/* eslint max-len: 0 */ "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports["default"] = function (_ref) { var messages = _ref.messages; var template = _ref.template; var t = _ref.types; var buildForOfArray = template("\n for (var KEY = 0; KEY < ARR.length; KEY++) BODY;\n "); var buildForOfLoose = template("\n for (var LOOP_OBJECT = OBJECT,\n IS_ARRAY = Array.isArray(LOOP_OBJECT),\n INDEX = 0,\n LOOP_OBJECT = IS_ARRAY ? LOOP_OBJECT : LOOP_OBJECT[Symbol.iterator]();;) {\n var ID;\n if (IS_ARRAY) {\n if (INDEX >= LOOP_OBJECT.length) break;\n ID = LOOP_OBJECT[INDEX++];\n } else {\n INDEX = LOOP_OBJECT.next();\n if (INDEX.done) break;\n ID = INDEX.value;\n }\n }\n "); var buildForOf = template("\n var ITERATOR_COMPLETION = true;\n var ITERATOR_HAD_ERROR_KEY = false;\n var ITERATOR_ERROR_KEY = undefined;\n try {\n for (var ITERATOR_KEY = OBJECT[Symbol.iterator](), STEP_KEY; !(ITERATOR_COMPLETION = (STEP_KEY = ITERATOR_KEY.next()).done); ITERATOR_COMPLETION = true) {\n }\n } catch (err) {\n ITERATOR_HAD_ERROR_KEY = true;\n ITERATOR_ERROR_KEY = err;\n } finally {\n try {\n if (!ITERATOR_COMPLETION && ITERATOR_KEY.return) {\n ITERATOR_KEY.return();\n }\n } finally {\n if (ITERATOR_HAD_ERROR_KEY) {\n throw ITERATOR_ERROR_KEY;\n }\n }\n }\n "); function _ForOfStatementArray(path) { var node = path.node; var scope = path.scope; var nodes = []; var right = node.right; if (!t.isIdentifier(right) || !scope.hasBinding(right.name)) { var uid = scope.generateUidIdentifier("arr"); nodes.push(t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(uid, right)])); right = uid; } var iterationKey = scope.generateUidIdentifier("i"); var loop = buildForOfArray({ BODY: node.body, KEY: iterationKey, ARR: right }); t.inherits(loop, node); t.ensureBlock(loop); var iterationValue = t.memberExpression(right, iterationKey, true); var left = node.left; if (t.isVariableDeclaration(left)) { left.declarations[0].init = iterationValue; loop.body.body.unshift(left); } else { loop.body.body.unshift(t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", left, iterationValue))); } if (path.parentPath.isLabeledStatement()) { loop = t.labeledStatement(path.parentPath.node.label, loop); } nodes.push(loop); return nodes; } return { visitor: { ForOfStatement: function ForOfStatement(path, state) { if (path.get("right").isArrayExpression()) { return path.replaceWithMultiple(_ForOfStatementArray.call(this, path, state)); } var callback = spec; if (state.opts.loose) callback = loose; var node = path.node; var build = callback(path, state); var declar = build.declar; var loop = build.loop; var block = loop.body; // ensure that it's a block so we can take all its statements path.ensureBlock(); // add the value declaration to the new loop body if (declar) { block.body.push(declar); } // push the rest of the original loop body onto our new body block.body = block.body.concat(node.body.body); t.inherits(loop, node); t.inherits(loop.body, node.body); if (build.replaceParent) { path.parentPath.replaceWithMultiple(build.node); path.remove(); } else { path.replaceWithMultiple(build.node); } } } }; function loose(path, file) { var node = path.node; var scope = path.scope; var left = node.left; var declar = undefined, id = undefined; if (t.isIdentifier(left) || t.isPattern(left) || t.isMemberExpression(left)) { // for (i of test), for ({ i } of test) id = left; } else if (t.isVariableDeclaration(left)) { // for (let i of test) id = scope.generateUidIdentifier("ref"); declar = t.variableDeclaration(left.kind, [t.variableDeclarator(left.declarations[0].id, id)]); } else { throw file.buildCodeFrameError(left, messages.get("unknownForHead", left.type)); } var iteratorKey = scope.generateUidIdentifier("iterator"); var isArrayKey = scope.generateUidIdentifier("isArray"); var loop = buildForOfLoose({ LOOP_OBJECT: iteratorKey, IS_ARRAY: isArrayKey, OBJECT: node.right, INDEX: scope.generateUidIdentifier("i"), ID: id }); if (!declar) { // no declaration so we need to remove the variable declaration at the top of // the for-of-loose template loop.body.body.shift(); } // return { declar: declar, node: loop, loop: loop }; } function spec(path, file) { var node = path.node; var scope = path.scope; var parent = path.parent; var left = node.left; var declar = undefined; var stepKey = scope.generateUidIdentifier("step"); var stepValue = t.memberExpression(stepKey, t.identifier("value")); if (t.isIdentifier(left) || t.isPattern(left) || t.isMemberExpression(left)) { // for (i of test), for ({ i } of test) declar = t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", left, stepValue)); } else if (t.isVariableDeclaration(left)) { // for (let i of test) declar = t.variableDeclaration(left.kind, [t.variableDeclarator(left.declarations[0].id, stepValue)]); } else { throw file.buildCodeFrameError(left, messages.get("unknownForHead", left.type)); } // var iteratorKey = scope.generateUidIdentifier("iterator"); var template = buildForOf({ ITERATOR_HAD_ERROR_KEY: scope.generateUidIdentifier("didIteratorError"), ITERATOR_COMPLETION: scope.generateUidIdentifier("iteratorNormalCompletion"), ITERATOR_ERROR_KEY: scope.generateUidIdentifier("iteratorError"), ITERATOR_KEY: iteratorKey, STEP_KEY: stepKey, OBJECT: node.right, BODY: null }); var isLabeledParent = t.isLabeledStatement(parent); var tryBody = template[3].block.body; var loop = tryBody[0]; if (isLabeledParent) { tryBody[0] = t.labeledStatement(parent.label, loop); } // return { replaceParent: isLabeledParent, declar: declar, loop: loop, node: template }; } }; module.exports = exports["default"];