Before do step "I have github instance" end When /^(.*) within a cassette named "([^"]*)"$/ do |step_to_call, cassette_name| VCR.use_cassette(cassette_name) { step step_to_call } end When /^(.*) within a cassette named "([^"]*)" and match on (.*)$/ do |step_to_call, cassette_name, matchers| matches = matchers.split(',').map { |m| m.gsub(/\s*/,'') }.map(&:to_sym) VCR.use_cassette(cassette_name, :match_requests_on => matches) { step step_to_call } end Then /^the response should equal (.*)$/ do |expected_response| expected = case expected_response when /t/ true when /f/ false else raise ArgumentError 'Expected boolean type!' end @response.should == expected end Then /^the response status should be (.*)$/ do |expected_response| @response.status.should eql expected_response.to_i end Then /^the response should be (.*)$/ do |expected_response| expected_response = case expected_response when /false/ @response.should be_false when /true/ @response.should be_true when /\d+/ @response.should eql expected_response.to_i when /empty/ @response.should be_empty else @response.should eql expected_response end end Then /^the response type should be (.*)$/ do |type| case type.downcase when 'json' @response.headers.content_type.should =~ /application\/json/ when 'html' @response.headers.content_type.should =~ /text\/html/ when 'raw' @response.headers.content_type.should =~ /raw/ end end Then /^the response should have (\d+) items$/ do |size| @response.size.should eql size.to_i end Then /^the response should not be empty$/ do @response.should_not be_empty end Then /^the response should in (.*) contain (.*)$/ do |attr, item| case @response.body when Array found = nil @response.body.each do |element| found = element[attr] if element[attr] == item end expect(found).to eql(item) end end Then /^the response should contain (.*)$/ do |item| case @response.body when Array @response.body.should include item end end Then /^the response should contain:$/ do |string| expect(@response.body.strip).to eql(string.strip) end Then /^the response (.*) link should contain:$/ do |type, table| table.hashes.each do |attributes| attributes.each do |key, val| @response.links.send(:"#{type}").should match /#{key}=#{val}/ end end end Then /^the response body (.*) should be (.*)$/ do |attr, result| expect(@response.body[attr]).to eql result end Then /^the response (.*) item (.*) should be (.*)$/ do |action, field, result| if action == 'first' @response.first.send(field).should eql result else @response.last.send(field).should eql result end end