module React module FunctionComponent module Resolution def self.included(base) base.instance_exec do alias _react_component_resolution_original_const_missing const_missing def const_missing(const_name) %x{ if (typeof[const_name] == "object") { var new_const = #{`[const_name]`, const_name)}; #{Object.const_set(const_name, `new_const`)}; return new_const; } else { return #{_react_component_resolution_original_const_missing(const_name)}; } } end end end alias _react_component_resolution_original_method_missing method_missing def method_missing(component_name, *args, &block) # html tags are defined as methods, so they will not end up here. # first check for native component and render it, we want to be fast for native components # second check for ruby component and render it, they are a bit slower anyway # third pass on method missing %x{ var component = null; if (typeof[component_name] == "function") { component =[component_name]; } else { try { var constant = self.$class().$const_get(component_name, true); if (typeof constant.react_component == "function") { component = constant.react_component; } } catch(err) { component = null; } } if (component) { var props = null; if (args.length > 0) { props = Opal.React.to_native_react_props(args[0]); } Opal.React.internal_render(component, props, block); } else { return #{_react_component_resolution_original_method_missing(component_name, *args, block)}; } } end end end end