module Compass module AppIntegration module Rails extend self def initialize! Compass::Util.compass_warn("WARNING: Please remove the call to Compass::AppIntegration::Rails.initialize! from #{caller[0].sub(/:.*$/,'')};\nWARNING: This is done automatically now. If this is default compass initializer you can just remove the file.") end def root Compass::Util.compass_warn("WARNING: Please remove the call to Compass::AppIntegration::Rails.root from #{caller[0].sub(/:.*$/,'')};\nWARNING: This is done automatically now. If this is default compass initializer you can just remove the file.") ::Rails.root end def env Compass::Util.compass_warn("WARNING: Please remove the call to Compass::AppIntegration::Rails.env from #{caller[0].sub(/:.*$/,'')};\nWARNING: This is done automatically now. If this is default compass initializer you can just remove the file.") ::Rails.env end end end end