#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = GanttHeader.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'taskjuggler/reports/GanttHeaderScaleItem' class TaskJuggler # This class stores output format independent information to describe a # GanttChart header. A Gantt chart header consists of 2 lines. The top line # holds the large scale (e. g. the year or month and year) and the lower line # holds the small scale (e. g. week or day). class GanttHeader attr_reader :gridLines, :nowLineX, :cellStartDates attr_accessor :height # Create a GanttHeader object and generate the scales for the header. def initialize(chart) @chart = chart @largeScale = [] @smallScale = [] # Positions where chart should be marked with vertical lines that match # the large scale. @gridLines = [] # X coordinate of the "now" line. nil if "now" is off-chart. @nowLineX = nil # The x coordinates and width of the cells created by the small scale. The # values are stored as [ x, w ]. @cellStartDates = [] # The height of the header in pixels. @height = 39 generate end # Convert the header into an HTML format. def to_html div = XMLElement.new('div', 'class' => 'tabback', 'style' => "margin:0px; padding:0px; " + "position:relative; " + "width:#{@chart.width.to_i}px; " + "height:#{@height.to_i}px; " + "font-size:#{(@height / 4).to_i}px; ") @largeScale.each { |s| div << s.to_html } @smallScale.each { |s| div << s.to_html } div end private # Call genHeaderScale with the right set of parameters (depending on the # selected scale) for the lower and upper header line. def generate # The 2 header lines are separated by a 1 pixel boundary. h = ((@height - 1) / 2).to_i case @chart.scale['name'] when 'hour' genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :midnight, :sameTimeNextDay, :weekdayAndDate) genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfHour, :sameTimeNextHour, :hour) when 'day' genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth, :monthAndYear) genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :midnight, :sameTimeNextDay, :day) when 'week' genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth, :monthAndYear) genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfWeek, :sameTimeNextWeek, :week) when 'month' genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear, :year) genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfMonth, :sameTimeNextMonth, :shortMonthName) when 'quarter' genHeaderScale(@largeScale, 0, h, :beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear, :year) genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfQuarter, :sameTimeNextQuarter, :quarterName) when 'year' genHeaderScale(@smallScale, h + 1, h, :beginOfYear, :sameTimeNextYear, :year) else raise "Unknown scale: #{@chart.scale['name']}" end nlx = @chart.dateToX(@chart.now) @nowLineX = nlx if nlx end # Generate the actual scale cells. def genHeaderScale(scale, y, h, beginOfFunc, sameTimeNextFunc, nameFunc) # The beginOfWeek function needs a parameter, so we have to handle it as a # special case. if beginOfFunc == :beginOfWeek t = @chart.start.send(beginOfFunc, @chart.weekStartsMonday) else t = @chart.start.send(beginOfFunc) end # Now we iterate of the report period in steps defined by # sameTimeNextFunc. For each time slot we generate GanttHeaderScaleItem # object and append it to the scale. while t < @chart.end nextT = t.send(sameTimeNextFunc) # Determine the end of the cell. We keep 1 pixel for the boundary. w = (xR = @chart.dateToX(nextT).to_i - 1) - (x = @chart.dateToX(t).to_i) # We collect the positions of the large grid scale marks for later use # in the chart. if scale == @largeScale @gridLines << xR else @cellStartDates << t end # Again, nameFunc needs special handling for the week case due to the # extra parameter. name = nameFunc == :week ? t.send(nameFunc, @chart.weekStartsMonday) : t.send(nameFunc) scale << GanttHeaderScaleItem.new(name, x, y, w, h) t = nextT end # Add the end date of the last cell when generating the small scale. @cellStartDates << t if scale == @smallScale end end end