require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/acts_as_archive/gems' ActsAsArchive::Gems.activate %w(also_migrate mover) require 'also_migrate' require 'mover' require 'yaml' $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) class ActsAsArchive class << self attr_accessor :configuration, :disabled def deprecate(msg) if defined?(::ActiveSupport::Deprecation) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn msg else $stdout.puts msg end end def disable(&block) @mutex ||= @mutex.synchronize do self.disabled = true end ensure self.disabled = false end def find(from) from = [ from ] unless from.is_a?(::Array) (@configuration || []).select do |hash| if from[0].is_a?(::String) from.include?(hash[:from].table_name) else from.include?(hash[:from]) end end end def load_from_yaml(root) if File.exists?(yaml = "#{root}/config/acts_as_archive.yml") YAML.load( do |klass, config| klass = eval(klass) rescue nil if klass if (%w(class table) - config.last.keys).empty? options = {} else options = config.pop end config.each do |c| klass.acts_as_archive options.merge(c) end end end end end def move(config, where, merge_options={}) options = config[:options].dup.merge(merge_options) if options[:conditions] options[:conditions] += " AND #{where}" elsif where options[:conditions] = where end config[:from].move_to(config[:to], options) end def update(*args) deprecate "ActsAsArchive.update is deprecated and no longer necessary." end end module Base def self.included(base) unless base.included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :include, InstanceMethods end end module ClassMethods def acts_as_archive(options={}) return unless ActsAsArchive.find(self).empty? ActsAsArchive.configuration ||= [] ActsAsArchive.configuration << (config = { :from => self }) options[:copy] = true if options[:archive] options[:magic] = 'restored_at' klass = options[:class] else options[:magic] = 'deleted_at' if options[:magic].nil? options[:add] = [[ options[:magic], :datetime ]] options[:ignore] = options[:magic] options[:subtract] = 'restored_at' options[:timestamps] = false if options[:timestamps].nil? unless options[:class] options[:class] = "#{self}::Archive" end unless options[:table] options[:table] = "archived_#{self.table_name}" end klass = eval(options[:class]) rescue nil if klass klass.send :set_table_name, options[:table] else eval <<-EVAL class ::#{options[:class]} < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "#{options[:table]}" end EVAL klass = eval("::#{options[:class]}") end klass.record_timestamps = options[:timestamps].inspect klass.acts_as_archive(:class => self, :archive => true) self.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |association| if association.options[:dependent] && !association.options[:polymorphic] && !ActsAsArchive.find(association.klass).empty? opts = association.options.dup opts[:class_name] = "::#{association.class_name}::Archive" opts[:foreign_key] = association.primary_key_name klass.send association.macro,, opts end end unless options[:migrate] == false AlsoMigrate.configuration ||= [] AlsoMigrate.configuration << options.merge( :source => self.table_name, :destination => klass.table_name ) end end config[:to] = klass config[:options] = options end def delete_all!(*args) ActsAsArchive.disable { self.delete_all(*args) } end def destroy_all!(*args) ActsAsArchive.disable { self.destroy_all(*args) } end def migrate_from_acts_as_paranoid time = Benchmark.measure do ActsAsArchive.find(self).each do |config| config = config.dup config[:options][:copy] = false ActsAsArchive.move( config, "`#{config[:options][:magic]}` IS NOT NULL", :migrate => true ) end end $stdout.puts "-- #{self}.migrate_from_acts_as_paranoid" $stdout.puts " -> #{"%.4fs" % time.real}" end def restore_all(*args) ActsAsArchive.deprecate "#{self}.restore_all is deprecated, please use #{self}.delete_all." self.delete_all *args end end module InstanceMethods def delete!(*args) ActsAsArchive.disable { self.delete(*args) } end def destroy!(*args) ActsAsArchive.disable { self.destroy(*args) } end end end module DatabaseStatements def self.included(base) unless base.included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods) base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.class_eval do unless method_defined?(:delete_sql_without_archive) alias_method :delete_sql_without_archive, :delete_sql alias_method :delete_sql, :delete_sql_with_archive end end end end module InstanceMethods def delete_sql_with_archive(sql, name = nil) @mutex ||= @mutex.synchronize do unless ActsAsArchive.disabled from, where = /DELETE FROM (.+)/i.match(sql)[1].split(/\s+WHERE\s+/i, 2) from = from.strip.gsub(/`/, '').split(/\s*,\s*/) ActsAsArchive.find(from).each do |config| ActsAsArchive.move(config, where) end end end delete_sql_without_archive(sql, name) end end end end ::ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ::ActsAsArchive::Base) ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::DatabaseStatements.send(:include, ::ActsAsArchive::DatabaseStatements) require "acts_as_archive/adapters/rails#{Rails.version[0..0]}" if defined?(Rails) require "acts_as_archive/adapters/sinatra" if defined?(Sinatra)