module KnapsackPro module TestCaseDetectors class RSpecTestExampleDetector def generate_json_report require 'rspec/core' cli_format = if <'3.6.0') require_relative '../formatters/rspec_json_formatter' ['--format', KnapsackPro::Formatters::RSpecJsonFormatter.to_s] else ['--format', 'json'] end ensure_report_dir_exists remove_old_json_report test_file_entities = slow_test_files if test_file_entities.empty? no_examples_json = { examples: [] }.to_json File.write(report_path, no_examples_json) return end cli_args = cli_format + [ '--dry-run', '--out', report_path, '--default-path', test_dir, ] + KnapsackPro::TestFilePresenter.paths(test_file_entities) options = exit_code =$stderr, $stdout) if exit_code != 0 debug_cmd = ([ 'bundle exec rspec', ] + cli_args).join(' ') KnapsackPro.logger.error('-'*10 + ' START of actionable error message ' + '-'*50) KnapsackPro.logger.error('RSpec (with a dry-run option) had a problem generating the report with test examples for the slow test files. Here is what you can do:') KnapsackPro.logger.error("a) Please look for an error message from RSpec in the output above or below. If you don't see anything, that is fine. Sometimes RSpec does not produce any errors in the output.") KnapsackPro.logger.error("b) Check if RSpec generated the report file #{report_path}. If the report exists, it may contain an error message. Here is a preview of the report file:") KnapsackPro.logger.error(report_content || 'N/A') KnapsackPro.logger.error('c) To reproduce the error manually, please run the following RSpec command. This way, you can find out what is causing the error. Please ensure you run the command in the same environment where the error occurred. For instance, if the error happens on the CI server, you should run the command in the CI environment:') KnapsackPro.logger.error(debug_cmd) KnapsackPro.logger.error('-'*10 + ' END of actionable error message ' + '-'*50) raise 'There was a problem while generating test examples for the slow test files. Please read the actionable error message above.' end end def test_file_example_paths raise "No report found at #{report_path}" unless File.exist?(report_path) json_report = hash_report = JSON.parse(json_report) hash_report .fetch('examples') .map { |e| e.fetch('id') } .map { |path_with_example_id| test_file_hash_for(path_with_example_id) } end def slow_test_files if KnapsackPro::Config::Env.slow_test_file_pattern KnapsackPro::TestFileFinder.slow_test_files_by_pattern(adapter_class) else # read slow test files from JSON file on disk that was generated # by lib/knapsack_pro/base_allocator_builder.rb KnapsackPro::SlowTestFileDeterminer.read_from_json_report end end private def report_dir "#{KnapsackPro::Config::TempFiles::TEMP_DIRECTORY_PATH}/test_case_detectors/rspec" end def report_path "#{report_dir}/rspec_dry_run_json_report_node_#{KnapsackPro::Config::Env.ci_node_index}.json" end def report_content if File.exist?(report_path) end def adapter_class KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter end def test_dir KnapsackPro::Config::Env.test_dir || KnapsackPro::TestFilePattern.test_dir(adapter_class) end def test_file_pattern end def ensure_report_dir_exists KnapsackPro::Config::TempFiles.ensure_temp_directory_exists! FileUtils.mkdir_p(report_dir) end def remove_old_json_report File.delete(report_path) if File.exist?(report_path) end def test_file_hash_for(test_file_path) { 'path' => TestFileCleaner.clean(test_file_path) } end end end end