module Ironfan class Provider class Ec2 class ElasticLoadBalancer < Ironfan::Provider::Resource delegate :availability_zones, :configure_health_check, :deregister_instances, :disable_availability_zones, :enable_availability_zones, :health_check, :instances, :listeners, :policies, :register_instances, :source_group, :to => :adaptee def self.shared?() true; end def self.multiple?() true; end def self.resource_type() :elastic_load_balancer; end def self.expected_ids(computer) ec2 = { |elb| self.full_name(computer, elb) }.uniq end def name() end # # Discovery # def self.load!(cluster=nil) Ec2.elb.load_balancers.each do |raw| register raw unless raw.blank? end end def receive_adaptee(obj) obj = if obj.is_a?(Hash) super end def to_s "<%-15s>" % name end # # Manipulation # def self.aggregate!(computers) ec2_computers = { |c| Ec2.applicable c } return if ec2_computers.empty? load! # Find out which ELBs already exist in EC2 running_computers = { |c| c.running? } elbs_for_running_computers = { |c| self.expected_ids(c) }.flatten.uniq elbs_for_stopped_computers = { |c| not c.running? }.map { |c| self.expected_ids(c) }.flatten.uniq elbs_to_start = [ elbs_for_running_computers ].flatten.compact.reject { |elb_name| recall? elb_name } elbs_to_stop = [ elbs_for_stopped_computers - elbs_for_running_computers ] { |elb_name| recall? elb_name } elbs_to_stop.each do |elb_name| Ironfan.step(elb_name, "stopping unused elastic load balancer #{elb_name}", :blue) Ec2.elb.delete_load_balancer(elb_name) forget elb_name end [ elbs_to_start, elbs_for_running_computers ].flatten.sort.uniq.each do |elb_name| computers_using_this_elb = { |c| self.expected_ids(c).include?(elb_name) } self.start_or_sync_elb(elb_name, computers_using_this_elb, elbs_to_start.include?(elb_name)) end load! end private def self.start_or_sync_elb(elb_name, computers, start_elb) # We'll need to know which computers are using this ELB. There must be some, or # we wouldn't be in this method. availability_zones = { |c| c.machine.availability_zone }.uniq.sort health_check, listeners, ssl_policy = self.fog_elb_parameters(elb_name, computers.first) if start_elb Ironfan.step(elb_name, "creating elastic load balancer", :blue) self.patiently(elb_name, Fog::AWS::IAM::NotFound, :message => "waiting for SSL certificate(s) to appear", :display => true) do Ec2.elb.create_load_balancer(availability_zones, elb_name, listeners) end load! # Repopulate known list with native ELB object end elb = recall(elb_name) Ironfan.step(, "syncing elastic load balancer", :blue) # Did the list of availability zones for this ELB change? if availability_zones != elb.availability_zones.sort Ironfan.step(, " updating availability zones to #{availability_zones.join(', ')}", :blue) to_add = availability_zones - elb.availability_zones to_remove = elb.availability_zones - availability_zones elb.enable_availability_zones(to_add) unless to_add.empty? elb.disable_availability_zones(to_remove) unless to_remove.empty? end # Did the health check configuration change? if health_check != elb.health_check Ironfan.step(, " updating health check", :blue) elb.configure_health_check(health_check) end # Make sure SSL policy exists and is set on all SSL-enabled load balancer ports Ironfan.step(, " syncing generated policy #{ssl_policy[:name]}", :blue) Ec2.elb.create_load_balancer_policy(, ssl_policy[:name], 'SSLNegotiationPolicyType', ssl_policy[:attributes]) # Did the listener configuration change? all_lb_ports = { |l| l['LoadBalancerPort'] }.sort.uniq remove_listeners = [ ] elb.listeners.each do |el| match = listeners.detect { |l| l['Protocol'].eql?(el.protocol) && l['LoadBalancerPort'].eql?(el.lb_port) && l['InstanceProtocol'].eql?(el.instance_protocol) && l['InstancePort'].eql?(el.instance_port) && l['SSLCertificateId'].eql?(el.ssl_id) } if match listeners.reject! { |l| l.eql? match } else remove_listeners << el.lb_port end end reload = false unless remove_listeners.empty? Ironfan.step(, " removing listener from ports #{remove_listeners.join(', ')}", :blue) Ec2.elb.delete_load_balancer_listeners(, remove_listeners) reload = true end unless listeners.empty? Ironfan.step(, " adding listeners on ports #{ { |l| l['LoadBalancerPort'] }.join(', ')}", :blue) self.patiently(elb_name, Fog::AWS::IAM::NotFound, :message => "waiting for SSL certificate(s) to appear", :display => true) do Ec2.elb.create_load_balancer_listeners(, listeners) end reload = true end if reload forget Ironfan.step(, " reloading from EC2", :blue) load! elb = recall end removed_policies = [ ] elb.listeners.each do |l| l.policy_names.reject { |p| p == ssl_policy[:name] }.each do |remove| removed_policies << remove Ironfan.step(, " removing unused policy #{remove} from port #{l.lb_port} listener", :blue) end if l.ssl_id and !l.policy_names.include?(ssl_policy[:name]) Ironfan.step(, " adding policy #{ssl_policy[:name]} to port #{l.lb_port} listener", :blue) Ec2.elb.set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener(, l.lb_port, [ ssl_policy[:name] ]) end end removed_policies.each do |remove| Ironfan.step(, " deleting now-unused policy #{remove}", :blue) Ec2.elb.delete_load_balancer_policy(, remove) end # Did the list of instances change? running_instances = { |c| }.sort if running_instances != elb.instances.sort Ironfan.step(, " updating instance list", :blue) to_add = running_instances - elb.instances unless to_add.empty? Ironfan.step(, " adding instances #{to_add.join(', ')}", :blue) elb.register_instances(to_add) end to_remove = elb.instances - running_instances unless to_remove.empty? Ironfan.step(, " removing instances #{to_remove.join(', ')}", :blue) elb.deregister_instances(to_remove) end end # Make sure that all of the relevant security groups allow access to the ELB # on the health check and listener ports elb_sg = elb.source_group all_facet_sgs = { |c| "#{c.server.cluster_name}-#{c.server.facet_name}" } do |sg_name| Ironfan::Provider::Ec2::SecurityGroup.recall sg_name end do |facet_sg| self.patiently(, Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, :ignore => { |e| e.message =~ /InvalidPermission\.Duplicate/ }) do facet_sg.authorize_port_range(1..65535, :group => { elb_sg['OwnerAlias'] => elb_sg['GroupName'] }) end end end def self.full_name(computer, elb) "ironfan-%s-%s" % [ computer.server.cluster_name, ] end def self.fog_elb_parameters(elb_name, computer) elb_name = elb_name.sub("ironfan-#{computer.server.cluster_name}-", '') cloud = elb = cloud.elastic_load_balancers[elb_name] # Health checking parameters health_check = elb.health_check.to_fog # Port/protocol listening configurations cert_lookup = { } cloud.iam_server_certificates.keys.each do |cert_key| cert = cloud.iam_server_certificates[cert_key] id = Ironfan::Provider::Ec2::IamServerCertificate.expected_id(computer, cert) cert_lookup[cert_key] = Ironfan::Provider::Ec2::IamServerCertificate.recall(id)['Arn'] end listeners = elb.listeners_to_fog(cert_lookup) # The SSL policy, if any, for this ELB ssl_policy = elb.ssl_policy_to_fog # A list of parameters that can be used in Fog calls [ health_check, listeners, ssl_policy ] end end end end end