# frozen_string_literal: true require 'ui_bibz/ui/core/navigations/components/navbar_nav' require 'ui_bibz/ui/core/navigations/components/navbar_text' require 'ui_bibz/ui/core/navigations/components/navbar_form' require 'ui_bibz/ui/core/navigations/components/navbar_brand' module UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navigations # Create a Navbar # # This element is an extend of UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component. # # ==== Attributes # # * +content+ - Content of element # * +options+ - Options of element # * +html_options+ - Html Options of element # # ==== Options # # You can add HTML attributes using the +html_options+. # You can pass arguments in options attribute: # * +type+ - Symbol # (+:light+, +:dark+) # * +glyph+ # * +status+ # (+:secondary+, +:primary+, +:info+, +:warning+, +:danger+, +inverse+) # * +position+ - Symbol # (+:top+, +:bottom+) # * +position_type+ - Symbol # (+:fixed+, +:sticky+) # * +title+ - String # * +container+ - Hash container options # * +container_html+ - Hash container html options # * +expand_size+ - Symbol size # (+:sm+, +:md+, +:lg+, +:xl+, +:xxl+) # # ==== Signatures # # # UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navbar.new(options = nil, html_options = nil).tap do |nb| # ... # nb.nav(options = nil, html_options = nil) do |n| # n.link content options = nil, html_options = nil, &block # n.link content options = nil, html_options = nil, &block # end # ... # end # # ==== Examples # # UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navbar.new().tap do |nb| # nb.nav(position: :right) do |n| # n.link 'Link 1', "#" # n.link 'Link 2', "#" # end # nb.form(url: 'search/', type: :form_tag) do # text_field_tag 'search', nil, { class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Search' } # button 'Submit', type: :submit # end # nb.text 'My text' # end.render # # ==== Helper # # ui_navbar(options = {}, html_options = {}) do |nb| # nb.nav(options = {}, html_options = {}) do |n| # n.link(content, options = {}, html_options = {}) # n.link(options = {}, html_options = {}) do # content # end # end # nb.brand content # nb.link 'toto', "#" # end # class Navbar < UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component include UiBibz::Ui::Concerns::HtmlConcern # See UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component.initialize def initialize(content = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block) super @items = [] end # Render html tag def pre_render content_tag :nav, html_options do UiBibz::Ui::Core::Layouts::Container.new(options[:container], options[:container_html]) do if brand_position == :left concat title concat @navbar_toggle_html end concat navbar_toggle_button_html if brand_position == :right concat title concat @navbar_toggle_html end concat body_html end.render end end # Add navbar nav items # See UiBibz::Ui::Core::NavbarNav def nav(content = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block) options ||= {} @items << UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navigations::NavbarNav.new(content, options, html_options).tap(&block) end # Add navbar form items # See UiBibz::Ui::Core::NavbarForm def form(model_or_url, options = {}, &block) @items << UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navigations::NavbarForm.new(model_or_url, options, &block) end # Not use !!!!! # Add navbar text items # See UiBibz::Ui::Core::NavbarText def text(content = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block) @items << UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navigations::NavbarText.new(content, options, html_options, &block) end def brand(content = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block) @brand = UiBibz::Ui::Core::Navigations::NavbarBrand.new(content, options, html_options, &block).render end def spacer(num = 'auto') kls = " me-#{num}" @items.last.html_options[:class].nil? ? @items.last.html_options[:class] = kls : @items.last.html_options[:class] << kls end def id @id ||= generate_id('navbar-id') end def navbar_toggle_html(content = nil, &block) @navbar_toggle_html = if block.nil? content else context = eval('self', block.binding) # rubocop:disable Style/EvalWithLocation context.capture(&block) end end private def component_html_classes ['navbar', type, position, expand_size] end def title @title ||= if @brand.nil? brand(@options[:title]) unless @options[:title].nil? else @brand end end def body_html content_tag :div, class: 'navbar-collapse collapse', id: id do concat @items.map(&:render).join.html_safe end end def navbar_toggle_button_html content_tag :button, '☰', class: 'navbar-toggler hidden-sm-up', type: :button, data: { "bs-toggle": 'collapse', "bs-target": "##{id}" } end def expand_size "navbar-expand-#{@options[:expand_size] || :lg}" unless options[:collapsible] == false end def position "#{position_type}-#{@options[:position]}" unless @options[:position].nil? end def brand_position @options[:brand_position] || :left end # fixed || sticky def position_type @options[:position_type] || 'fixed' end def type "navbar-#{@options[:type] || 'light'}" end def status "bg-#{@options[:status]}" unless @options[:status].nil? end end end