module Netzke module Stylesheets extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :css_included_files self.css_included_files = [] end module ClassMethods # Returns all extra CSS code (as string) required by this component's class def css_included # Prevent re-including code that was already included by the parent # (thus, only include those JS files when include_js was defined in the current class, not in its ancestors) ((singleton_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:include_css) ? include_css : [] ) + css_included_files).inject(""){ |r, path| r + + "\n"} end # All CSS code needed for this class including the one from the ancestor component def css_code(cached = []) res = "" # include the base-class javascript if doing JS inheritance res << superclass.css_code << "\n" if extends_netzke_component? && !cached.include?(superclass.short_component_class_name) res << css_included << "\n" res end # Use it to specify stylesheet files to be loaded along with this component. # It may accept one or more symbols or strings. Strings will be interpreted as full paths to included files: # # css_include "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/my_component/one.css", "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/my_component/two.css" # # Symbols will be expanded following a convention, e.g.: # # class MyComponent < Netzke::Base # css_include :some_library # # ... # end # # This will "include" a stylesheet file +{component_location}/my_component/stylesheets/some_library.js+ def css_include(*args) callr = caller.first self.css_included_files +={ |a| a.is_a?(Symbol) ? expand_css_include_path(a, callr) : a } end protected def expand_css_include_path(sym, callr) # :nodoc: %Q(#{callr.split(".rb:").first}/stylesheets/#{sym}.css) end end module InstanceMethods def css_missing_code(cached = []) code = dependency_classes.inject("") do |r,k| cached.include?(k.js_xtype) ? r : r + k.css_code(cached) end code.blank? ? nil : code end end end end