = .false. ! write_final_moments not specified --- ! write_avg_moments not specified --- ! write_Epolar not specified --- ! write_Eshell not specified --- write_nl_flux = .f. ! write_full_moments_r not specified --- nwrite = 4 ! nmovie not specified --- ! nwrite2 not specified --- ! nsave not specified --- navg = 20 omegatol = -0.001 omegatinst = 500.0 ! igomega not specified --- ! write_lorentzian not specified --- ! exit_when_converged not specified --- ! make_movie not specified --- save_for_restart = .false. ! write_adapt_hc not specified --- ! write_verr not specified --- ! write_vspectrum not specified --- ! write_kspectrum not specified --- ! write_init not specified --- ! write_gkp not specified --- ! write_hkv not specified --- ! write_ktrans not specified --- ! use_qshell not specified --- ! write_ptrans not specified --- ! get_wtrans not specified --- ! get_etrans not specified --- write_phi_over_time = .false. ! write_apar_over_time not specified --- ! write_bpar_over_time not specified --- / !============================== ! !============================== &layouts_knobs layout = "lexys" ! 'yxles', 'lxyes', 'lyxes', 'lexys' Determines the way the grids are laid out in memory. / !============================== ! !============================== &reinit_knobs delt_adj = 2.0 ! When the time step needs to be changed, it is adjusted delt_minimum = 5.0e-10 ! The minimum time step is delt_minimum. / !============================== ! !============================== &collisions_knobs collision_model = "none" ! Collision model used in the simulation. Options: 'default', 'none', 'lorentz', 'ediffuse' conserve_momentum = .false. heating = .false. / !============================== ! !============================== &dist_fn_knobs test = .false. / !============================== ! 1 !============================== &dist_fn_species_knobs_1 fexp = 0.48 bakdif = 0.05 ! Spatial implicitness parameter. Recommended value: 0.05 / !============================== ! !============================== &hyper_knobs hyper_option = "visc_only" const_amp = .true. include_kpar = .false. isotropic_shear = .true. D_hypervisc = 0.01 / !============================== ! !============================== &init_g_knobs ginit_option = "noise" ! Sets the way that the distribution function is initialized. phiinit = 0.1 ! Average amplitude of initial perturbation of each Fourier mode. chop_side = .false. ! Rarely needed. Forces asymmetry into initial condition. / !============================== ! !============================== &kgrids grid_option = "single" akperp = 0.01 nkpolar = 0 / !============================== ! !============================== &le_grids_knobs ngauss = 8 ! Number of untrapped pitch-angles moving in one direction along field line. negrid = 8 ! Total number of energy grid points ecut = 16.0 / !============================== ! !============================== &nonlinear_terms_knobs nonlinear_mode = "off" ! Include nonlinear terms? ('on','off') cfl = 0.2 ! The maximum delt < cfl * min(Delta_perp/v_perp) / !============================== ! !============================== ¶meters beta = 0.0 ! Ratio of particle to magnetic pressure (reference Beta, not total beta): beta=n_0 T_0 /( B^2 / (8 pi)) zeff = 1.0 ! Effective ionic charge. tite = 1.0 ! Ratio of ion to electron temperatures. / !============================== ! !============================== &knobs delt = 0.2 ! Time step nstep = 500 ! Maximum number of timesteps avail_cpu_time = 7200 ! Specify the available wall clock time in seconds. GS2 will exit before this time. use_Phi = .true. use_Apar = .false. use_Bpar = .false. / !============================== ! !============================== &species_knobs nspec = 1 ! Number of kinetic species evolved. / !============================== ! 1 !============================== &species_parameters_1 z = 1.0 ! Charge mass = 1.0 ! Mass dens = 1.0 ! Density temp = 1.0 ! Temperature tprim = 100 ! -1/T (dT/drho) fprim = 1.0 ! -1/n (dn/drho) uprim = 0.0 ! ? type = "ion" ! Type of species, e.g. 'ion', 'electron', 'beam' nu = 0 nu_h = 100.0 nexp_h = 6.0 / !============================== ! !============================== &theta_grid z0 = 10.0 ntheta = 20 /