## 1.5.1 (2010-??-??) * `Job.destroy` and `Resque.dequeue` return the # of destroyed jobs. * Hoptoad notifier improvements * Web bugfix: Tabs highlight properly now ## 1.5.0 (2010-02-17) * Version now included in procline, e.g. `resque-1.5.0: Message` * Web bugfix: Ignore idle works in the "working" page * Added `Resque::Job.destroy(queue, klass, *args)` * Added `Resque.dequeue(klass, *args)` ## 1.4.0 (2010-02-11) * Fallback when unable to bind QUIT and USR1 for Windows and JRuby. * Fallback when no `Kernel.fork` is provided (for IronRuby). * Web: Rounded corners in Firefox * Cut down system calls in `Worker#prune_dead_workers` * Enable switching DB in a Redis server from config * Support USR2 and CONT to stop and start job processing. * Web: Add example failing job * Bugfix: `Worker#unregister_worker` shouldn't call `done_working` * Bugfix: Example god config now restarts Resque properly. * Multiple failure backends now permitted. * Hoptoad failure backend updated to new API ## 1.3.1 (2010-01-11) * Vegas bugfix: Don't error without a config ## 1.3.0 (2010-01-11) * Use Vegas for resque-web * Web Bugfix: Show proper date/time value for failed_at on Failures * Web Bugfix: Make the / route more flexible * Add Resque::Server.tabs array (so plugins can add their own tabs) * Start using [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) ## 1.2.4 (2009-12-15) * Web Bugfix: fix key links on stat page ## 1.2.3 (2009-12-15) * Bugfix: Fixed `rand` seeding in child processes. * Bugfix: Better JSON encoding/decoding without Yajl. * Bugfix: Avoid `ps` flag error on Linux * Add `PREFIX` observance to `rake` install tasks. ## 1.2.2 (2009-12-08) * Bugfix: Job equality was not properly implemented. ## 1.2.1 (2009-12-07) * Added `rake resque:workers` task for starting multiple workers. * 1.9.x compatibility * Bugfix: Yajl decoder doesn't care about valid UTF-8 * config.ru loads RESQUECONFIG if the ENV variable is set. * `resque-web` now sets RESQUECONFIG * Job objects know if they are equal. * Jobs can be re-queued using `Job#recreate` ## 1.2.0 (2009-11-25) * If USR1 is sent and no child is found, shutdown. * Raise when a job class does not respond to `perform`. * Added `Resque.remove_queue` for deleting a queue ## 1.1.0 (2009-11-04) * Bugfix: Broken ERB tag in failure UI * Bugfix: Save the worker's ID, not the worker itself, in the failure module * Redesigned the sinatra web interface * Added option to clear failed jobs ## 1.0.0 (2009-11-03) * First release.